Mecha Forger

Chapter 202 S-level

Relying on "My father is Cao Xun", Cao Wenjie has been traveling in the world for so many years and has never experienced defeat.

Today, he suddenly kicked an iron plate and teased him about his physical and mental strength levels.

How could Cao Wenjie tolerate this kind of thing?

On impulse, he punched Tang Fan's pretty face with his fist.

Although he was wearing a dress, it did not have a great impact on Tang Fan. He successfully dodged the punch with a left dodge, but his slender fingers firmly grasped Cao Wenjie's wrist in the next second and threw it over his shoulder. He slammed Cao Wenjie to the ground.

The ladies screamed immediately in the banquet hall.

After a while, the area around Tang Fan was cleared.

Apart from the parties involved, Tang Fan and Cao Wenjie, the only ones left were Qin Yi, who was not too concerned about the fuss, and Olaf Field, the host of the banquet.

Tang Fan glanced at his dress, clicked his tongue, tore off half of the hem, threw it in Cao Wenjie's face, and sneered: "Do you want to continue?"

I don't know what Qin Yi put on Tang Fan's wrist. Tang Fan just rubbed a little of it when tearing off the hem of her skirt and threw it on Cao Wenjie. Cao Wenjie's attitude changed three times.

It only took a few seconds to go from confused, to angry, to rushing towards Tang Fan with red eyes.

Tang Fan worked hard to attend a banquet, and the purpose was not to find a sandbag to play with.

Cao Wenjie's physical fitness is already much lower than that of Tang Fan, not to mention that what he has learned is just a showman, which is completely incomparable with Tang Fan's training in actual combat.

Under Tang Fan's deliberate temptation, the flames of war gradually came to Olaf Field's side.

Although he knew that Tang Fan did it on purpose, as the host of the banquet, the fight started in front of him in full view of everyone, and Olaf Field had to step forward to "break up the fight"!

Tang Fan was easy to talk about. She was wearing a dress, even if it was half-torn, her movements were somewhat restricted. When Olaf Field stepped forward to start a fight, she immediately switched from offense to defense and hid whenever she could.

On the contrary, Cao Wenjie became more and more frustrated. Olaf Field said a lot of good and bad things, but he didn't give him any face.

Before Olaf Field broke up the fight, most of his fists were directed towards Tang Fan. After Olaf Field broke up the fight, most of his fists were given to him.

Olaf Field talked about it all, but Cao Wenjie turned a deaf ear to it.

As time goes by, Olaf Field's restraint is disintegrating little by little.

Smelling the increasingly strong scent of perfume around him, Tang Fan blinked at Qin Yi.

Qin Yi looked at the three people who had formed the posture of an eagle catching a chicken, suppressed a smile and nodded.

For Qin Yi, storing a little bit of air and analyzing it is just a matter of pressing the space button and clicking the optical brain a few times.

Among a group of guests who were busy videotaping and sharing, not only was it inconspicuous, but it actually seemed very "pleasant".

Fists and feet have no eyes, even between "Chicken" Tang Fan and "Hen" Olaf Field, physical contact is inevitable.

Just like this, when Tang Fan's fist brushed Olaf Field's cheek, Tang Fan clearly felt that the fragrance around him was a little stronger again.

The scent did not completely take away Tang Fan's attention, but the touch on her hands almost made her lose her mind.

She actually felt the coldness of metal from Olaf Field's face.

As a mecha caster who has experienced many battles, this feeling is too familiar to her and she is absolutely unmistakable.

Tang Fan's fists tightened, and he further distanced himself from the two men.

The famous scene of an eagle catching a chicken immediately turned into a men's doubles match.

Tang Fan, who had already withdrawn, immediately made a new discovery from the perspective of a bystander.

Although he tried his best to suppress his ancient strength, after her fist grazed his cheek, after only three moves, Cao Wenjie was already losing.

This means that Olaf Field is not as incompetent as he appears.

His mental power level is indeed not high, probably on the same level as Cao Wenjie. But his physical strength... may already be above hers.

Her physical and mental strength are already infinitely close to S-level.

That is to say, Olaf Field, who has just grown up, is already a master with physical strength S level or above.

This discovery made Tang Fan feel a little more uneasy.

The more he knew, the more Tang Fan became afraid of the Field family.

After barely holding on for more than twenty moves, Olaf Field finally took action and knocked Cao Wenjie to the ground, ending the battle.

Looking at Cao Wenjie, who was huddled on the ground and sweating in pain, Tang Fan estimated the strength of Olaf Field's last punch and pursed his lips.

Olaf Field seemed to realize that he had struck too hard, and quickly waved.

After a while, two servants who were strangers to Tang Fan carried Cao Wenjie away.

As for whether he should be taken to treatment or done with something else, that is not a question that Tang Fan should intervene in.

As long as Olaf Field still remembers that Cao Wenjie's father is Cao Xun, Cao Wenjie should still be able to see the sun in the capital star tomorrow.

Although Cao Wenjie was taken away, everyone's interest was gone. As the host of the banquet, Olaf Field expressed his sincere apology to everyone, and the banquet ended in an anticlimactic manner.

As the culprit for disturbing everyone's interest, Tang Fan also took the initiative to stand up and apologize to everyone.

In order to express his sincerity, Tang Fan said:

All guests present will receive a 10% discount on the purchase of Tang's mecha.

This sincerity was deeply felt by all the guests except the host of the banquet, Olaf Field.

Olaf Field was very emotional about Tang Fan's anti-customer behavior.

Tang Fan could smell this from the strong scent of perfume on his body.

Qin Yi, who was not far away, made a gesture to Tang Fan after watching the tenth analysis data appear completely.

Only then did Tang Fan stop his provocation, pulled Qin Yi and left the Field house as if running away.

The sky is big and the earth is big, and eating is the biggest thing.

After cashing in on the late night snack he promised Qin Yi, Tang Fan finally got Qin Yi's first-hand analysis data.

It's a pity that as a non-professional, Tang Fan can't understand a single data.

Qin Yi extorted two more meals from her, then took the data and translated it word for word for Tang Fan.

Qin Yi didn't pay too much attention to it at first, but the more he read, the more familiar it seemed, and the more he read, the more something was wrong.

Only halfway through explaining the first set of data, Qin Yi suddenly stopped.

She quickly browsed ten sets of data, and the more she read, the more frightened she became.

In the dining room of the Marshal's Mansion, which is the most suitable temperature for human beings, Qin Yi broke into a cold sweat.

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