Mecha Forger

Chapter 390: Polite

The four parts of the laboratory, southeast, northwest and northwest, are all distributed in a fan shape.

District one is one ring, districts two to five are every two districts are one ring, districts six to eighteen are every three districts are one ring.

Song Ci is undoubtedly lucky.

Driving in a straight line, he successfully rushed from the edge of the laboratory to the central area of ​​the North Third District. Half of the task was already completed.

But Song Ci is unfortunate.

Because it is also close to the center, the more important the imprisoned "human beings" are, the higher the degree of integration of genetic modification, and the stronger the combat effectiveness. Some people even take into account the characteristics of human thinking and mutant creatures at the same time.

When you look at enemies with more and more human characteristics and smell the smell of blood, they rush towards you...

That feeling is simply amazing!

But what can they do?

I can only rush forward with an indescribable sense of guilt.

Not even halfway through the North Third District, the Tang Dao in Xiao Dao's hand was already curled.

Not only the Tang Dao in Xiao Dao's hand, but also the weapons in other people's hands were not much better.

Even if they have all been on the battlefield, those who have fought mutant creatures will have some understanding of the characteristics of mutant creatures.

Even the characteristics of mutated creatures will be greatly weakened in humans.

Even if they test a little, they can find the weaknesses of this group of enemies...

However, the disparity in physical quality and quantity still left them frustrated and unable to achieve their goals.

Seeing the passage of time, the number of enemies in front of them only increased, and the gate behind them was also crumbling under the impact of the enemies. There was a trace of tragedy on everyone's faces.

Song Ci suddenly whistled, and the eleven people quickly gathered together.

The moment their backs hit each other, Song Ci spoke.

"Glasses, Atong, get ready!"

As soon as the words fell, Yan Yan and Atong took a big step back into the protective circle.

Song Ci and Xiao Dao also immediately took action, each taking a small half step to the right, perfectly blocking the gap they had just traveled.

At this time, there are no marshals or alliance major generals, only strategies and tactics, and priorities.

The human wall built by nine people firmly protected the glasses and Atong in the center.

The glasses did not disappoint everyone's expectations. It only took three seconds to formulate a plan and convey it to Atong.

The paralysis potion in Atong's hand, under the command of the glasses, fell steadily five meters in front of the team.

A puff of white smoke quickly filled the air. The knife at the front of the team quickly covered his mouth and nose, but he still inhaled a little smoke.

The knife touched the comrade on the left, then jumped back and shook his dizzy head.

The next second, an antidote potion was handed to him.

Just when Xiaodao was about to refuse, he heard Atong's slightly deep voice, "The medicine is gone, there is still a chance to do it again.

When people are gone, there is nothing!”

When the knife came to his mouth, he swallowed it silently.

Then he swallowed the few antidote potions in Song Tong's hand.

With the blessing of the paralysis potion, they moved forward while finishing their attacks. They left the North Third District just before the enemy broke through the gate, and closed the obviously thicker gate.

The moment the door closed, everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The next second, ten physical recovery potions appeared in front of everyone.

Ten hands stretched out solemnly, and each person took a physical recovery potion.

This time, no one was polite.

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