Mecha Forger

Chapter 368 Bear’s Paw

Looking at the bushes in the cave and touching his dry clothes, Tao Qingxi moved his buttocks and patted his throne, "Come here and warm yourself up by the fire.

We can't afford to get sick in this unfamiliar place. "

Tang Fan sat down next to Tao Qingxi, wiped off the water droplets on his face, pulled his wet hair a few times, clicked his tongue, hid aside and changed into a clean protective suit, and then sat next to Tao Qingxi.

She is not a weak chicken like Tao Qingxi, who can be roasted or not, it doesn't matter.

But she couldn't stand wearing dirty protective clothing or anything like that.

Miss Tang Fan slowly completed the series of operations of collecting water, purifying the water, and washing the protective clothing with drinking water.

Ms. Tao Qingxi screamed and was stunned.

Ms. Tao Qingxi looked at the protective clothing on her body that had lost its color for a long time, and then looked at the clean protective clothing baked on the bushes. She felt that she was rough and sloppy, and she didn't look like a girl at all.

But she really couldn't do Tang Fan's kind of operation.

First, she had no extra protective clothing.

Secondly, she did not have the capital to use drinking water to wash clothes.

Therefore, Ms. Tao Qingxi looked at Tang Fan with eyes full of envy.

If you are as smart as Tang Fan, you will naturally not miss it.

But it was absolutely impossible for her to give up her only protective clothing when she was short of food and clothing.

Tang Fan thought about the Zhao family's ancestor's description of Shuo Xing, pursed his lips, took out the dagger in his space buckle, and walked step by step towards the big bear next to him.

It was impossible to give up protective clothing, but there was no problem in making a bearskin coat for a weakling like Tao Qingxi to keep warm.

Pair it with a wolfskin hat and scarf...

It should be almost ready to deal with the changeable weather of the new moon!

As for when the weather gets warmer?

Ms. Tao Qingxi's protective clothing, whose color is no longer visible, should be almost done!

As for before the bearskin coat is ready?

Ms. Tao Qingxi was afraid that she could only wrap herself in that dirty protective suit and make do with it!

While Tang Fan was skinning bears, Ms. Tao Qingxi was not idle either.

Using all the available tools at hand, he quickly collected the big bear's meat. Except for the four bear paws, all the rest were made into nutrients.

After Tang Fan finished processing the bear skin, he saw a large pile of nutrients and four furry bear paws next to Ms. Tao Qingxi.

Tang Fan rubbed his temples and said solemnly: "Bear's paws are hard to ripen. I'm afraid you won't be able to eat them after a while!"

Tao Qingxi's eyes suddenly lost their light. He said "Oh", picked up the nutritional supplement on the side and drank it one sip at a time.

Tang Fan pressed his molars, processed the four bear paws, and put them in a wine jar.

No matter how difficult it is to handle, these are still ingredients, and they are top-quality ingredients. There is absolutely no reason to throw them away.

"When the conditions are right, I will cook braised bear paws for you!"

After hearing Tang Fan's words, Ms. Tao Qingxi's eyes finally regained their former look.

As night fell, it rained heavily again.

In the following dozens of days, the rain did not stop.

The water level rose again and again, and it had already submerged the cave where they originally lived.

Tang Fan and Tao Qingxi both had ugly expressions.

What's more, a large-scale cooling will follow.

When the first snowflakes fell, the bearskin coat Tang Fan had prepared was finally put on Tao Qingxi.

The colorless protective clothing finally revealed its beautiful base color after being washed and bleached three times.

Looking at the white protective clothing on the bushes, Tang Fan couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

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