Mecha Forger

Chapter 468 Okay

Everyone has weaknesses.

Song poetry is no exception.

After handing over the command to Glasses, Song Ci turned around, pulled Tang Fan, and left the command center with swift strides.

The bedroom door closed softly, and Tang Fan's calm facade was immediately torn to pieces. She slid down the door panel like a rag doll.

Song Ci looked at Tang Fan like this, and his heart ached with pain.

The ignorant are fearless.

But Tang Fan is someone who has seen what Tang Meng, Tao Qingxi and Zhang Aiwei became under the influence of pharmaceuticals.

This damn potion was not only the nightmare of these three experimental subjects, it also became Tang Fan's nightmare.

In other words, it is a common nightmare for women who know the whole story.

I thought that this nightmare was far away from me.

But when the medicine affects Tang Fan and nightmares follow him, Tang Fan must be so frightened.

It was precisely because of this that Song Ci wanted to intercept the beast-shaped mecha at any cost where Tang Fan could not reach it.

However, the little girl was stronger than he thought. She conquered her fear and pulled her sleeve to stop her hasty and wrong decision.

Song Ci sat down slowly next to her.

Then, he stretched out his hand and hugged her shoulders, exerting a slight force.

Tang Fan followed this force and put his head on Song Ci's shoulder.

Major General Song's shoulders were very broad, and the warmth of his body spread through the contact area, which was inexplicably reassuring. Tang Fan's tense body slowly relaxed.

Feeling the strength on his shoulders, Song Ci didn't feel the joy of taking advantage, but felt endless distress.

"Don't be afraid! I'm here!"

If Tao Qingxi were here, he would definitely say, "It's only because of you that I'm scared."

But at this moment, Tang Fan, who was frightened and helpless, had long lost the ability to criticize others, or even the ability to think.

Her body trembled slightly, like leaves in the wind.

With her whole body cold, she tried hard to absorb the warmth from the small area where their skins touched.

Feeling the little girl's fear, Major General Song Ci, who had always been in command, was at a rare loss.

Everyone thinks that Song Ci and Major General Song are omnipotent.

But in fact, no matter how powerful people are, they all have shortcomings.

Song Ci Major General Song scolds a lot of girls for crying, but he can coax them...

Let alone practical experience, this idea never crossed Major General Song Ci's mind.

Major General Song searched hard in his mind, turned over the sky, and finally recalled the scene of Ms. Yao coaxing him to sleep after meeting the Star Thief for the first time.

Although he himself felt that he was a bit irritating, but looking at Tang Fan, whose eyes were dull and dull, and obviously abnormal, Song Ci could only treat him like a dead horse.

In the empty dormitory, Song Ci's deep voice sounded softly, "The dark sky hangs low, accompanied by bright stars..."

The soft nursery rhyme made Tang Fan tremble and look at Song Ci in disbelief.

Major General Song, who managed his expression pretty well, was now completely red.

Looking at Song Ci like this, Tang Fan felt that Song Ci might like her a little more than she thought.

Under such circumstances, could she be a little more willful?

Tang Fan pursed his lips and whispered: "Can the work of assembling the beast-shaped mecha be handed over to others?"

Song Ci turned to look at Tang Fan and nodded, "Okay!"

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