Mecha Forger

Chapter 459 Difficulty

Although Song Ci is not a professional pharmacist, the operation of the body detector is not complicated. The green light is on all the way and nothing abnormal is found. It does not matter who is operating it.

Looking at the body detector with the green light all the way, and then looking at the unconscious Tang Fan, Song Ci couldn't help but frown.

"Is your thing broken?"

Song Tong snatched the body detector from his hand, rolled his eyes, took out a blood extraction device, and gently ran it across Tang Fan's fingers.

After a fierce operation, an analysis report full of data appeared in front of Song Tong.

She glanced over and gave Song Ci a meaningful look.

"The content of the paralysis agent in the blood has not changed much, and the content of the infatuation agent has decreased significantly... There is no big problem."

Song Tong chattered a lot, focusing on Tang Fan's Song Ci, except for the last sentence, he didn't listen to any other words.

He frowned, pulled Song Tong, and forced him: "Since you said there is nothing wrong, why is she unconscious?"

Seeing Song Ci's rare stupidity, Song Tong completely lost the excitement of eating melon in the past.

She twitched the corner of her mouth and said through gritted teeth: "As a professional pharmacist, I tell you that the medicine in Tang Fan's body has thirteen side effects in addition to paralysis and infatuation.

Moreover, her acceptance and integration of this medicine are very high.

Although the physical examination data has been green all the way, a careful comparison can reveal that her height, weight, and even female characteristics have obvious redevelopment.

Of course, it may also have something to do with what you feed her. "

Song Tong paused and continued: "Although the thing you gave restrained the effect of the love potion, it had no obvious restraining effect on other side effects.

It even further shortened the efficacy of Ms. Tao Qingxi's medicine, making the paralysis medicine effective again.

That's seven times the concentration of paralysis potion!

Let alone humans, even if you are a cow, you have to get down, okay? "

It was the first time in his life that he was stupid, and Song Tong pointed his nose at him and lectured him. Song Ci's ears turned red.

He picked up Tang Fan who was on the ground and walked straight to her bedroom.

Song Tong quickly chased after him and shouted: "Hey, hey, hey! What do you want to do!

Take advantage of others' danger! "

Song Ci gently put Tang Fan on the bed, then turned his head and rolled his eyes at Song Tong, "I just feel the ground is cold, where did you think you were?

Or, that guy with the knife..."

When Song Tong heard this, he waved his hands quickly, "There, there! It's nothing."

Song Ci snorted coldly, "It's better not to have any!"

Song Tong touched his nose and remained silent.

Seeing her obviously guilty, Song Ci felt his hands itching.

However, now is not the time to settle scores with a knife.

The top priority is naturally to take care of a certain little girl who has been tricked.

"I'll get a basin of hot water, and you can help her wipe it.

I'm borrowing some of your clothes and putting them on for her. "

Student Song Tong actually didn't want to agree to the loss-making business of having to pay for clothes.

But thinking about what Song Ci just said, Song Tong reluctantly nodded.

The hot water was quickly brought over, and Song Tong resignedly waited on Miss Tang Fan to wipe herself and change clothes. He did not notice that the unconscious little girl's ears were already red.

The body can't move, but the consciousness is still awake. It's... so difficult!

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