Mecha Forger

Chapter 236 Map

A referee blew the whistle at the right time, and the wails disappeared immediately.

The next second, the emotionless machine synthesized voice sounded again.

“All players please hand in your space buckles and receive your supplies in turn.

Supplies include: a backpack, a flare gun, a map, dry food, and some drinking water. "

Seeing the senior brothers and sisters lining up obediently, "Yin Qiu" raised his eyebrows without making any sound.

After handing in his space buckle, "Yin Qiu" received a small blue bag 40CM long and 50CM high.

Lying quietly inside was a yellow flare gun, a kindergarten-style map, a small piece of poor marching rations, and two 500 ml bottles of drinking water.

The synthesized voice echoed in "Yin Qiu"'s ears again, "Please check whether the backpacks assigned to you are complete with resources and raise your hands."

After all hands were raised, the synthesized voice sounded again, "Please check whether the flare gun issued to you can be used normally."

The next second, thousands of flares exploded in the stadium.

The empty stadium was suddenly filled with smoke and a smoky atmosphere, which made people feel particularly uncomfortable.

There were coughs one after another in the gymnasium, and "Yin Qiu" couldn't help but rub his nose.

"Three minutes to read the picture, the timer starts."

"Yin Qiu" was stunned for a moment.

She has a delusion.

Checking whether the flare gun is fake and making it more difficult to read the map is the main purpose of the organizers.

In fact, she accidentally revealed the truth!

That kindergarten-style map has only three shapes: square, circle and triangle.

A large square represents the stadium, a small square represents the "supply point", countless large and small circles represent the surrounding mountains, and the triangle represents the destination.

The map seemed to be extremely simple, but it took a full three minutes.

If there is nothing fishy here, even "Yin Qiu" would not believe it to death.

"Yin Qiu" raised the map above his head and looked carefully at the light. Sure enough, he saw numbers written very lightly in the circles.

From 132 to 453, the numbers were high and low, which made "Yin Qiu" feel dizzy and couldn't find any pattern.

Before she could think it through, she heard a whistle.

With the sound of "Let's go", the brothers and sisters in the gymnasium filed out.

The bustling gym suddenly became quiet.

"Yin Qiu" carried the small blue backpack and the minimalist map and walked out of the gym slowly.

After leaving the smoky stadium, facing the sunlight at the entrance of the stadium, everything on the minimalist map became extremely clear.

Not only the numbers, but also the subtle differences in size and color of the circles, "Yin Qiu" could also see them all.

Comparing the mountains not far away, those things that had been puzzling for a long time suddenly became clear.

Those irregular numbers should represent the altitude of the mountains.

The size of the circle is not random, it should also be related to the size of the mountains.

So, what about the color of the circles on the map?

Does it represent the vegetation coverage of the mountains, or the degree of danger?

"Yin Qiu" had no answer and no time to find the answer.

From the starting point to the end, it is twenty kilometers for men and fifteen kilometers for women. According to this standard, "Yin Qiu" calculated hard and planned three routes.

Most of the route is in the canyons between mountains, with a few parts located in lighter-colored, lower-altitude mountains.

Therefore, those mountains with some height and darker circles are all arranged by the school.

After figuring out the key, "Yin Qiu" put the map into his backpack, tightened his shoelaces, and rushed out like an arrow from a string.

Tao Bixi stood at the door of the first floor of the "Supply Station", looked at her back, and smiled: "This girl, who is as thin as a hemp pole, is not as stupid as I thought!"

When the referee Pang Lei walked out of the gymnasium with his whistle in his mouth, he happened to hear this sentence and couldn't help laughing, "That kid Yin Qiu has lost a little weight, but he can't be considered skinny!

Besides, that kid is not stupid.

I have many sixth graders under me, but their fighting spirit is not as good as others!

I think Professor Tao’s requirements are a bit too high! "

Tao Bixi glanced at him but said nothing.

As a militant with eyes and ears, Pang Lei could clearly see a hint of disgust in Tao Bixi's eyes.

Tao Bixi seemed to be saying silently: I am stupid if I say stupid. How can a mortal like you understand my standards?

The smile on Pang Lei's face immediately faded a bit, not wanting to see Tao Bixi's arrogant face again.

Seeing the aircraft coming, Pang Lei jumped on it neatly.

Then, I selected the innermost corner.

Originally, Pang Lei planned to sleep on the road, but when he thought of Tao Bixi's eyes, Pang Lei couldn't sleep.

Isn't he just a seventh-level pharmacist?

What's so awesome!

I am also an upright Level 7 mecha pilot. Have I ever shown off?

You despise me for not having enough IQ, and I despise you for fighting against the five scum!

If you have the ability, would you like to fight with me?

Pang Lei's mood swings were a bit big. Even a person like Tao Bixi, who has a high IQ and low EQ, could feel the fighting spirit coming from him.

So, Tao Bixi sat silently near the aircraft door.

Best escape route, is there any?

Lao Wang, who was piloting the aircraft, felt the mysterious and tense atmosphere, immediately provided enough energy, and rushed towards the destination without any hesitation.

Fortunately, Lao Wang was fast enough and successfully reached his destination after a perfect drift.

Seeing the "big men" getting off the aircraft one by one, Lao Wang wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and let out a long sigh of relief.

As a mature aircraft pilot, he is really difficult!

Tomorrow, he must talk to the principal. If there is no salary increase, he... might as well continue working!

After all, the current employment rate is too low!

He also has a large family waiting for him to raise!

Anyway, things like qualifiers don’t happen every day.

Just persist, survive this wave, and send Tao Bixi back to the laboratory and Pang Lei back to the fighting arena!

The driver, Lao Wang, silently clenched his fists and refueled himself.

After parking the aircraft, Lao Wang immediately asked someone to find out the reason for the disagreement between Tao Bixi and Pang Lei.

After learning that it was because of a little girl named "Yin Qiu", Lao Wang decided to stay farther away from this girl in the future.

He can't stop working, but he can change shifts!

Lao Wang also holds an aircraft pilot's license and a starship pilot's license!

Isn’t it easy to change classes?

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