Mecha Forger

Chapter 254 Offended

Others think that multiple friends lead to multiple paths.

Andrew is good at offending everyone he can.

In line with the principle of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend", most of the participating teams that had been robbed by Tianzhuo Military Academy sided with the Alliance Military Academy.

Teacher Li just jumped out and said a word, and was completely dissed by teachers from other schools.

The war of words in the control room officially started, and on the Black Rock Planet, the battle between Tianzhuo Military Academy and the "Yin Qiu" team also continued.

Seeing that Andrew had suffered a loss, Yu Zhenzhen reacted immediately.

The long bow in his hand was pointed at "Yin Qiu" without hesitation, and the three arrow feathers came towards "Yin Qiu" in three directions.

Yu Zhenzhen's nickname is "Tianzhuo Arrow God". The three arrows fired in unison are so powerful and the angles are so tricky that ordinary people cannot withstand them.

"Yin Qiu" had to pull away from Andrew's halberd and concentrate on dealing with Yu Zhenzhen.

Yu Zhenzhen originally thought that the Tang knife that could restrain Andrew's halberd should be very heavy.

But now it was in the hands of that thin girl with an unattractive appearance, spinning tightly.

None of her arrow feathers at extremely tricky angles could break through her iron barrel-like defense and fell to the ground.

Yu Zhenzhen no longer cared about what Andrew thought, and said loudly: "The whole Tianzhuo Military Academy has it.

Target, Union Military Academy.

Form an array to defend against the enemy! "

Andrew has done this many times against one person from a school.

But if he was asked to lead the contestants from Tianzhuo Military Academy to deal with a little girl, Andrew still felt resentful.

He glared at Yu Zhenzhen fiercely, turned around and hit Bai Man.

Seeing the "Yin Qiu" team being suppressed and beaten by Tianzhuo Military Academy, Elena couldn't sit still.

But just as he was about to stand up, he was held firmly by Mo Ran.

"Now, it's not time to go out yet."

Elena looked at the one-sided situation and stamped her feet fiercely.

"Then we can't let those gangsters beat Qiuqiu, a girl!"

Mo Ran rubbed his temples and said through gritted teeth: "Little ancestor, now is really not the time.

When the fire is finished, you can hit me however you want, okay? "

Only then did Elena notice the extinguishing fire beside her.

"Is there anything special about that thing?"

Mo Ran pursed his lips and smiled, "It's nothing special, just added a little bit of heartbroken grass in it."

Elena looked at Mo Ran in disbelief, "You mean, you and Qiuqiu added... heartbroken grass to that fire?"

Mo Ran nodded, "Don't worry, the six of them have taken the antidote in advance."

Elena was not worried about "Yin Qiu", she started to worry, what should they do if they accidentally killed those unlucky guys from Tianzhuo Military Academy?

After all, the entire game is monitored.

Elena's thoughts were so straightforward that Mo Ran understood it immediately.

He came close to Elena's ear and whispered softly: "As long as you don't kill anyone, it's not a foul."

This is what Tianzhuo Military Academy taught them, and it is perfect for them to use it on themselves.

Mo Ran's eyes flashed with fierceness as he watched the smoke above the fire change from light to thick, and then from thick to light.

When the smoke gradually dissipated, Mo Ran finally raised his hand and gave the command to attack.

The team members with long-range attack weapons took action almost immediately. Arrows, flying knives, spears, stones... everything they could think of, and things they couldn't think of, all attacked everyone at Tianzhuo Military Academy.

Yu Zhenzhen shouted, "Enemy attack!"

As soon as the sound came out, she realized something was wrong.

She shouted with all her strength. It should have been high-pitched and passionate, but it was weak and weak at the moment.

Her heart trembled, and she hurriedly took out an arrow feather from the quiver and put it on the bow.

The next second, Yu Zhenzhen was shocked to find that she, who could fire three consecutive rounds, could not even draw the bow.

"No! We fell into a trap!"

Yu Zhenzhen's voice became weaker and weaker, but she successfully aroused the attention of everyone at Tianzhuo Military Academy.

At the moment when Andrew was distracted, the sledgehammer in Bai Man's hand finally fell on his halberd, making a muffled sound.

The shaking halberd directly opened Andrew's tiger's mouth.

The halberd that was used to be wielded like an arm was now like a heavy weight, almost falling out of Andrew's hand.

Andrew couldn't help but yelled: "You despicable people actually dare to use dirty tricks during the game.

I will definitely complain to the organizer and disqualify you from the competition. "

"Yin Qiu" knocked down the spear that was approaching him and sneered: "That's what Captain Andrew said.

The six of us are fighting against the forty-two heroes of your Tianzhuo Military Academy, and we still need to be complained?

The organizers really need to be held accountable.

Our Alliance Military Academy doesn’t dare to participate in this kind of competition! "

What "Yin Qiu" said was so impeccable that it made Andrew so angry that he jumped up and down.

Yu Zhenzhen looked at the small oval half of a leaf next to the fire that had not burned out and belonged to the heartbroken grass. She also looked at Andrew's confused and frustrated look, and felt bitter in her heart.

She finally understood what it meant that mud could not support the wall.

Fortunately, this was the last time she partnered with Andrew to participate in this competition.

Yu Zhenzhen slowly closed her eyes. As soon as she applied to withdraw from the competition, she was hit hard on the back of the head and passed out.

Seeing the only sensible person in Tianzhuo Military Academy pass out, Mo Ran let out a long sigh of relief.

The long bow in his hand "inadvertently" moved a piece of firewood, and the half of the leaf that caught Yu Zhenzhen's attention was quietly destroyed.

It is impossible to hand over the evidence.

Impossible in this life!

Mo Ran blocked Yu Zhenzhen's mouth so beautifully that he successfully attracted the attention of the teacher in charge of the monitoring room.

The leading teacher from the Northwest Military Academy and the leading teacher from the Western Suburbs Military Academy looked at each other and acted in a tacit understanding.

One person knocked down Teacher Li, the double-standard dog, and the other person used a knife with one hand and slashed at his neck.

Teacher Li, who was not prepared at all, successfully passed out.

The instructors at the Northwest Military Academy and the Western Suburbs Military Academy have accomplished something big and are extremely satisfied.

The anger that had been held in for a long time finally subsided after minimizing the possibility of Tianzhuo Military Academy admitting defeat.

Did the organizer say that it is strictly forbidden for the teachers who lead the team to fight?

Since there is no such thing, let’s consider it as a reasonable use of the rules.


Isn’t it nice for the Alliance Military Academy to act on behalf of Heaven and unilaterally beat up the Tianzhuo Military Academy contestants?

Or have you finished counting the ceiling, floor, tables and chairs in the control room?

Who has nothing to do to go see that double-standard dog Teacher Li?

Accused that the Northwest Military Academy and the Western Suburbs Military Academy beat Teacher Li?


This is impossible in this life!

It’s good if you don’t take a few shots to make up for it.

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