Mecha Forger

Chapter 278 Asleep

"Yin Yulan" is an assistant laboratory technician who was recruited according to formal procedures, and is considered the most humble member of Professor Tao Bixitao's laboratory.

Not to mention Fang Yi, the chief assistant, even the other experimenters can be called upon.

Fortunately, "Yin Yulan" knows how to behave.

When Tao Bixi and Fang Yiyi were away, they made some connections.

Otherwise, sooner or later, she will change from the little girl who brings tea and water to Fang Yiyi to the little girl who brings tea and water to all the experimenters.

But even so, her life was not very easy.

The work of serving tea and water didn't bother her, but collecting data, making reports, sorting out various instruments, equipment, and materials. All kinds of small and trivial things that the experimenters didn't want to do became her business.

Although the work is still very busy and trivial, at least I have touched the edge of the experiment.

"Yin Yulan" said that he was very pleased.

Although he is still a small role as a handyman, "Yin Yulan" still encountered the tip of the iceberg in the laboratory by virtue of his professional ability.

Although Professor Tao Bixi is an expert in genetic research, unexpectedly, although the projects in the laboratory are all related to genetic research, they do not contain any materials for the production and composition of mutant organisms.

This Professor Tao Bixi is either hidden too deeply and disguised too well, or they suspect the wrong person!

Hopefully, it’s the latter!

Even if Professor Tao's personal ethics were compromised, it would be better than studying mutant organisms and endangering others.

Just when "Yin Yulan" was grinding it carefully, tasting it slowly, and studying hard, something happened to "Yin Qiu".

After another high-intensity training, she was force-fed a high-concentration physical recovery potion, but she didn't get up quickly from the ground.

This abnormal situation frightened Elena and Xiao Xiao who gave her medicine.

But remembering the abnormality that occurred when "Yin Qiu" was injured during the alliance's military quality competition, Miss Elena did not dare to send this girl to the medical room rashly!

What else can be done?

Of course, there is a physical recovery potion and a nutrient potion. Keep pouring it! After taking dozens of physical recovery potions and nutritional supplements, "Yin Qiu" still didn't wake up, but her belly slowly bulged.

Elena stretched out her fingers and poked at it, but was surprised to find that there was airflow rotating in the girl's belly, forming a faint cyclone.

The well-informed Miss Bai Fumei and Elena said that this was the first time she had encountered this situation, and it belonged to the series of long-lasting encounters.

How it happened, she didn't know.

But since "Yin Qiu" can drink it and bear it, then... continue to pour it.

Miss Elena gritted her teeth and took out all the nutritional supplements "Yin Qiu" returned to her from the space buckle, as well as the physical recovery potions she had stored.

If they don't agree with each other, it's just a lie.

One box, two boxes, three boxes...

Seeing "Yin Qiu"'s belly bulging little by little, Miss Elena couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva.

If this continues, "Yin Qiu"'s belly will be burst by her!

When the eighth box of medicine was dragged over by Miss Elena, her speed was obviously much slower than at the beginning.

After filling half a box of food with such fear, "Yin Qiu" finally raised his eyelids, and a voice not much louder than a mosquito's hum rang out, "It's so good!"

Elena quickly stopped what she was doing and breathed a sigh of relief.

She didn't feel sorry for the medicine, but felt sorry for her best friend who had packed a belly full of medicine and her belly was as bloated as a five-month pregnant woman.

"You drank seven and a half boxes of my potions. It's strange that you can't hold on!"

There was a hint of crying in Miss Elena's voice.

The fair-skinned, beautiful and ruthless Miss Elena actually cried?

What a shocking event this is!

"Yin Qiu" didn't care that his eyelids were heavy, and he tried hard to open his eyes, just to take a look at a rare scene in this world.

When the heavy shadows slowly faded away, Miss Elena's face gradually became clearer, and "Yin Qiu" finally saw it clearly - there was really a trace of water on Miss Elena's delighted face.

I must have really frightened this girl!

Classmate "Yin Qiu" found out with conscience, and tried hard to raise his hand, but failed to reach Miss Elena's face as he wished.

She smiled bitterly and said, "Give me two more physical recovery potions, concentrated ones."

Miss Elena glanced at her bulging belly. Although she was worried, she still handed her the last two concentrated physical recovery potions in her hand.

After taking two concentrated physical recovery potions, the airflow in "Yin Qiu"'s stomach became significantly faster.

Classmate "Yin Qiu" was finally able to raise his hand.

However, it did not fall on Miss Elena's face, but on her own head.

A stream of air slowly hit her brain from her dantian, and the painful feeling made Miss "Yin Qiu", who has excellent endurance, couldn't help but groan.

Elena and Xiao Xiao looked at "Yin Qiu"'s painful appearance, their eyes full of horror.

Did they do bad things with good intentions?

Now, what should they do?

Listening to "Yin Qiu"'s moans getting louder and louder, the two helpless young ladies finally decided to ask for help.

However, before that, they had to clean up the crime scene.

Elena followed "Yin Qiu's" method, grabbed a garbage recycling robot, and threw all the "garbage" into its belly.

Seeing the "trash" disappear without a trace, Elena and Xiao Xiao split up, one went to find Mr. He Qingfeng, and the other went to find "Yin Yulan".

What they didn't know was that the swelling and pain in "Yin Qiu's" brain had slowly dissipated, replaced by a pinprick-like pain.

The vortex that was originally hovering in her Dantian was transforming her head step by step.

Compress, compress, compress again.

That kind of pain has already exceeded the limit that ordinary people can bear.

Fortunately, she is "Yin Qiu" and also Tang Fan.

Fortunately, she came from the thorny Hematite Star, experienced the training of the Blue Sea Mecha Academy, and took on the important task of revitalizing the Tang's Mecha...

After going through hardships, her spiritual world is richer than anyone else's, and her endurance is stronger than anyone else's.

She endured this inhuman pain and survived.

By the time Elena and Xiao Xiao arrived with Mr. He Qingfeng and "Yin Yulan", "Yin Qiu" had already regained his composure.

According to Mr. He Qingfeng’s experience and analysis, she fell asleep!

The classmate "Yin Yulan" with first-class professional ability also gave the same judgment.

She had gained weight and couldn't care less about the thick layer of black dirt on her body. She fell asleep with the sour smell from not taking a shower for a month...

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