Mecha Forger

Chapter 325

Changing the direction and searching according to the picture, classmate "Yin Qiu" quickly found the real owner.

She did not fly to the sky, nor did she escape to the earth.

She just took off her vest, and as the support staff Miao Miao, she stayed on the Rainbow Planet in the Tianzhuo Star Territory...that's all.

Who would have thought that a little girl who couldn't lift it with her hands or carry it on her shoulders could cause turmoil in the entire alliance?

But unfortunately, this Miao Miao girl is such a ruthless character.

That calmness of "getting done with it and hiding your merits and fame" impressed classmate "Yin Qiu" with admiration.

When "Yin Qiu" shared the news with Marshals Song Yuanshi and Black, both Marshals were shocked.

Although they were dubious, the two marshals quickly investigated the little Miao Miao girl.

Together with Yu Zhenzhen's information, all were sent to "Yin Qiu".

On the surface, the two little girls seemed to have nothing in common, but when they searched carefully with a magnifying glass, the two marshals still found some clues.

Before being admitted to Tianzhuo Military Academy, they all actually stayed at a training school called "Shengshi".

This training school located in the corner of the capital city looks no different from thousands of pre-examination training schools.

But when Song Yuanshi and Blake saw the names of Jim Field, Anna Smith and others, the two marshals were stunned.

Jim Field!!!

Anna Smith!!!

It seems they accidentally discovered something!

Digging deeper along this line, the two marshals became more and more frightened.

The first principal was Jim Field, and one of the first students was Anna Smith.

"Yin Qiu" felt that his shoulders were still too immature and it was already very difficult to carry his own three-quarter acre of land.

It is better to leave the responsibility of saving all living beings in the Alliance to the two marshals!

The two marshals looked at the helpless classmate "Yin Qiu" and could only look at each other and smile bitterly.

If possible, they would actually like to give up their burden!

Following the Tianzhuo Army, the Expeditionary Army and the Blackwater Army also ushered in their own internal purges.

Especially the Blackwater Army, to the point where everyone is in danger.

Even the Alliance Military Academy was affected, with many staff and even several teachers dismissed.

I heard that the incident happened so suddenly that Principal Zhuo Dingzhuo was completely unprepared. When he was caught off guard, he actually asked the Blackwater Army for help.

I heard that Marshal Blake agreed without hesitation and sent a ten-person backbone force to join the teaching team of the Alliance Military Academy, and sent an additional thirty people to support the campus construction of the Alliance Military Academy...

When classmate "Yin Yulan" mentioned this matter, his eyes and eyebrows were filled with smiles.

Co-authored, this is not the handiwork of Marshal Black, but a helper specially prepared by Colonel George Black for Xiao Qingmei?

Classmate "Yin Qiu" was forced into a mouthful of dog food and immediately burped.

In late autumn, "Yin Qiu" smells the smell of spring.

This made classmate "Yin Qiu" suddenly have the idea of ​​"I really want to fall in love"!

But when the list of teachers and students of Shengshi Training School was passed over, Zhao Jingshu’s design drawings were handed in front of her, and the raw material procurement plan of the Wild Starship Factory was placed in front of her...

fall in love?


"Yin Qiu", who has finished his mecha on Rainbow Planet for a month, naturally solved the problem of Tang's mecha first.

Immediately afterwards, there is the Savage Starship Factory...

As for Shengshi Training School?

"Yin Qiu" just pretended not to see it!

As winter approaches, winter vacation is approaching step by step.

With forty helpers, classmate "Yin Yulan" finally took a ten-day vacation and returned to the Lingxu Star Territory.

"Yin Qiu" originally wanted to accompany her.

Unfortunately, her entry application was ruthlessly rejected by Colonel George Black.

As smart as "Yin Qiu", she could only silently deliver snacks, gave up her plan to be a light bulb, and concentrated on preparing for the winter new product launch conference of Tang's mecha.

Busy days always pass very quickly.

The press conference has just ended and the new semester has begun again.

It’s the day again for seventh graders to report to various units.

Standing in Principal Lan's office, watching the students farewell, "Yin Qiu" couldn't help but think of the time when he was an intern with the expeditionary force.

Jin Ruyun should also go to the Blackwater Army!

"Yin Qiu" still has some feelings for this young lady who has been fighting together for three years.

There is no going back!

But "Yin Qiu" still specifically asked "Yin Yulan" to take her place and give Miss Jin Ruyun a ride.

I heard that when Jin Ruyun left, all his comrades who had participated in the alliance's military quality competition came.

I heard that the moment I saw "Yin Yulan" in the farewell crowd, I cried like a fool.

It is said that Jin Ruyun performed exceptionally well in the recruit training of the Blackwater Army.

Every time he hears this news, "Yin Qiu" will smile slightly.

As for the Alliance Military Quality Competition, until October of the following year, there was still no result.

The most valuable game in the league ended up in the middle of the quarrel between various departments.

Without the Alliance Military Quality Competition, "Yin Qiu" would not have the slightest idea of ​​an Alliance Military Academy.

"Yin Yulan", a classmate with more than 40 helpers, didn't particularly need her help, so she just let her "be lazy".

In a blink of an eye, they all became seventh graders, and everyone began to think about their future.

"Yin Yulan" chose to stay in school, while Xiao Xiao went to the Blackwater Army...

And "Yin Qiu"?

But at this critical moment, he was deliberately forgotten.

When "Yin Qiu" stood at the port of the planet Sumer, everyone looked at her with a bit of sympathy in her eyes.

It feels good to offend the school leaders, and they will be assigned to the crematorium after graduation!


However, "Yin Qiu" himself doesn't particularly care!

She walked low-key in this unfamiliar yet familiar campus, drank with Mr. He Qingfeng, played with mechas with Bai Jifeng and Shan Baili... She didn't want to live a comfortable life.

As the hero who led the Alliance Military Academy participating teams and won three championships in the Alliance Military Quality Competition, the school did not give "Yin Qiu" a clear explanation until graduation.

The most amazing figure in the Alliance Military Academy just disappeared into the vast sea of ​​people, without a trace anymore.

Since then, the whereabouts of "Yin Qiu" have become one of the top ten unsolved mysteries of the Alliance Military Academy.

Disappearing together with "Yin Qiu" was the mind-controlled mecha developed by Bai Jifeng and Shan Bailifu.

The only thing that proves she is still alive is the rice wine that is delivered to Mr. He Qingfeng every year when school starts.

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