Mecha Forger

Chapter 251 Cruel

Mo Ran glanced at Dimayo Johnson and handed him the task of hunting the tin pig.

Of course, it's not a duel, but digging a hole, burying some soil, and setting up a trap to drive away the pigs.

The long-legged orb spider that scared Dimayo from the bottom of his heart was handed over to the female man Elena.

The two teams, Mo Ran and Song Zifeng, mixed together and continued to explore the water source along the direction of the footprints.

Although they have "Yin Qiu" water purifiers in their hands, the more the better when it comes to drinking water.

A person can live for seven days without eating, but cannot live for three days without drinking water.

Especially in the hot weather of the Black Rock Planet, controlling the water source is equivalent to controlling the people and animals nearby.

Mo Ran led the team, with Song Zifeng at the rear, and the group moved forward cautiously.

After walking for about ten minutes, a small lake appeared in front of everyone.

The clear lake water is like a mirror, reflecting the surrounding green pine trees.

It is also like an emerald, embedded in this vast land.

Lush geranium thatch grows beside the lake, and gray-black spiny fish can be seen vaguely in the lake. The unfriendly spiny dragon is leisurely drinking water by the lake, a scene full of vitality.

The drinking water contamination that "Yin Qiu" was most worried about did not occur, but problems followed.

How will they get water?

Mo Ran suddenly remembered the two buckets of drinking water that classmate Bai Man had chosen, no, the two large buckets of drinking water that he had chosen.

He clicked his tongue, silently took a photo, and sent it to "Yin Qiu" along with the location.

The meaning is very clear, let "Yin Qiu" immediately collect all the water containers, along with the water purifiers, and ask Bai Man to bring them over.

Unexpectedly, "Yin Qiu" actually led his and Jin Yu's team to attack all the way.

Looking at the twelve heads, Mo Ran's head began to hurt slightly.

"Primary school girl, do you have any opinions or suggestions on my arrangements?"

"Yin Qiu" raised his eyebrows in surprise, "The senior gave me the position, didn't he ask me to lead the team here?

I thought senior brother felt that after all the eating and drinking last night, our camp might not be safe and we need to move it!"

This makes sense.

Mo Ran was speechless for a moment.

However, after being reminded by "Yin Qiu", Mo Ran also thought of a question:

They rested in the camp for a whole night, cutting down trees and lighting fires, but they did not attract any opponents.

Mo Ran glanced at the gray sky above his head and the smoky volcano in the distance, and suddenly understood something.

Mo Ran frowned as he watched Jin Yu hunt Zu'aman Bamboo Chicken, Di Mayo Iron Pig, and the fragrant leaf thatch and a dozen bonefish he prepared for "Yin Qiu".

“Food reserves must be urgently needed.

After eating, we have to continue our attack to the southwest.

Whether you have something to eat in the evening depends on you, the elementary school girl.

OK? "

Seeing that Mo Ran finally understood, the smile on "Yin Qiu's" face deepened.

"Make sure to complete the mission."

While speaking, "Yin Qiu" had already taken action.

Just next to the lake, all the ingredients are clearly arranged.

Beggar's chicken, grilled bonefish with lemon leaves and thatch, grilled iron-skinned pig on a slate... The aroma of the food slowly spread, and everyone's mood gradually improved.

All the ingredients turned into a variety of meals, divided into identical servings.

One for lunch and one for dinner.

Nothing more, nothing less, impartial.

After eating and drinking, Mo Ran looked up at the sky and issued an order to continue heading southwest along the lake.

If the mountains don't come, I'll go to them, and I'll go to the mountains.

Senior brother Jinghe, who dreamed of being a hunter, was heavily used by Mo Ran and became a frontline scout.

"Yin Qiu" specially gave senior brother Jinghe an extra handful of pine nuts as a reward, which made Jinyu's eyes grow hot.

However, Senior Brother Jinghe did not disappoint the expectations of Mo Ran and "Yin Qiu". In just half a day, he discovered the thirteen points cards secretly hidden by the organizing committee on the branches in the forest, and everything went smoothly. The opponent's traces were discovered.

This is the Northwest Military Academy team from the third-level planet Mammoth.

Those who can represent the school are not unknown people.

Still a few hundred meters away, they found traces of the Alliance Military Academy.

Looking at the Mo Dao that was as tall as a person in Jin Yu's hand, and then looking at the strange-looking potion in Mo Ran's hand, the expression of the captain of the Northwest Military Academy representative team was as ugly as it could be.

During last year's game, the fear of being dominated by the Alliance Military Academy came to mind again.

"Why is it you again?"

Mo Ran shrugged, "You should ask the organizing committee about this question."

Jin Yu couldn't hold it back and complained: "The organizer is so cruel.

Throw us under the volcano and turn around and leave.

I walked for a long time before I saw any living creatures, and I walked for a day and a half before I met you.

well! Don’t talk anymore. If you talk too much, you will shed tears. "

Comrades of the Northwest Military Academy representative team, look at me and I look at you, a man with an average height of two meters, tears almost falling.

How ruthless the organizers are, their experience is no less than that of the students at the Alliance Military Academy.

If the Alliance Military Academy experienced the test of fire, then what they experienced was the baptism of blood.

"Not only did the organizing committee throw us into the pile of star beasts, but before leaving, they also didn't forget to sprinkle the star beasts' most hated potion on them..."

After being chased by the star beasts for a day and a half, they had gained a lot of points, but they were still thirsty, hungry, tired and sleepy. Who could they ask to reason with?

After finally escaping from the pursuit of the star beast, he met the Alliance Military Academy...

They were all well-equipped and in good spirits, but they themselves suffered heavy casualties and were in a state of embarrassment...

Both players had a new understanding of the organizer's offline, and each was thankful that they were about to graduate and would no longer have to participate in the next competition.

The Alliance Military Quality Competition is the ultimate limit for "civilized" and "honorable" competition between military academies.

In other words, the military department brings together the talented students of various military academies in order to allow them to perform at their highest level, select and cultivate elite cadres for the military headquarters and the various armies.

Knowing that they were defeated, but in front of the camera and with so many people watching, everyone from the Northwest Military Academy still cheered up and had a friendly match with the Alliance Military Academy.

The Northwest Military Academy has been accompanying runners for so many years, and this class cannot escape the fate of accompanying runners as well.

The potion in Mo Ran's hand, combined with the Mo Dao in Jin Yu's hand, directly overturned this team of only twenty-two contestants.

Of course, it might also be because the potions the organizer gave to the Northwest Military Academy had such a huge psychological impact that Mo Ran accidentally picked them up.

The backpack of trophies that the Northwest Military Academy had worked so hard to defeat the star beasts was happily carried to the arms of the Alliance Military Academy.

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