Mecha Forger

Chapter 27 Fish Fillet

As soon as Tang Fan finished speaking, a waiter came over and made a greeting gesture to Tang Fan.

Following the waiter in a white shirt and black trousers to the back kitchen, Tang Fan couldn't help but gasped as he looked at the dazzling array of ingredients and the zoo- and aquarium-like breeding area.

"Can I use all of these?"

The waiter stood behind Tang Fan and said proudly: "Of course.

This interstellar ship originally belonged to our Duke, but the Blue Sea Mecha Academy had a need, and out of kindness, my Duke took time out of his busy schedule to make such a trip for Dean Zhang.

Just ask for whatever you need as long as it satisfies the Duke. "

Tang Fan took a deep breath, put aside distracting thoughts, picked a good knife from the kitchen, and selected a few beautiful plates. Then he walked slowly to the aquarium, aimed at a pufferfish, and quickly attacked.

The puffer fish in Tang Fan's hand swayed its tail slightly, as if he didn't understand how it got into Tang Fan's hand.

The waiter behind Tang Fan was not a cute puffer fish. He couldn't help but squint his eyes when he saw Tang Fan's fish-catching technique.

When a puffer fish is threatened, it can expand its body several times in a short period of time to scare off predators or make it difficult for predators to eat.

The puffer fish in Tang Fan's hand is as well-behaved as if it were in the water. This skill is not simple, and it has obviously been practiced.

I don’t know what to practice with.

Anyway, this fast and accurate skill, whether used on fish or people, is basically guaranteed.

“Good technique!”

Tang Fan held the fish and replied humbly, "Basic operation."

Tang Fan only said four words, and it was only enough to say four words.

He could wait, but the pufferfish in his hand couldn't wait.

Tang Fan picked up the puffer fish with his left hand, and quickly waved the kitchen knife he had just chosen with his right hand, gently scratched the fish's belly, and when he looked inside, everything inside the fish's belly fell aside.

Tang Fudi slipped up the pufferfish and drained out all the blood.

In just a few seconds, only skin and flesh remain of a puffer fish.

But Tang Fan was not satisfied. He pointed the tip of the knife at the puffer fish's eyes, and clicked left and right. He looked very relaxed. Only the waiter behind him knew how important and difficult this was.

After taking care of this, Tang Fan put the pufferfish on the chopping board.

The kitchen knife flew quickly, and before he could see clearly, a complete pufferfish skin was already placed on a small plate.

Tang Fan nodded with satisfaction, turned on the faucet, and let the running water wash the fish until the fish was clean and translucent.

Tang Fan changed the chopping board, laid the fish flat on the chopping board, pulled out the fish bones one by one, looked at the flawless white jade-like fish meat, and showed a satisfied smile.

Tang Fan not only changed a cutting board, but also changed a kitchen knife. After a few gestures, the knife quickly fell on the fish, and a piece of crystal clear fish was spread out on the porcelain plate.

After all the pieces of fish were put on the porcelain plate, Tang Fan quickly threw a freezing ball and froze the meat and plate together.

White ice crystals quickly formed, and the fish flesh curled up slightly. The plate of fish breast looked like a blooming white lotus, which was so beautiful.

Through the thin and transparent fish fillet, in the hazy white mist, you can vaguely see the color and texture of the blue lotus plate below.

Tang Fan made an inviting gesture to the waiter, and the waiter came back to his senses, quickly picked up the green lotus plate, and walked towards the restaurant.

In an instant, all eyes were focused on the blue lotus plate in the waiter's hand, but the waiter turned a blind eye to these gazes.

Seeing the waiter coming alone, Duke Rose's expression changed, "Where is the person?"

The waiter pointed to the kitchen with a smile, "I'm still dealing with those scraps! He said he was responsible for the safety of other people's lives."

Duke Rose's expression looked much better. He calmly took an antidote and picked up the pointed chopsticks slowly.

With a soft sound, the fish flesh was peeled off from the porcelain plate. The almost transparent fish flesh looked less like food and more like jade through the bright light.

Duke Rose nodded with satisfaction and put the piece of fish into his mouth.

The fish meat is slightly cool in the mouth. When the temperature of the mouth reaches the fish meat, the fish meat has melted in the mouth without chewing too much. There is no fishy smell, only the umami flavor spreads smoothly.

Duke Rose suddenly understood at this moment why so many people were pursuing pufferfish.

A plate of puffer fish with twelve petals had already entered Duke Rose's mouth before Tang Fan finished cleaning up the kitchen.

There was no seasoning, but Duke Rose ate it very seriously and with great satisfaction.

After Tang Fan finally cleaned up and walked to the front restaurant, he saw only empty plates and Duke Rose's intoxicated expression.

On someone else's property, he couldn't eat his own delicious food and had to look at the empty plate and wait for comments. In this way, Tang Fan could only touch his nose and admit it!

Tang Fan feels that his requirements are not high. As long as the customer in front of him is satisfied, gives a good review, and does not add any obstacles to his examination, he will be satisfied!

Fortunately, Duke Rose had seen the big world, and his intoxication only lasted for two minutes before he woke up.

Looking at Tang Fan and then at the empty plate in front of him, Duke Qiangwei, who had always been calm and composed, felt a little embarrassed.

A shy look flashed across his face, Duke Rose put his chin on his hands and spoke.

"I understand the principle of short-tongued and soft-handed.

Since I have eaten the food you cooked, I should also pay you accordingly.

Say it! what do you want? "

Tang Fan pondered for a moment, suddenly remembered something, and said with a smile: "Since you can lend the starship to the Blue Ocean Mecha Academy, it means that you know the Blue Ocean Mecha Academy very well.

So can you tell me what exactly I have to go through in this exam? "

Duke Qiangwei couldn't help but laugh after hearing Tang Fan's words.

"You don't know anything, yet you dare to come to Lanhai Mecha Academy? Should I praise you for being brave? Or should I call you stupid?"

Tang Fan raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "No matter which one it is, I'm standing here. What's the difference?"

Duke Rose nodded, "That's true.

However, you know that asking me about this matter, even if you are stupid, is a stupid blessing.

If you fail to pass the Blue Ocean Mecha Academy, I welcome you to come to my house and cook for me.

If nothing else, your fish dumplings are really good. "

Tang Fan smiled and did not answer.

However, I secretly cursed in my heart: If Mr. Tang Gang of his family heard what Duke Qiangwei said and knew that the Tang sword heir whom he had trained for fifteen years was being used as a cook, he didn't know what he would think.

Probably, he would be so angry that he would try his best to find the Duke of Rose!

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