Mecha Forger

Chapter 31 Arrival

At first, Zhao Fan simply thought that Tang Fan was just listening when he was bored.

But when Tang Fan listened in one time, he made a shocking statement. This simple sentence cleared up Zhao Fan's doubts for many years, broke his bottleneck, and allowed him to successfully advance from C+ to B- or beyond.

Under Zhao Fan's constant questioning, he finally learned from Brad that classmate Tang Fan, whom he had always thought was malnourished, was actually a C+ freak in both physical and mental strength.

Moreover, this is just a conclusion reached by Tang Fan from a casual try on the Star Network when he turned fifteen, and it may not be true or reliable.

In an instant, Zhao Fan was completely possessed by the lemon essence and was extremely sore.

Why is there such a big gap between someone else's fifteen years old and my own fifteen years old?

After Brad knew the truth, Zhao Fan was stunned and comforted: "Brother, you still spend too little time with Tang Fan.

As long as you stay with him long enough, you will know that this is just Tang Fan's daily operation.

As long as it happens to Tang Fan, there is no need to be too surprised by anything.

For example, within a ten-day voyage, he should be able to read through the entire set of Alliance Star Beast Star Plants that are thick enough to kill a Star Beast..."

Zhao Fan said nothing about Brad's obsessive behavior.

Although he admitted that Tang Fan was very strong, it was not as exaggerated as Brad said!

During the ten-day voyage, did you read the entire set of Alliance Star Beasts and Star Plants?

Why didn't he say that Tang Fan's potential had reached the pinnacle of SSS level!

When the voyage entered the tenth day, in the deep darkness, a crystal clear planet with intertwined blue and green patterns, wrapped in a thin layer of aqua blue "gauze" appeared in front of everyone's eyes. .

So beautiful and flawless, transparent and crystal clear.

The light aqua blue brings her quiet beauty, and the identical lines make her look more vicissitudes of life.

Mysterious and elusive, beautiful and intriguing.

The surrounding white artificial satellites dimmed instantly like fish eyes to pearls.

The girl by the window finally turned off her optical brain and quietly enjoyed the beautiful scenery.

Brad and Zhao Fan, who had been fighting fiercely just now, finally ended the fight and were attracted by the beautiful scenery to the window.

For a moment, everyone was attracted by this beautiful scenery, and the room was filled with silence.

It wasn't until a "gurgling" sound broke the silence that everyone came back to their senses from the beautiful scenery.

Brad held his belly in embarrassment and smiled sheepishly at Tang Fan and Zhao Fan.

"I'm sorry, I really didn't mean it!"

Tang Fan glanced at Brad's belly, nodded, patted Brad's shoulder, and resigned himself to cooking for Brad.

This time, when Tang Fan took out the huge, inferior white rice and washed it to make porridge, Brad finally fell silent.

Zhao Fan touched Brad with his elbow and cast a puzzled look, as if asking Brad, "Why don't you say anything this time?"

Brad coughed low, put on a serious expression, and said seriously: "The stomach and intestines that have only taken nutritional supplements for a long time cannot bear a large amount of food, so we can only start with light white porridge.

It’s better than it is!”

Tang Fan glanced at Brad and nodded with a smile.

"Since you also know this truth, then you should be more restrained in eating white porridge today, no more than three bowls, and please replace the rest with nutritional supplements, okay?"

Brad looked at the rice grains that were almost completely melted like solid glue in front of him, imagining them slowly returning to their sweetness in his mouth, passing through his esophagus, warming his stomach... and then thinking about Tang Fan. That cruel limit of three bowls...Brad nodded like a broken man.

Then, he silently took out the largest bowl he had prepared from his own space, which is the bowl used by ordinary families to hold soup.

Is there such an operation?

Zhao Fan looked at Brad's bowl and was completely confused.

On the contrary, it was Tang Fan, with a line written clearly on his face - I had known this would happen!

Because of this daze, Zhao Fan was obviously lagging behind.

Only when Brad swallowed half the bowl of porridge did Zhao Fan react and serve the porridge.

The porridge was stewed until almost no grains of rice could be seen. It was as smooth as rice milk and did not require him to chew it at all.

The moment it flows into the throat, the original rice fragrance gradually spreads, and a warm feeling radiates from the inside out, soothing the stomach and heart.

It seems as if the March wind blows by, bringing with it the fragrance of green grass and the gentleness of flowing water, nourishing the heart.

This is a bowl of porridge that cures everything, and it is also a bowl of porridge that people can’t stop eating.

No wonder Brad changed to a big bowl. I'm afraid he already knew the soothing power of this white porridge.

Zhao Fan swallowed the porridge in the bowl in two mouthfuls, replaced it with a larger bowl without politeness, and gave himself another bowl.

This time, there was still not a drop left.

Tang Fan calmly got a bowl for himself and watched Brad and Zhao Fan grabbing the last bit of the pot.

Not even a grain of rice or a scrap of soup was left in the pot or bowl. Brad and Zhao Fan slumped on their chairs with expressions of satisfaction on their faces.

Brad, who had eaten and drank enough, looked at Tang Fan and asked with determination: "Have you finished reading the book?"

Tang Fan nodded, "Although I haven't practiced it before, there should be no problem with the magical beasts and demonic plants within level four.

After enrolling in school, if you walk more on Blue Sea Star, you should be able to get the hang of basically all the star beasts and star plants. "

Zhao Fan looked at Brad and Tang Fan, who were having a lively discussion:...

The slap in the face came so fast, like a tornado.

Fortunately, I didn’t say what was in my heart!

In order to prevent his self-esteem from being hurt again, Zhao Fan simply turned aside and directed the topic from Tang Fan to the Blue Ocean Mecha Academy.

This topic simply satisfied Brad's appetite. With expectations for the Blue Ocean Mecha Academy, Brad and Zhao Fan excitedly discussed until twelve o'clock.

Finally, under Tang Fan's order, he stopped the discussion and fell asleep.

After all, the three of them have never seen what the exams at Blue Ocean Mecha Academy are like.

After getting off the starship, no one knew what was waiting for them.

Therefore, it is crucial for them to maintain sufficient physical strength.

And sleep is definitely one of the best ways to maintain physical strength.

And the other one

At eight o'clock the next morning, the starship arrived at Blue Sea Star on time.

Tang Fan thought about the tens of thousands of rooms on the starship, and was not anxious at all. After feeding Brad and Zhao Fan with white porridge to ensure everyone's physical strength, the three of them walked out in the form of a crane.

Unexpectedly, in this situation, they also met "acquaintances" - the cute foodie and the man in black who was inseparable from her.

Tang Fan originally planned to turn a blind eye and walk over.

Unexpectedly, the cutie who is a foodie turned out to be a familiar person. Before Tang Fan could react, the cutie had already jumped in front of Tang Fan.

"Beautiful sister, we meet again!"

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