Mecha Forger

Chapter 403 Poor

A piece of candy, sweet from the tip of your tongue to the tip of your heart.

Eaters are short-tongued and take advantage of others softly.

Miss Tang Fan suddenly felt that there were some things that it was better not to delve into.

So, after quietly giving out the candies, Miss Tang Fan put her hands into her pockets, said hello to Song Ci, and went back to her room to catch up on her nap.

Looking at the young girl's chic back with candy in her mouth, something flashed across Major General Song's eyes.

No matter how reluctant you are to part with it, the candy in your mouth still cannot be retained and melts in your mouth.

After the pure sweetness disappeared, a faint bitter taste suddenly came to my heart.

It was obviously not obvious, but Song Ci drank a large bottle of drinking water, but he couldn't suppress the bitter taste.

Classmate Song Tong in the monitoring center looked at Major General Song Ci and Song, who was so frustrated that he felt elated and overjoyed.

If conditions didn't allow it, she would have recorded this scene and sent it to the expeditionary force and Ms. Yao.

Such a wonderful picture...

Of course, having fun alone is not as good as having fun together!

As for the consequences after the discovery of Song Ci?

Song Tong is not afraid either!

After all, Song Yuanshi, Marshal Song and Ms. Yao are not just decorations!

Even if these two big guys are not strong enough, Xiao Dao should be able to block it for her.

In line with this principle, classmate Song Tong not only copied some scenes that she considered classics to her optical brain.

We also specially edited it and added BGM.

If conditions didn't allow it, she would even want to add a few special effects.

Editing videos was so joyful that Song Tong couldn't stop.

Even when Song Ci Major General Song walked into the command center, he could not stop Song Tong's creative enthusiasm.

Fortunately, Song Ci didn't pay too much attention to her, but focused on the small screen that had just been erected in the command center to monitor Emile Field and others.

Just like Song Ci is wary of Emil Field, Emile Field is also always wary of Song Ci.

Obviously Song Ci gave Emil Field four video equipment, but Emil Field only opened one.

And the angle captured by this only video recording device is very strange.

If it weren't for the whistling of the wind and the subtle difference between the distant nebula, Song Ci would even begin to suspect that the scene in front of him was just a still frame.

But just like this shot, Major General Song Ci and Song kept staring at it, motionless.

Song Tong finally finished editing the video and saw this picture.

She came over, touched Song Ci's elbow, and asked curiously: "It's just such a picture, what's so interesting about it?"

Song Ci raised his eyebrows and said nothing, but the glasses on the side spoke, "Although the information provided by this picture is not much, it is not completely useless.

Through the sound of the wind, we can clearly calculate the speed of the mecha driving.

Knowing the distance between the experimental star and the destination, and knowing the speed of the mecha driving, we can accurately locate Emile Field and the others..."

Song Tong looked at the calmly analyzing glasses, then looked at Song Ci, and felt his hair standing on end.

"You...are too exaggerated!"

Major General Song Ci waved his hand, "Don't be too surprised. These are all basic operations of a data analyst!"

The corner of Song Tong's mouth twitched, "From the bottom of my heart, I begin to sympathize with the girl you are interested in.

When I think about them being stared at and analyzed from 360 degrees by you, I feel sorry for them from the bottom of my heart!"

Song Tong's heartfelt words successfully made Song Ci and his glasses change their expressions.

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