Mecha Forger

Chapter 207 Result

Fighting in the street is actually not a big deal. Even if Tang Gang commits an attack in front of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and there is video evidence, according to the alliance's laws, it will only be a matter of being detained for a few days.

What's more, everything happens for a reason.

As a result, public opinion is inevitably one-sided.

Tangshan Iron and Steel has become the object of sympathy for the broad masses of the people.

In order not to arouse public anger, both the Cao family and the Field family proactively stood up and said that they were incompetent in raising their children and had no shame in bringing up the matter.

The client did not file a complaint, but Officer Inhe Debreu of the Public Security Department violently enforced the law without an arrest warrant.

The water here is a bit too deep.

The most indispensable thing for the broad masses of the people is imagination. The Cao family and the Field family had just issued a statement, and several different versions of the story were circulating within the alliance.

Those stories were much more exciting than what Tang Gang had experienced. Hearing them made Tang Gang doubt his life.

How could he not know that his life was so miserable?

A majestic army commander, a well-known figure in the Gamma Star Territory, when it came to these people's mouth, it was as if he was being bullied.

Since the day the Internet became available, keyboard warriors have emerged.

Those who are at a disadvantage will always receive more sympathy.

Today, Tangshan Iron and Steel is that poor man.

Although, he doesn't think so himself.

However, the "angry" keyboard warriors still "obliged" to "help him" invade the official websites of the Public Security Bureau and several related units, and posted a message indicating that Inhe Debreu had repeatedly violently enforced the law since he took office. irrefutable evidence.

He also strongly expressed his demands: to announce the results of the investigation into Inhe Debreu’s violent law enforcement and to severely punish the violent law enforcement element Inhe Debreu.

As a fuse, Tangshan Iron and Steel finally triggered a major earthquake in the Public Security Department.

As the protagonist of this incident, Inhe Debreu was kneeling in front of Joe Taylor, the director of the Capital Star Public Security Department, deeply repenting of his sins.

He didn't expect that just by taking some benefits from Cao Xun and dealing with a colonel from the edge star region, he would step on a hornet's nest.

Isn’t it because you didn’t follow the procedure and apply for an arrest warrant?

Wouldn't it be better to get a replacement?

Inhe Debru hugged Joe Taylor's thigh and begged: "Uncle, you must have a way!

As long as you file an arrest warrant."

Joe Taylor looked at the paralyzed official website, then looked at his nephew kneeling in front of him, unaware of how much trouble he had caused, and sighed deeply.

"This matter has already broken the news. Even if you find your aunt, I will still say the same thing:

I can't help you, just do it yourself! "

Inhe Deburu wanted to say something else, but was interrupted by a ringtone.

Three words flashed on Joe Taylor's brain: Commander.

Joe Taylor kicked Inhe Debreu away, looked at him deeply, took a deep breath, and then connected to the video call.

"Commander, Sheriff Joe Taylor is reporting to you!"

The fair-haired and boyish-looking commander did not give Joe Taylor any face, and the star network did not stop him from pointing at the tip of Joe Taylor's nose and yelling curses.

Joe Taylor felt that the face he had earned for half his life was gone at this moment.

But it was his nephew who was causing trouble, and he could do nothing but bow his head and listen to the instructions.

At that moment, between himself and his nephew, Joe Taylor finally made a choice.

Therefore, when the commander asked him to expel Inhe Debreu, the worm, from the ranks of the Public Security Department to express the anger of the people, although Joe Taylor was reluctant to give up, he still closed his eyes and slowly spit out a "yes!"

The word "yes" that came out of Joe Taylor's mouth became the last straw for Inhe Debreu.

Joe Taylor and his wife Mrs. Debreu had no children, and they regarded their nephew Inhe Debreu as their own child since childhood.

Because of his irritable temper and soft-eared nature, he was often tempted to do stupid things, both big and small.

In the past, Joe Taylor always picked it up heavily and put it down gently.

Inhe Deburu always thought that this time, it would be the same as before.

Unexpectedly, this time it hit a brick wall.

A small colonel actually has the support of the marshal's wife.

An unreasonable fight turned into an incident in which he violently enforced the law. He was also physically assaulted, and finally brought it to the attention of the commander.

Even his uncle, who loved him the most, did not hesitate to agree with the commander's decision to throw him out and the people were angry.

Inhe Deburu knew that he was finished.

His body collapsed on the ground, and his eyes were empty, as if he had no soul.

Joe Taylor hung up the video call and looked at Inhe Debreu with a bit of reluctance in his eyes.

But this reluctance only lasted for a few seconds.

After a few seconds, Joe Taylor finally turned around and left his office, leaving Inhe Debreu far behind.

He took the investigation report from his assistant and flipped through it a little, packed up his clothes, took a deep breath, opened the door of the Capital Star Public Security Bureau, and faced the reporters with a smile.

Joe Taylor is naturally somewhat capable if he can take the position of Director of the Sheriff's Department.

Facing the endless questions from reporters, he showed no sign of impatience. He simply avoided all language traps, explained the incident in a slightly biased way, and took on the management responsibility on behalf of the Public Security Department while avoiding the important and taking the easy. The lax responsibility conveniently threw the blame on Inhe Deburu and Cao Xun who asked him to do something.

In order to regain the goodwill of the people, this girl also faced the camera and said seriously: "The Public Security Department is the public servant of the alliance residents and accepts the supervision of the alliance residents.

I am deeply saddened and regretful that this kind of violent law enforcement occurred.

As the director of the Sheriff's Department, I should take full responsibility.

I am here to say to all the victims, I am sorry!

And I am willing to donate all my income this year to provide certain financial compensation to the victims.

Now, on behalf of the Sheriff's Department, I am announcing the results of the handling of the incident involving Inh Debreu's violent law enforcement.

First, based on the fact that Inhe Debreu violently enforced the law, the Capital City Public Security Bureau hereby announces that Inhe Debreu will be fired from all public offices and will never be hired.


Even the old fox Tang Gang said when watching the live broadcast: Joe Taylor's official style is very good. Even if I were in Joe Taylor's position, I might not be able to do better than him.

Especially when the person involved is inextricably linked to himself.

After all, he is the calf protector!

Because the incident involving Inhe Debreu was too big, the street fight at Tangshan Iron and Steel was just settled.

This result was somewhat beyond Tangshan Iron and Steel's expectations.

However, this is fine.

He will have enough time and energy to continue investigating Anna Smith and her baby Titan.

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