Mecha Forger

Chapter 211 Fame

The two people did not deliberately lower their voices, and their conversation between each other attracted many people's attention.

Those who were watching the fun and not taking it too seriously were already shouting and making a fuss.

But a starship is not a good place for a competition.

"I'll wait for you at the port!"

"Yin Qiu" glared at the man fiercely, protected "Yin Yulan", and got off the starship first.

The four seasons in the Sumerian Star Territory are very distinct, and it is the hottest time in the Sumerian Star Territory right now.

As soon as he stepped out of the starship, a wave of heat hit his face, and "Yin Qiu" couldn't help but frown.

She was not worried about herself, but worried about the delicate and frail "Yin Yulan" beside her.

Fortunately, there was a double-hugging sycamore tree beside the port, with lush branches and leaves, covering a large area of ​​shadow. "Yin Qiu" quickly helped "Yin Yulan" over.

The man who was a few steps behind "Yin Qiu", Jiang Yiwei walked out of the starship but did not see "Yin Qiu". He couldn't help but frowned, "Didn't that girl just run away without a fight?"

As soon as he finished speaking, some "kind-hearted people" around him pointed to the sycamore tree not far away.

Under the sycamore tree, the girl he thought had "fleeed without a fight" was carefully placing the "ugly girl" who could not bear the weight loss. Her slender back seemed to be broken if the wind got stronger.

How dare you dare to provoke him without thinking of your own abilities!

It’s really boring!

Jiang Yiwei took out a light energy dagger from the space buckle and tossed it in his hand.

After "Yin Qiu" had settled down, "Yin Yulan" turned around and met Jiang Yiwei's gaze.

That kind of cat-and-mouse look made "Yin Qiu" couldn't help but squint his eyes.

"Yin Qiu" slowly stood up straight and looked at Jiang Yiwei, "Are you ready?"

Jiang Yiwei paused while playing with the dagger and sneered: "I should be the one to ask you this, right?"

"Yin Qiu" didn't bother with him, "Since you're ready, let's get started!"

As soon as "Yin Qiu" finished speaking, Jiang Yiwei's light energy dagger struck at her neck. "Yin Qiu" leaned back, dodged the light energy dagger, and then punched Jiang Yiwei's neck. On the wrist.

A simple punch, but with tremendous power, the light energy dagger in Jiang Yiwei's hand immediately flew out, and his hand drooped.

The next second, Jiang Yiwei no longer cared about the martial arts competition, and directly covered his wrist and screamed.

Just when Jiang Yiwei was screaming, "Yin Qiu" had already picked up the light energy dagger he flew out, imitating Jiang Yiwei's example, and started playing with it.

"Do you want to continue?"

Jiang Yiwei looked at her cold eyes without any doubt that if he dared to say the word "want", the dagger would appear on his chest or neck in the next second.

"I surrender!"

"Yin Qiu" clicked his tongue, "Since we have admitted defeat, what about our bet?"

Jiang Yiwei took a deep look at "Yin Qiu", and under everyone's attention, he walked step by step towards the girl enjoying the cool under the sycamore tree, and said reluctantly: "I'm sorry!"

"Yin Qiu" stood behind him and said coldly: "We agreed at the beginning that if you lose, you will apologize to my sister in a decent manner.

Do you know how to write the four characters "rule" and "rule"?

If you don't know, I can teach you reluctantly. "

"Yin Qiu"'s voice was a little cold, and Jiang Yiwei clearly heard the meaning of "If you don't be obedient and apologize "behaved", don't blame her for being rude."

He glanced at his already painful and numb wrist, pressed it against his back molar, put his legs together, bowed at 90 degrees, and said seriously, "I'm sorry!"

"Yin Yulan" stood up from the ground, patted the dust on his butt, and said softly: "It doesn't matter."

"Yin Qiu" hooked his slender arms and hands on "Yin Yulan"'s shoulders and tutted, "After all this trouble, you still haven't learned a lesson at all.

Don’t you know that some people like to pick on soft persimmons like you?

How did I teach you?


"Yin Yulan" said with great cooperation: "Since you sincerely apologized, I will forgive you mercifully this time! But you have to remember, there will never be a next time!"

The lines are fierce enough, but unfortunately they don't match the soft voice of "Yin Yulan" at all. It doesn't look like he's saying harsh words, but like he's memorizing his lines.

"Yin Qiu" nodded "Yin Yulan"'s forehead, and said with hatred: "You! What good can people say about you!"

"Yin Yulan" lowered his head and said nothing, letting "Yin Qiu" get hit and scolded as he pleased. This made "Yin Qiu" neither angry nor smiling.

There was no place to vent this anger, so it could only be vented on classmate Jiang Yiwei.

The light energy dagger made a sound as it was firmly inserted one centimeter in front of Jiang Yiwei's toes.

"Yin Qiu"'s voice rang out at the right time, with a hint of chill: "Take your things and get out of here.

From now on, anyone who dares to bully me will have to do it with just one hand!"

Jiang Yiwei pulled out the light energy dagger, put it back in his space buckle, and asked through gritted teeth: "May I ask the names of these two girls?"

"Yin Qiu" said, "My name is Yin Qiu. If anything happens, just come to me!"

Jiang Yiwei pursed his lips, nodded and turned away.

"Yin Qiu" clapped his hands and shouted to "Yin Yulan" next to him: "Why are you still standing there? Let's go!"

"Yin Yulan" said "Oh" and trotted all the way to keep up with "Yin Qiu"'s pace.

From that moment on, "Yin Qiu" had a name among the candidates.

It can even be said to be a bad name.

With such reputations, a vacuum zone automatically formed around "Yin Qiu" and "Yin Yulan".

"Yin Qiu" himself expressed satisfaction with this.

As long as there is a fight, there is no need to act, there is no need to worry about exposing the secret, and you can concentrate on reading and studying.

This deal is a great deal!

The examination scope of the Alliance Military Academy is not too big. With the qualifications of "Yin Qiu" and "Yin Yulan", just reading quietly for a day is basically enough.

The day after they arrived in the Sumerian Star Territory, "Yin Qiu" and "Yin Yulan" were well prepared for their entrance exam.

The entrance exam for Alliance Military Academy is different from that of Blue Sea Mecha Academy.

To be precise, it's much simpler.

There are only two rounds of entrance examination - written test and aptitude test.

From the moment they boarded the starship to reviewing until the moment before the exam, "Yin Qiu" and "Yin Yulan" were both confident about the exam.

But when they walked into the examination room and looked at the written test paper containing 500 questions, "Yin Qiu"

The expressions of the two classmates "Yin Yulan" and "Yin Yulan" were not very good.

It’s not that I can’t answer, but I’m afraid that my answers will be inconsistent and the examiner will notice something fishy.

Therefore, for the first time in their lives, students "Yin Qiu" and "Yin Yulan" did not hand in their papers in advance, but carefully checked their answers.

"Yin Qiu" alone checked it three times.

The result of reading 500 questions three times was that classmate "Yin Qiu" didn't want to see any type of paper for a long time.

The questionnaires on StarNet are no exception.

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