Mecha Forger

Chapter 259 Healing

On the battlefield where swords flashed, arrows and flying knives danced wildly, there were only four people who played the most important role.

It was unclear whether it was the arrow in Mo Ran's hand or the Mo Dao in Jin Yu's hand that dealt the fatal blow to the violent black bear.

However, that doesn't matter.

The referees did not care about these details. They carefully looked at the bleeding wounds of the violent black bear. They determined that the violent black bear was no longer capable of fighting, and then they blew the whistle.

When the whistle blew, the time was frozen at eight minutes and fifty-six seconds.

In less than ten minutes, the players from the Alliance Military Academy defeated a level 7 star beast, a violent black bear.

Give the other eight competing teams sitting here a look.

While the referee blew the whistle, Mo Ran held "Yin Qiu"'s arm, raised his voice slightly, and shouted: "Elena!"

Elena did a backflip and landed firmly in front of Mo Ran. She picked up "Yin Qiu" and walked out of the field.

The results of the competition are not as important as having good friends.

Regarding the arrangement between the two of them, "Yin Qiu", a disabled person, could only acquiesce.

The pharmacist arranged by the organizer happened to be a foodie as well.

After Elena promised two beggar chickens on behalf of "Yin Qiu", the treatment cabin was decisively opened for "Yin Qiu" free of charge.

"Yin Qiu" looked at a room full of seriously injured patients, then looked at his legs that were only slightly injured at best... and climbed in without hesitation.

If you don't take advantage of it, you are a fool!

She has already lost two beggar chickens, so why not allow her to move faster?

As soon as "Yin Qiu" lay down in the treatment cabin, she vaguely felt something was wrong.

The wound on the thigh quickly absorbed the nutrients, like a bottomless pit, quickly transported throughout the body.

But the wound on his leg showed no signs of healing.

If things continue to develop at this rate, this cabin of nutrients won't last long.

Thinking about the treatment cabin that was scrapped by Song Tong in order to hide his information, "Yin Qiu" couldn't help but ache.

That treatment cabin is, like, maybe worth three million?

Want to do it again?

"Yin Qiu" couldn't help but shudder, and tightly grasped Elena's sleeves.

"Sister, can you get me some nutritional supplements?"

Seeing "Yin Qiu" lying in the treatment cabin where the nutrients had dropped significantly within a few minutes, Elena saw through it and turned around and left the door of the treatment room.

After a while, Elena walked in with dozens of boxes of nutritional supplements.

Looking at nearly half of the nutritional supplements that had disappeared, Elena clicked her tongue, "It seems like it's still not enough!

Shall I go get you some more? "

"Yin Qiu" was not pretentious, smiled and nodded, "I owe you once!"

Elena waved her hand, "Who among us is following whom?

Compared with the meal you brought me, this nutritional supplement is really nothing.

Sister, there’s nothing else but money!”

Looking at Elena's arrogant little appearance, "Yin Qiu" really didn't know what to say.

When you don't know what to say, the best thing to do is not to say it at all.

In order to make the scene less embarrassing, "Yin Qiu" simply opened the caps of the nutritional supplement bottles and poured them into the treatment cabin one by one.

"Yin Qiu"'s skill in opening bottle caps with one hand was considered adept, but he could still keep up with the disappearance of nutritional supplements.

Since you can't offer it with one hand, then offer it with both hands.

Both hands must be grasped and both hands must be strong.

"Yin Qiu" really didn't have time to talk now, so he could only concentrate on refilling himself with nutritional supplements.

Elena watched the nutritional supplements disappear at an astonishing speed, and hurriedly went out to find nutritional supplements for "Yin Qiu".

Elena moved the nutritional supplements to the treatment room three times in a row, and the total number of supplements amounted to tens of thousands.

But there are not too many nutrients, but fewer and fewer.

Most of the nutrients Elena could find on Zul'Aman were poured into "Yin Qiu"'s treatment cabin.

If "Yin Qiu" continues like this, Elena really doesn't know where to go to find nutritional supplements for her.

Maybe she should bring Mo Ran over too?

As a reservist of the Blackwater Army, maybe he could get some nutrients from the Blackwater Army's garrison?

However, in this way, "Yin Qiu"'s secret will inevitably be exposed.

Elena walked around the treatment room like a headless fly.

Fortunately, when the nutritional supplement was about to bottom out, the wound on "Yin Qiu"'s leg finally began to heal, and the absorption rate gradually slowed down.

Elena, who was in a dilemma, finally breathed a sigh of relief and let "Yin Qiu" absorb the remaining nutrients.

Elena glanced at "Yin Qiu's" legs, which were almost in good condition, and raised her eyebrows, "Do you want me to borrow a treatment device for you?"

"Yin Qiu" glanced at his legs and nodded, "If that's okay."

Elena knew that "Yin Qiu" was thick-skinned, but she didn't know that she could still be shameless, or even be so shameless.

Elena was stunned for a whole minute.

After being stunned, she actually went to borrow the treatment device for her.

"Yin Qiu" looked at Elena's back, breathed a long sigh of relief, and threw himself heavily into the treatment cabin.

As an anonymous woman, a sense of proportion is important.

She had only done this shameless thing a few times.

Fortunately, Elena took the initiative, otherwise, she wouldn't know how it would end.

The treatment device was quickly delivered, and "Yin Qiu"'s leg was finally intact.

"Yin Qiu" crawled out of the treatment cabin with a wet body. The first thing he did was not to clean himself, but to clean up the boxes and nutrient bottles scattered everywhere in the treatment room.

Facing Elena who was leaning against the door frame and looking at him, "Yin Qiu" was not polite.

"Sister, can you help us carry the garbage recycling robot outside?"

Elena raised her eyebrows, "You are really not polite to me!"

"Yin Qiu" shrugged, "If you have too many lice, you won't be itchy. If you have too many debts, you won't have to worry."

He was obviously a shameless person, but in Elena's eyes, he got a lot closer for no reason.

She took a deep look at "Yin Qiu" and stepped out of the door again.

Seeing Elena's back disappear behind the door, "Yin Qiu" immediately dialed Qin Mian's optical number.

"I need to clear the footage of Elena entering and exiting the infirmary, as well as all the data in the 204 treatment room."

Comrade Qin Mian didn't ask any questions and simply replied "Okay"!

"Yin Qiu" pursed her lips and finally managed to hold out two words, "Thank you!"

Seeing the little girl's coquettish expression, Comrade Qin Mian's lips curved a little wider.

"You are the child I watched grow up. You are no different from my own child. It is just a trivial matter, so there is no need to be polite to me."

"Yin Qiu" smiled and did not take the polite words seriously.

In front of Elena, he threw all the "garbage" into the belly of the garbage collection robot, watched them disappear without a trace, and then walked into the bathroom.

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