Mecha Forger

Chapter 29 Internal Conflicts

After making up his mind, Tang Fan ignored the glances that almost engulfed him, waved to the cute foodie, and walked towards Brad and Zhao Fan on his own.

Faced with the unkind looks from Brad and Zhao Fan, Tang Fan finally remembered that before being taken away by Duke Qiangwei, the little cutie called him sister.

Facing the angry Brad and Zhao Fan, Tang Fan rarely felt the word "thorny".

This thing is really hard to explain.

"Internal conflicts must be resolved internally."

Tang Fan's suggestion was accepted. Brad and Zhao Fan walked towards Brad's room without saying a word, holding Tang Fan between them.

A "bang" sound shut all the curious eyes out of the door.

As soon as the door closed, Brad got angry!

"Now, it's time to explain!"

Zhao Fan also nodded.

Tang Fan couldn't help but defend himself when he saw Brad and Zhao Fan's posture during the interrogation.

"First of all, I never said I was a boy, right?

Secondly, you haven’t asked me about gender, right?

Therefore, we each have half the responsibility for your misunderstanding of my gender. "

Tang Fan had to admit his gender, which instantly destroyed Brad and Zhao Fan's outlook on life.

So much so that I always felt that there was something strange about Tang Fan's words, but I couldn't put it into words.

Seeing that the first blow was effective, Tang Fan immediately threw the second bomb.

He silently lifted up his too-long bangs, revealing his little face with a hint of baby fat.

The big, clean eyes, the tall bridge of the nose, the rosy thin lips, and the beauty that could not be inferior to any popular star directly gave Brad and Zhao Fan a knowing blow.

Tang Fan looked at the dazed expressions of the two young men, smiled bitterly, and unleashed his final killing move.

"They all come from the ninth-level planet. You should know that it is difficult to be a human being, it is even more difficult to be a woman, and it is even more difficult to be a beautiful woman.

Having a pretty face but not having absolute strength and power is a disaster.

Living is a skill and an art. On a ninth-level planet, it is completely normal for a person without a household registration to disappear or die overnight.

I still want to live and live well. "

Brad and Zhao Fan were instantly killed by Tang Fan's final blow.

It took Brad a while to find his voice.

“Don’t think that if you say that, I will forgive you.

You have lied to me for so long. Without ten packs of dried meat, this matter will never end.

No, twenty packs!”

You don’t understand the world of foodies.

There is nothing that jerky cannot solve. If ten packs are not enough, then twenty packs.

Faced with Brad's unrestrained betrayal, what else can Zhao Fan do?

Of course there is a discount!

"I'm cheaper, ten packs are enough!"

Faced with such a "reasonable" request, Tang Fan... of course, ceded territory and paid compensation to ensure the "purity" of friendship.

It’s so simple and unpretentious!

After resolving the internal dispute straight away and "seeing Tang Fan's true face in Lushan clearly," Brad looked at Tang Fan with a sad expression, holding his stomach.

On that face were clearly written the words "please feed me".

Tang Fan sighed, took out a nutrient supplement from the space button and handed it to him.

"This one is the hungriest and the fastest."

Brad accepted it aggrievedly, and his little eyes were unrecognizable.

Tang Fan shook his head, took out the kitchen utensils from the space button, took out a huge piece of inferior white rice, broke off a small piece, and carefully cooked porridge for his bamboo horse.

Seeing Tang Fan's actions, Brad quickly stepped forward and held Tang Fan's hand, "Ah Fan, although the porridge you cook is delicious, you can't eat porridge every day!

Let's change the approach and have a meal, shall we? "

Tang Fan glanced at Brad and sighed, "It's just this time, it won't happen next time."

Brad knew that Tang Fan had agreed to his request, and he immediately let go of Tang Fan with satisfaction.

Brad drank the tasteless nutritional supplement while watching Tang Fan make delicious food.

Simple tiger eggs, spicy honey chicken wings, spinach with nuts, fish-flavored eggplant, and the most common seaweed and egg soup were all placed on the table one by one, and the rice in the pot was just right.

Brad couldn't wait to rush over and got himself a big bowl of rice. He also got a bowl for Tang Fan and sat down.

Zhao Fan or something, do it yourself and have enough food and clothing!

Humans are all omnivores, but Brad has obviously mutated and is a pure carnivore.

His chopsticks will turn, always lingering on the meat.

The first time I hit it, I ran towards the largest chicken wings.

The taste of the first bite on the chicken is ecstasy. The moment you bite into the sweet skin, the fat explodes on the tip of your tongue from the inside out. The tender white chicken bounces in your mouth, followed by the unforgettable flavor of spices, sweet and a little salty. , salty and fresh with a little bit of fragrance...

The taste makes people want to swallow their tongue.

But before Brad had time to reflect, there were two "strong rivals" at the dinner table!

Take a bite from the left, take a bite from the right, and take a bite to break the bones.

Within three seconds, two chicken bones were neatly placed on the dining table, and Brad was already moving on to the next chicken wings.

Even if Tang Fan did something even more outrageous, with this skill, it would be impossible for Brad to be angry for more than a meal.

He is so unambitious!

At Brad's speed, Zhao Fan didn't care about his image and joined the ranks of grabbing food.

It wasn't until their stomachs were so full that they couldn't stand up, lying on the chair holding their bellies motionless, as if they were pregnant women who were five or six months pregnant, that their mouths regained the ability to speak.

"Good times!"

"Nonsense, what Ah Fan makes must be delicious!"

"I accidentally overstuffed myself!"

"Me too!"

Tang Fan rolled his eyes, feeling that the two people in front of him talked too much.

After only eating a piece of chicken wing, two eggs, three bites of eggplant, five bites of spinach, and a small bowl of soup, Tang Fan, who was barely half full, stood up and silently cleared the table.

And these have always been Brad's job.

Brad smiled sheepishly.

"Ah Fan, leave these aftermath matters to me. Once I've digested it a bit, I'll take care of it!"

Tang Fan stopped cleaning the table, happily gave up on cleaning up the aftermath, sat down, and knocked on the table.

“Now that the internal contradictions have been resolved, let’s discuss the external contradictions.

I don’t know much information, in summary there are only five:

Blue Starfish has entered the exam season, and the news that all space equipment will be affected is true.

There is a large temperature difference between day and night in Blue Starfish. During the day, the temperature is as high as 87°C in direct sunlight. At night, when the sun is not shining, the temperature drops to -32°C. Both warmth and cold protection measures are necessary.

Blue Starfish is half land and half ocean, with rich and complete species, so you need to be well prepared.

The entrance examination is divided into three rounds, written examination, practical examination and final assessment.

Before the exam, all candidates must sign a life and death certificate. Blue Ocean Mecha Academy will not be responsible for any casualties that occur during the exam. "

After hearing Tang Fan's explanation, both Brad and Zhao Fan's expressions changed.

Brad spoke first: "The space equipment is affected, and so many things need to be equipped. This is difficult to handle!"

Zhao Fan nodded, "Food, clothing, housing and transportation are all problems!"

Brad patted Zhao Fan on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Follow Afan and you will have meat to eat!

As long as our family is here, I don't have to worry about food. "

Zhao Fan glanced at Tang Fan, who nodded, "As long as the star beasts and star plants are handled properly, they are good ingredients. As long as you bring enough drinking water, you don't have to worry too much about food.

But in other aspects, I am not too sure! "

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