Mecha Forger

Chapter 310 You have the final say

Naturally, "Yin Qiu"'s wine was not given for free.

Mr. He Qingfeng can't do anything but eat and drink.

Therefore, after Mr. He Qingfeng calmed down the alcohol bug in his stomach, he still gave "Yin Qiu" serious guidance.

That's the scorpion's tail - poison's (unique) treatment.

Not being a direct disciple is better than being a direct disciple.

Everyone in the alliance is jealous.

It’s just He Qingfeng!

Not much is known about him, but those who know him well naturally know that he refuses to leave in a hurry and has a stubborn donkey temper to back off.

No one dared to touch this bad luck in front of him, so no more troubles occurred.

But this group of people were not so polite to "Yin Qiu".

Her group of "comrades" who had participated in previous alliance military quality competitions could all come to check in in front of "Yin Qiu". This group of people prided themselves on being in a high position, so naturally they didn't care what "Yin Qiu" thought.

Monitoring "Yin Qiu" 360 degrees without blind spots, so as to steal lessons or something, without even thinking about "Yin Qiu"'s feelings.

"Yin Qiu" was so annoyed by this group of people that he did not stay in the training room and directly occupied the magpie's nest and occupied the dormitory of Mr. He Qingfeng.

In this way, I felt a little calmer, but I was also laughed at by Mr. He Qingfeng for a long time.

In this way, "Yin Qiu" only hid for a week before being "invited" out of the training room by the school leaders.

The excuses were all ready, saying that they were discussing the alliance's military quality competition.

"Yin Qiu" couldn't get angry, and suddenly he understood why Marshal Blake was so powerless against the Blackwater Army.

If you can't even manage an alliance military academy, how can the people you teach not have their own little thoughts?

If the people's hearts are scattered, it will naturally be difficult to lead the team.

If you want to change the atmosphere of the Blackwater Army, the first step is to treat it from the root.

If the Alliance Military Academy and the Blackwater Army could support each other and complement each other like the Blue Sea Mecha Academy and the Expeditionary Force.

The Blackwater Army should probably go further!

Perhaps, she could suggest to George that after graduation, classmate "Yin Yulan" can directly enter the Alliance Military Academy, raise the banner of the Alliance Military Academy, and follow the husband and the wife?

"Yin Qiu" touched his chin, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that his suggestion was very constructive.

Those high-ranking people who thought they could make "Yin Qiu" round and flat didn't know that this girl had already sentenced them to death in their hearts because of such a trivial matter.

Moreover, the executioner was probably another "little girl movie" that they didn't even notice.

Of course, there are still two opinions on whether this matter will succeed or not.

However, there are only a few people in the world who want to stop classmate "Yin Qiu".

Unfortunately, at this moment, they are not in the Alliance Military Academy.

"Yin Qiu" had already communicated her plan to George through the optical brain before she even reached the principal's office.

Not only George, but also the entire Black family are somewhat dissatisfied with the current situation of the Union Military Academy.

George showed strong interest in "Yin Qiu"'s proposal.

The tacit understanding between the two people has not faded because of the decrease in contact over the past few years.

As soon as "Yin Qiu" sat down in front of Zhuo Ding, George had already figured out the preliminary framework.

After all, "Yin Qiu" and "Yin Yulan" are less than two years away from graduation. Since there is a plan to send "Yin Yulan" to the position of dean of the Alliance Military Academy, some preliminary work must be prepared.

Sooner rather than later!

As for the extremely important alliance military quality competition that Zhuo Ding mentioned?

For "Yin Qiu", it is just a game that he has to participate in.

Zhuo Ding finished talking and drank three cups of tea, but "Yin Qiu" was still there without saying a word.

Looking at "Yin Qiu" who refused to eat, Zhuo Ding couldn't help pinching his nose and letting himself go.

"Classmate Yin Qiu, I know that you have good physical fitness and excellent professional abilities. You are a good candidate who can stand on your own wherever you go.

I have already prepared the recommendation letter for the Blackwater Army for you.

However, a single thread cannot make a thread, and a single tree cannot make a forest.

You alone can't win the league's military quality competition! "

Listen and listen.

"Yin Qiu" just heard this and knew that what Mr. He Qingfeng said "sooner or later will know" has finally happened.

"so what?"

Thinking of what he wanted "Yin Qiu" to do, no matter how thick-skinned Zhuo Ding was, he couldn't help but blush at this moment, folded his thumb and index finger together, and then slightly opened the distance.

"During the competition, can you give other students a little more opportunity to perform?"

"Yin Qiu" couldn't help but have a touch of sarcasm on his lips.

“I think they have a lot of opportunities to perform!

Yin Yulan, gold like clouds, white rug"

"Yin Qiu" clapped his fingers and counted them one by one.

The more "Yin Qiu" counted, the uglier Zhuo Ding's face became.

Finally, Zhuo Ding couldn't help shouting: "That's enough!"

"Yin Qiu" lowered his head and sneered for a moment, then looked at Zhuo Ding with a "bewildered face", "Is there anything wrong with what I said?"

Not only is it wrong, it is simply wrong.

Look at the group of people counted by "Yin Qiu". They don't even have a combat professional. They are all people from humble backgrounds.

Nowadays, poor people all over the alliance are eyeing these non-combat professions and the Alliance Military Academy.

These poor guys have to scrape together tuition fees, let alone money and money.

In the past two years, his income has shrunk by nearly one-third.

He deliberately got "Yin Qiu" out and let those "brothers" who had been keeping an eye on the alliance's military quality competition for a long time take up their positions.

The result is that there is no result!

Two-wheeled travel or something like that is simply embarrassing.

With no other choice, he could only get "Yin Qiu" back.

This time, the ranking was confirmed, but not a single close-up of those "connected households" was found.

Facing the anger of the elders, Zhuo Ding's old waist almost broke.

He reluctantly consulted with this little girl, and she actually gave him "a pig's nose with a green onion - pretending to be an elephant".

Zhuo Ding became angry all of a sudden.

“These guys, you have to give them more opportunities to perform.

Otherwise, Blackwater Army’s recommendation letter”

To be honest, "Yin Qiu" really didn't like the Blackwater Army's recommendation letter.

However, if she couldn't let out this bad breath, she might not be able to sleep well for a long time.

Give these guys more opportunities to perform, right?

"Yin Qiu" looked at those names and smiled slightly: "You are the principal, you have the final say!"

Seeing "Yin Qiu" compromise, Zhuo Ding smiled with satisfaction.

And "Yin Qiu" who walked out of the principal's office with his hands behind his back also smiled.

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