Mecha Forger

Chapter 44 Too difficult

"The first step to survive in the wild is to have fire!"

Tang Fan's light words immediately made everyone move.

In the wild, fire means warmth, hot water and cooked food. It can double people's strength and build confidence that is crucial for survival.

Making a fire is not difficult if you have a fire stick, lighter, or matches. But if you don’t have these, then mastering the art of making a fire with your bare hands is a must.

Artificial friction methods for making fire include drilling wood to make fire, fire plow, fire saw and fire bow.

Among them, the relatively simple and easy to implement method is the fire plowing method.

This is a common method of making fire in the Pacific. One end of a hardwood stick is rubbed continuously and rapidly in a groove on a wooden base until the accumulated heat ignites the wood chips in the groove. The burning wood chips are then placed in a pile of wood chips. In the kindling material at the front of the trough, carefully blow until the fire is ignited, and then add fine firewood, coarse firewood and whole tree segments in sequence, and finally you will have a blazing fire.

But this is no easy task.

First of all, you must have enough firewood, and secondly, you must have perseverance and blow air and oxygen at every opportunity.

Everyone worked hard for a while before the invisible sparks spread.

Tang Fan slowly collected the fire, and then leisurely asked the second question.

"Did you find water?"

Everyone had a look on their faces, and their expressions suddenly became serious.

In search of firewood, they traveled almost all over the land within a mile radius.

Let alone water, there was not even the sound of water.

In other words, there is no water source in this entire area.

This is not a good thing.

Brad, whose teeth were sore, frowned and said, "I'm going to find the yellow peel fruit!"

In the absence of water, the water-rich fruits and roots of plants are priceless treasures.

Although yellow peel fruit is sour, it is rich in water. It is better to be sore than to starve to death.

Qin Yi thought about the taste of huangpi fruit and swallowed silently, "I also have some clean pharmaceutical equipment here that can make a simple dew collector and filter."

Collecting rainwater and dew is another way to obtain drinking water.

The two people took action quickly, leaving Zhao Fan and George looking at each other.

George touched his chin and said calmly, "Next, should you talk about sleep problems?"

Humans do not have thick fur like animals, so in the wild, you must find a suitable space for you to temporarily hibernate.

Faced with George's question, Tang Fan firmly shook his head.

“We have two mechas and four cabins.

It is enough for one person to be on duty and four people to rest.

I'm worried about another issue - food.

The species here is very rich, with a large number of edible plants and animals, but these will not automatically come to us.

Besides, the salt in my hand is only enough for the five of us for three days."

Lack of salt will cause various symptoms of discomfort in the human body, so under normal circumstances, Tang Fan will prepare enough edible salt.

But when he set off from Sangzi Star, he didn't expect that there would be two more people.

George knew the elegant meaning after hearing Xiange, and quickly handed him and Qin Yi five days' worth of salt, "Five days should be enough.

Besides, the first half of the night belongs to you, and the second half of the night belongs to me. "

As for the food!

George strode forward and patted Qin Yi on the shoulder, "Do you still have the roasted pork belly potion? Give me one!"

A potion that smells like roasted pork belly?

This is really the first time I heard of it.

Looking at Tang Fan's confused eyes, Qin Yi explained while searching for the potion: "When I was in middle school, there was a wilderness survival training. I didn't have anything, which made me very hungry.

After returning home, I made potions with different flavors.

It has no effect, it just satisfies cravings. "

George took the potion from Qin Yi's hand and continued: "There are ten flavors in total, and the roasted pork belly has the strongest flavor. It should be able to attract a group of star beasts and star plants."

After all, he is his teammate, this operation is no worse than his own!

"Then let's take a walk first?"

Calling Brad, who had picked a lot of yellow-skinned fruits, a group of five people quickly dug the trap.

George smiled sinisterly and opened the potion and threw it into the trap.

The strong smell of roasted pork belly spread out immediately, almost exactly the same as the smell of Jinjia barbecue in the five-star hotel in the capital.

Brad, a foodie, couldn't help but sniff and praised.

“It smells so good!”

Tang Fan couldn't help but rolled his eyes and looked at the sky speechlessly.

Since Brad, a foodie human, can't stand it, don't mention those low-level star beasts and star plants with low IQs.

After a while, waves of star beasts, Xing Zhi, jumped into the trap one after another, unable to stop them.

When those star beasts and star plants couldn't find the food they longed for, but unexpectedly found the same kind that was contaminated by the food, it was as if they saw the enemy who killed their father, and they were extremely jealous.

Suddenly, there were countless star beasts like Xing Zhi who jumped into the trap and killed each other.

After a while, there were a lot of star beasts and star plants on the ground, the dead ones.

As long as it is stored properly, it is not a big problem to eat it until the end of the exam, let alone one day.

When the smell of the medicine gradually disappeared, the trend of "suicide" gradually subsided.

Tang Fan looked at the pit full of prey and squinted his eyes.

He finally understood how his unreliable father caused a wave of beasts.

The lethality of food, especially delicious food, to star beasts and star plants is far beyond everyone's imagination.

"I still underestimate the lethality of pharmacists!"

Qin Yi opened her mouth wide and murmured: "I just learned that my lethality is so great."

Not far away, an instructor disguised as Xingzhi recorded the scene with tears in his eyes, silently giving Qin Yi and George ten points each.

Are all the candidates in this class devils?

Just now, he was almost trampled to pieces by the rushing star beasts!

As an instructor, he is really difficult!

Unexpectedly, the more difficult part is yet to come.

This group of people cheated the star beast Xingzhi, and actually didn't even spare their bones.

They took all the star beasts and star plants out of the traps, threw back the ones that couldn't be eaten, and sorted all the edible ones for centralized processing.

The cute girl from the pharmacy department was in charge of the star plant, and the others each had a knife and concentrated on dealing with the star beast.

For a moment, the faint smell of barbecue, mixed with the strong fishy smell, and the lingering smell of blood mixed into an indescribable smell that went straight to the instructor's forehead, and he almost couldn't help but spit it out.

What surprised the instructor was that the girl who was the most slippery with the knife and handled the star beasts most neatly was the girl whose facial features could not be seen clearly.

She saw him holding up the head, hooves and fur of the falling star beast, which were too troublesome to deal with, and she threw them into the trap.

The knife was pulled down, and the tip of the knife was lifted, and the internal organs were removed. The star beast was immediately turned into food and hung on a branch nearby, waiting to be baked.

The boys haven't even finished dealing with a single star beast, but this girl has already dealt with three or four star beasts.

This is so neat and powerful, if you put it on a human body.

The instructor couldn't help but shuddered.

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