Mecha Forger

Chapter 420 Men’s Tears

Although being dominated by a little girl made people feel uncomfortable, Song Tong, who had no better way, could only follow Tang Fan's suggestion. After passing the list to Song Ci, he deleted it completely and pretended that he had nothing to do with it. Knowing the innocent face.

Although everyone knew that this girl was just faking it, there was nothing they could do against her.

But this matter will not go away without Song Ci and Tang Fan talking about it.

At least, with Song Ci, it's not that easy to get over.

After those genetic modifications, the original appearance cannot be seen.

As long as someone could see their appearance clearly, Song Ci could not help but take a close-up of them and match them with the list in his hand.

Both Tang Fan and Song Tong knew that this had become a worry for Song Ci.

The entire alliance knows that the reason why Major General Song Ci and Song received the Ziwei Badge is because when he went to the Expeditionary Force for professional internship, he encountered a wave of star thieves who were not very discerning and brought them to justice.

Everyone also knows that in the eleven and a half years after graduation, Song Ci was able to eliminate a wave of star thieves every six months on average.

More than 60% of the heads of the star thieves in the capital star prison were all sent by this one.

It's just that he has a reputation as a star thief's nemesis.

But only a few people knew that his first encounter with the Star Thieves was much earlier than when he went to the Expeditionary Force for a professional internship.

As the marshal's family members, while enjoying the glory, they must also bear the corresponding pressure.

Especially the family members of Song Yuanshi, known as the iron-fisted marshal, will bear much more than the average person.

Bribing medical staff to poison, assassinate, and disguise as star thieves to intercept and kill...

Song Yuanshi, Ms. Yao and Song Ci have experienced all the things that can be thought of and things that cannot be thought of, both openly and secretly.

However, Song Ci, who has experienced this, is relatively lucky.

At least, he survived.

The three children Song Yuanshi and Ms. Yao had before giving birth to Song Ci were not so lucky.

Especially their first child, who came to them no more than a month ago and left them no more than three days after the pregnancy was confirmed.

Song Yuanshi and Ms. Yao didn't even have time to be happy, so they endured the sadness they shouldn't have to bear.

It was a baby girl, which was Ms. Yao's lifelong regret. It was also the main reason why Ms. Yao actively strived for Tang Fan to be her daughter-in-law.

It was just because of this that when Ms. Yao became pregnant for the fourth time, Song Yuanshi was so nervous that she did not find a pharmacist in Capital Star at all. Instead, she personally sent Ms. Yao to Lan Haixing and gave it to Lan Yuan and his wife to take care of her.

It wasn't until Song Ci turned six years old and was photographed by an unscrupulous reporter that Song Yuanshi disclosed Song Ci's existence to the entire alliance.

Just as Ms. Yao was returning to the Capital Star with her six-year-old Song Ci, the young Song Ci saw for the first time the vast expanse of starry sky, a nebula formed by countless intertwined planets.

At the same time, he also saw an ever-expanding black dot, and his lifelong enemy - the Black Skull Star Thieves.

Even if there was a fifty-man marshal's personal guard, that battle would be extremely difficult.

If Red Rose hadn't passed by, if Song Ci hadn't reached an agreement with Rose Duke Lowell Weir immediately...

Song Ci himself didn't know what would happen.

Unfortunately, Lowell Weir was not very strong back then and could only barely take him and Ms. Yao away.

The remaining fifty soldiers and other personnel on the starship...

Song Ci looked at the experimental star, then at the seven annihilated red dots, and a tear appeared in the corner of his eye.

When a man sheds tears, he doesn't shed them easily, but they are not sad yet.

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