Mecha Forger

Chapter 19 A hero does not mention his former bravery

Old Bu, who had no ability to predict the future, had no idea what Tang Fan had in mind, and was smiling as he watched the group of them playing with the furniture in their room.

Mr. Zhao Ziyang is a loyal fan of Chinese style. Memory metal is transformed into layers of canopy beds, square tables, Taishi chairs, mahogany toilets, mahogany washbasins...

Zhao Fan chose a simple modern style. There was nothing in the whole room except the big black bed, and the bathroom was completely white...

Tang Fan's room basically maintained the same style as Zhao Fan's.

Except for the choice of blue color and one more workbench than Zhao Fan, the other differences are not big.

When everyone saw Brad's room, their expressions were wonderful.

The brightly colored large bed has a unique omelette shape, and the fluffy piece of bread on it should be a quilt!

Pizza-shaped table, instant noodle-shaped sofa, cake-shaped toilet...

These brightly colored and oddly shaped furniture fully demonstrate the foodie nature of the owner of the room.

Looking at Brad's room, Zhao Fan, who had always been calm and happy-go-lucky, immediately trembled. Without saying a word, he immediately rushed to the living room and kitchen and directly arranged the furniture there, and specially set up a monthly fixed pattern.

It was the first time he saw Zhao Fan's paralyzed face with a look similar to worry. Mr. Zhao Ziyang was so happy that he not only watched the joke himself, but also recorded a video of Zhao Fan's embarrassing behavior and sent it back to the family group.

Because of this, Zhao Fan was laughed at by his family for a whole year.

Of course, this is another story.

After finally packing up this temporary home, a group of people finally reached the last step of the itinerary - visiting the workshop.

This is what Mr. Zhao Ziyang's family does. He can be said to have grown up on the factory floor, and his attitude toward such visits is nothing more than a routine one.

But it was the first time in their lives that the three children visited the entire mecha production process.

Even though Lao Bu, a small factory, produced basically third- to fourth-level standard mechas, it didn't dampen their enthusiasm by half.

But when they walked into the workshop, they realized that they were still too young, and many things were not what they imagined.

Everyone knows that a mecha has five parts: fuselage, operating system, cockpit, maintenance compartment, and energy supply system.

We also know that the fuselage is divided into helmet, armor, left shoulder pad, right shoulder pad, left arm armor, right arm armor, left arm armor, right arm armor, waist protector, left leg armor, right leg armor, left combat boots, and right combat boots. Thirteen parts of the boot.

But the workers in the workshop who made mechas had never really seen a few mechas in their lives.

They have been working for a lifetime, maybe just mechanically repeating the same or a few actions to complete the production or assembly of a certain part.

They have no idea what role the parts they made are used in the mecha.

From the first workshop to the tenth workshop, both Brad and Zhao Fan looked confused.

Tang Fan, who was barely considered an expert, quickly got into the role, quickly observing the movements and parts in the hands of the workers, constantly connecting with the knowledge in his mind.

Many times, Tang Fan would stop because he was too fascinated by what he was watching.

Mr. Zhao Ziyang and Lao Bu did not rush him. Instead, they stopped with a look of relief and followed Tang Fan's footsteps.

This may be the so-called "laymen watch the excitement, experts watch the door".

When Brad and Zhao Fan were so sleepy that they almost came out, the assembly workshop finally arrived.

There were countless parts that could not be distinguished, and after a series of dizzying operations by the assembly masters, the tip of the iceberg was finally revealed, and the prototype of the mecha was finally revealed.

Both Brad and Zhao Fan were able to distinguish the locations and uses of these components with relish, but Tang Fan was even more unable to walk.

He looked at one station after another, making gestures with his hands in the air. Only when his movements gradually became smooth and skillful did he move to the next station.

If you take a closer look, you will be surprised to find that Tang Fan's movements are basically in sync with the assembly master's.

In other words, he copied the assembly process of all the assembly masters.

Such an astonishing learning ability surprised even Mr. Zhao Ziyang, who had worked and lived with the so-called geniuses of the Zhao family since he was a child, not to mention Lao Bu.

What is talent?

The thin boy in front of me is a genius!

Old Bu narrowed his eyes and waved his hand, and a large pile of parts was piled in front of Tang Fan.

Old Bu patted Tang Fan on the shoulder and raised his chin towards the parts, "You try?"

Mr. Zhao Ziyang opened his mouth. He was about to say something, but he held it back.

Tang Fan looked at Old Bu, then at Mr. Zhao Ziyang, raised his eyebrows, and sat down next to the parts.

This was a test paper given to him and he had to give an answer.

Tang Fan carefully selected for a long time, and the parts in front of him piled up into a small mountain. Only then did Tang Fan stop with satisfaction and assemble it step by step according to the technique he just learned.

The left boot and right boot are fast and accurate, and the left leg and right leg are not difficult either.

As for the waist protector...

Tang Fan looked at the waist protector he had just put on and pursed his lips. Old Bu couldn't help but frown at the side.

He was about to speak, but Mr. Zhao Ziyang covered his mouth.

Three seconds later, Tang Fan removed the waist protector and fiddled with it. He took off a cylindrical part and fiddled with it for a few minutes before reinstalling it.

The waist protector stood firmly and impartially.

Tang Fan was satisfied, and Mr. Zhao Ziyang silently released Old Bu's mouth.

Put the armor up, connect the left arm armor and right arm armor, connect the left arm armor and right arm armor, followed by the left shoulder pad and right shoulder pad.

After the helmet is installed, a complete body appears in front of everyone.

Lao Bu finally couldn't help it anymore, "Have you ever done this job before?"

Tang Fan shook his head.

Brad put his arm around Tang Fan's shoulders and chuckled, "You are dishonest! Do you have too many mechas installed in my house?"

Mr. Zhao Ziyang glanced at Brad and smiled, "Why, Brad, your family also runs a mecha factory?"

Brad quickly shook his head and waved his hands, fearing that Old Bu would misunderstand.

"Our family just opened a repair shop, but we didn't compete with you, Boss Bu, for business!"

Before Old Bu could speak, Mr. Zhao Ziyang took over the conversation again.

"How can mecha repair be the same as assembling a complete mecha?"

Brad scratched his head and laughed twice, "Is it different? Except that it takes a little longer, everything else is the same!

Ah Fan is the best repairman there. As long as the price is right, any kind of mecha can survive in his hands..."

Before Brad could finish speaking, his mouth was covered tightly by Tang Fan.

A good man does not mention his bravery.

What's more, some things are too good to be said.

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