Mecha Forger

Chapter 432 Bait

Song Ci spent all his efforts to convince Emil Field, but as soon as Emil Field left, Song Ci let Xiao Dao and others follow him.

It is impossible to rest assured about Emil Field!

Impossible in this life.

With Emile Field's foresight and foresight, although he set off before Xiaodao and others, he still fell steadily behind Xiaodao and others.

When Xiaodao and others took the infrared scanner and secretly conducted a 360-degree scan of the roughly earth-yellow planet (Hongmeng Star), and used the drone to perfectly transmit the data back, There was no trace of Emil Field and others.

Xiao Dao clicked his tongue and passed the news to the rear.

Seeing the news from Xiaodao, Song Ci raised his eyebrows and used the drone to issue a hidden order to Xiaodao.

Hiding in place or something like that, for a knife, is basically the same as taking a rest.

He gave a casual military salute to the drone, and then lay down leisurely on the spot.

The evening breeze blew past my ears and through my hair.

The wind stopped on the branches, and the yellow leaves fell lightly.

The brilliance of the setting sun dyed the sky golden, and the clouds seemed to be coated with honey, just like the honey osmanthus cake of Baiweitang.

Xiao Dao swallowed a sip of saliva, silently took out a nutritional supplement, glanced at it with disgust, and held it in his mouth.

Although the alliance has developed more than a thousand flavors of nutritional supplements, in his eyes, who has been eating this stuff for a long time, nutritional supplements just taste like nutritional supplements.

It only lasts for a day or two. As time goes by, it will fade out of your mouth!

At this time, everything looks delicious.

Xiao Dao smiled bitterly, swallowed the nutrient supplement resignedly, braced himself and looked behind him.

In the distance, a colorful mecha with clumsy movements appeared vaguely.

The concealment method was extremely amateurish, and even a pharmacist like Song Tong wouldn't be able to deceive him.

Xiaodao looked at the piece of mecha, and then at the dense red dots on the infrared scanner, and couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

No wonder Song Ci made him wait!

Co-author, are you waiting for Emile Field to come to your doorstep as cannon fodder?

Song Ci is really insidious!

However, he likes it!

Not only did he like it, but he also vaguely looked forward to Hongmeng Xing's reaction.

Xiaodao set up the infrared scanner with a smile, and another nutrient supplement appeared in his mouth.

With such a wonderful drama, the nutritional supplements seem to taste a little better!

As for reminding Emile Field or something?


Impossible in this life!

The hidden skills that even Song Tong could not hide quickly attracted the attention of the Hongmeng Star gang.

He looked at the red dots, like sharp arrows, approaching in the direction of Emile Field at extremely fast speeds, and a bit of interest flashed in his knife eyes.

Xiaodao's mind quickly calculated the location where the two sides would meet, and the mecha's built-in video equipment was pointed in that direction without hesitation.

A row of black beast-shaped mechas appeared in Xiaodao's lens at extremely fast speeds.

Looking at the familiar mecha that looked exactly the same as that of the Experimental Star, Xiaodao took a deep breath as he thought about how difficult it was to control this mecha.

The enemy was more powerful than he imagined.

At least, in the use of mental power, it far surpassed him and the group of comrades behind him.

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