Mecha Forger

Chapter 247 Volcano

The ancients never deceived me.

Distance does produce beauty.

Once the distance is too close, such as being hugged by someone's thigh, some unharmonious impulses will arise.

For example, kicking the other person in the face or something.

"Yin Qiu" pursed her lips, tried hard to suppress her temper, and said coldly: "Let go!"

The little girl's voice was not loud, but it was very intimidating.

Di Maio didn't dare to continue peeling off the skin and silently let go of his hand.

Elena glanced at Di Maio and said calmly: "There are no useless players in the world, only leaders who cannot know how to make good use of others.

Mr. Johnson, your leadership needs further improvement! "

Dimayo swallowed, put his hands on the ground, and silently moved a few steps away from Elena's attack range.

The distance increased, and "Yin Qiu" finally felt comfortable.

"Replace the player with the highest offensive power with Mr. Dimayo Johnson!

He needs a powerful opponent more than I do.

If other teams need to make substitutions, that's no problem. "

Mo Ran glanced at Jin Yu and Song Zifeng, and said solemnly: "It's already very difficult for me to have a squad leader who needs to learn leadership skills."

Jin Yu and Song Zifeng quickly agreed, "We don't need it! We don't need it!"

Dimayo's face suddenly became darker than the bottom of the pot.

He just didn't want to take over Baiman, so why was he being dissed by everyone?

As for what?

Dimayo had a grimace on his face and was speechless.

He and the elementary school girl are both team captains. Why is there such a big difference in their treatment?

Is it just because the elementary school girl can cook food?

snort! When he gets back, sign up for a cooking class right away!

Just as Di Maio was thinking about which cooking class was better, the starship had gradually slowed down.

A planet with a gray background, black markings, and a little fiery red appeared in front of everyone.

"Yin Qiu" raised his optical brain and pointed it at the planet in front of him, and clicked a few photos.

Mo Ran even turned on the video recording equipment of the optical brain and recorded the whole process of the planet.

"Yin Qiu" frowned as he looked at the red dot getting closer and closer to him, "Our plan may need to be adjusted."

Mo Ran nodded, "This is not your problem, it's just the organizer who chose a 'good place' for us!"

The Black Rock Planet is just a volcano, and it was given to them by the organizer. What can they do?

Of course, admit it!

Bonefish, goodbye!

Zul'Aman Bamboo Chicken, goodbye!

Goodbye, Tin Pig!

Geranium thatch, goodbye!

Black-spotted wild rice, goodbye!

What's around the volcano?

Rock giant?

Fire golem?

Are these things edible?

If she can't eat, how will she maintain her fighting strength for the next 72 hours?

When he thought of this, "Yin Qiu"'s expression became very ugly.

As if he knew what "Yin Qiu" was thinking, Mo Ran patted her shoulder silently, "If you have a chance, go for it, and if you don't have a chance, go for it.

There will be bonefish, there will be Zul'Aman bamboo chicken, there will also be iron pig, geranium thatch, and black-spotted wild rice. "

"Yin Qiu" pursed her lips and whispered: "Now, the first thing on the list should be dust prevention."

Mo Ran and "Yin Qiu" looked at each other and said in unison: "Backpack!"

Although it is likely to face deductions, what can be done?

Survival always comes first.

Mo Ran looked at "Yin Qiu" and raised the corners of his mouth slightly, "Can I leave this task to you?"

The moment their eyes met, "Yin Qiu" read a sentence from Mo Ran's eyes: Can you complete the operation of turning a backpack into a mask?


What can a poor person from a ninth-level planet not do?

"Yin Qiu" glanced at the backpack behind him and raised three fingers, "At least three!"

Three backpacks, 36 masks.

This deal is worth it!

Mo Ran immediately put down his backpack and poured all the contents into Jin Yu.

Then he motioned to Song Zifeng and Di Mayo with his eyes.

The two people looked at each other and took action immediately.

Three backpacks were handed over to "Yin Qiu".

"Yin Qiu" stretched out his palm towards Mo Ran, "Dagger!"

That tone of matter-of-factness made Jin Yu speechless.

Even Song Zifeng couldn't help but glance at "Yin Qiu".

In the entire Alliance Military Academy, this girl was the first to be so rude to Mo Ran.

Mo Ran took a deep look at "Yin Qiu" and obediently went to find a dagger for her.

As an excellent conductor, Mo Ran knows the "configuration" of his team members very well.

In less than a minute, he and the dagger were brought to "Yin Qiu".

It's a pity that "Yin Qiu" didn't realize Mo Ran's good intentions, so he left the dagger behind but didn't use it.

I saw the dagger in "Yin Qiu"'s hand flying rapidly a few times, and a square, simple mask with two ears appeared in front of everyone.

"Yin Qiu" handed the mask to Elena and said with a smile: "Try it!"

Elena took it and tried it, "It's a bit tight!"

"Yin Qiu" nodded and handed over another mask.

Elena tried again and nodded with satisfaction.

With experience, "Yin Qiu" started much faster.

Elena stared at the pile of masks and "Yin Qiu"'s dancing hands, and asked curiously: "Don't you use a knife?"

"Yin Qiu" paused his hand and whispered: "Flying knives are also knives!"

Elena looked at her deeply, and then at the Mo Dao behind Jin Yu.

Jin Yu noticed something, tightly protected her Mo Dao, and said coldly: "Don't even think about it!"

"Yin Qiu" pretended not to know anything and concentrated on making her mask.

It has been a long time since the starship landed, but the contestants at the Alliance Military Academy stayed in their rooms, as if they had taken root.

It wasn't until the starship's broadcast began to send out urging messages that Mo Ran reluctantly took the mask and knocked on the doors one after another.

Although Mo Ran was mentally prepared, when he actually set foot on this land, he was almost pushed over by the heat wave that hit his face.

Mo Ran, who had always been calm and collected, took two steps back and couldn't help but burst out, "I'll go."

"Yin Qiu" walking behind him:

Mo Ran felt the strange gaze of "Yin Qiu", put his fist to his lips, coughed, and quickly changed the topic.

"Masks can only protect against dust, but they cannot protect against the scorching temperatures here. The drinking water provided by the organizers is obviously not enough, so we must find water sources as soon as possible."

"Yin Qiu" felt the temperature which was much higher than that of Zul'Aman planet, and frowned.

What's in the information and the feeling you get in person are completely different things.

What you see on paper is shallow, but you know you have to do this!

"I think the red part located in the northeast of the black rock planet in the photo should be a volcano."

Mo Ran nodded, "Since it's called the Black Rock Planet, the black part, if nothing else, should be rock."

Elena raised her eyebrows, "What about the off-white ones? Volcanic ash?"

"Yin Qiu" pursed his lips, feeling that finding water sources suddenly became a long and arduous task.

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