Mecha Forger

Chapter 273 Helping the Demon

The reason why people have random thoughts is probably because they are idle and fussy.

In order not to let himself have the chance to feel sad about the spring and autumn, Tang Fan took over all the major and minor affairs of the two factories.

Not only that, but you also find time to exercise.

When Tang Gang carried her back to bed from the training room for the third time, he felt that he could not go on like this.

If a string is stretched too tight, it will eventually break.

The string in a person's heart has been stretched for a long time...

Tangshan Iron and Steel could not accept this possibility.

Therefore, he used his own magic weapon - the growing up child Tang Strontium.

Children have a short memory and are very forgetful. After not seeing each other for a few months, they have long forgotten the big sister who left without saying goodbye.

Fortunately, this young man is not afraid of strangers at all, and Tang Fan will always have more patience than others when facing this fair and tender young man.

Under Tang Fan's careful guidance, the siblings quickly normalized their diplomatic relations.

Tang Fan could even turn something as serious as physical exercise into a less serious joke for him.

Being wanted is a very important thing.

Especially a little white and tender meat dumpling, smiling and calling "sister" and reaching out for a hug, it definitely has the power to melt people's hearts.

When Tang Fan put down his work little by little and spent a little more time with Tang Strontium, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

The tight string in Tang Fan's heart finally relaxed, and it no longer seemed like there was no tomorrow but today.

This is really good!

As a result, everyone is very conscious, resolutely complete the tasks that can be completed by themselves, and complete the tasks that cannot be completed through negotiation.

There is only one ultimate goal, to be self-sufficient and never give Tang Fan the opportunity to worry about work.

Tang Fan, who felt that his workload had dropped sharply, saw through it but refused to tell him.

Are you uncomfortable reading picture books with Xiao Tang?

Or is it not fun to teach Xiao Tang the basic movements of Strontium Taishu?

Does she have to worry about those boring jobs?

Do you really think she is a workaholic?


I have to say that our classmate Tang Fan is so arrogant.

Being so playful, she even designed a series of three high-value mecha models based on magic plants and painted in candy colors. They were handmade and made in triplicate.

One set is kept in the Tang's Mecha Exhibition Hall, one set is used for Tang Strontium to drive and play with, and the other set is used for Tang Strontium to dismantle and play with.

And...this guy even broadcast the whole process live!

Why start from scratch?

Of course... I'm making mecha model toys for my brother.

Who will leave such a huge family fortune?

Of course it’s the younger brother!

This damn Fu Di Mo!

There was a heated discussion on the Star Network that "the alliance owes me a sister".

The vast majority of people have the same requirements... Just have a sister like Tang Fan, who wants to inherit the largest mecha company in the alliance, and who builds mechas for her brother as toys whenever they disagree!

If this is not possible, the latter condition can be omitted.

Of course, there are also those who take the unconventional route.

For example, Ms. Zhen Bai Fumei Elena personally called Tang Fan and said that she wanted to customize a set of enlarged candy-colored mechas for herself. The price was negotiable.

Not everyone can learn this domineering attitude of "So what if I don't have a sister, I'll pamper myself."

First, this requires a lot of credits to back it up.

Secondly, it also depends on the time of our Ms. Tang Fan.

Of course, Ms. Tang Fan’s time is very flexible.

As long as the price is right, time is like water in a sponge, it will always be there if you squeeze it.

Just three mechas, let’s sprinkle some water!

While Tang Fan was playing with Tang Strontium, he built a plus version of the mecha for this young lady.

A week later, the official express delivery arrived in front of Miss Elena.

This series of learning machines with extremely simple cores quickly won the heart of Miss Elena with their sweet appearance of pink blue, pink, and ivory white.

This damn face-based world!

Where do you want Miss Elena to put her face among the many high-end mechas in her castle?

Of course, where there is love, there is also hate, more or less.

The model mecha that Miss Elena loves so much is no different from garbage in the eyes of mecha collector Mr. Lu Tao.

The master of mecha collection expressed his disdain for this series of mecha online, and gave it a record-low rating of three points.

If Tang Fan hadn't made it clear and pointed out by name that this mecha was just a model for children to play with, he would have scored even lower.

After all, in the eyes of this little brother, mechas are weapons that can traverse the battlefield. There is no need for learning machines or anything like that.

There was a heated debate between the appearance group represented by Miss Elena and the practical performance group represented by Lu Tao.

Between the lightning and flint, the scene was once very intense.

Customer feedback is very important!

Therefore, Ms. Tang Fan hugged her younger brother and led the research and development team of Tang's mecha. They carefully paid attention to the wonderful speeches of the debaters on both sides and made appropriate adjustments to this year's new mecha.

I really wonder how Miss Elena and Brother Lu Tao will react after knowing the truth?

Probably, maybe, it is possible that I will hug my excited self with distress!

When the golden spring flowers poked their heads out and decorated Tang Fan's window, the Tang's mecha's new product launch conference officially began.

The research and development team of Tang's mecha absorbed the suggestions and opinions of debaters from both the appearance and practicality groups, and launched three series of fourteen mechas that take into account both appearance and practicality.

The three series include standard mechas, purple-level mechas and black-level mechas. Each model is based on a special star plant. From green to golden, Tang's mechas have all the colors you want. .

Such a big move perfectly unified the appearance-oriented and practical performance-minded people, turning them into those who can only say "buy it".

Miss Elena and brother Lu Tao immediately contacted Tang's mecha officials and ordered all three series of mechas.

Although the other friends who participated in the discussion were not as knowledgeable as the two, they still made more or less purchases.

The little boy Tang Si, who knew nothing, succeeded in growing the family business he would inherit when he grew up.

What a sweet trouble!

From the beginning of the new product launch conference, Tang Fan's ears were filled with discussions about the new mecha.

Until she left the Wild Star Territory and transformed into "Yin Qiu", the topics discussed in her ears remained unchanged.

What was even more beyond her expectation was that Miss Elena actually thoughtfully brought all three series of mechas to school, just to let the "poor family" elementary school girl "Yin Qiu" see them.

"Yin Qiu":......

Miss Elena is a considerate person and said with a smile:

Be impressed!

There's nothing you can do to repay it!

It doesn't matter! Just treat me to dinner.

What else can "Yin Qiu" do besides acquiescing to the young lady's direct behavior of squandering food?

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