Mecha Forger

Chapter 498 Fireworks? !

Because of the pixels, Song Ci could only tell that it was a row of low buildings, and did not know its purpose.

But even so, Song Ci is still very satisfied.

There are buildings, which means that people have lived here.

Even if it is not Burke Solomon, it still has its value.

Song Ci pursed his lips and asked his men to gather all the prisoners together, leaving only twelve guards and one-third of the paralysis potion, and continued towards the white dwarf.

Tang Fan's pupils were shocked when he saw through Ye Xiao's lens that Song Ci's model was the same as his own Lieyan.

Song Ci, who always made decisions before taking action, was rarely so impulsive. For what reason, Tang Fan couldn't figure it out.

Eager to achieve success?

No one in the alliance knows what happened here.

Too homesick?

It’s not like she’s a three-year-old baby, that’s right!

Just when Tang Fan was thinking wildly, the enemy had already discovered Song Ci, who had not hidden his whereabouts.

Also, even people like Tang Fan, who were hiding in corners and peeking, discovered the existence of Song Ci. The other party has been entrenched in this territory for so many years, but still can't find the whereabouts of Song Ci with great fanfare?

I really think they are blind!

Before Song Ci and others found the port to anchor, they were baptized by the light energy cannon.

Song Ci didn't take it to heart at all. While snakeskin moved to avoid the attack, he clicked on the light brain modeling.

Although he was extremely busy, he still shouted in a leisurely manner: "This thing is no worse than fireworks, right?"

Although he didn't mention him by name, Tang Fan had a strong feeling that these words were meant for him.

After Song Ci said this, Tang Fan really saw a little bit of messy beauty from the rays of this ordinary light energy cannon.

Faced with Song Ci's coquettish operation, the bald man on the side almost fell out of his glasses.

What should I do if the commander flirts with his girl at a critical moment when the two armies are fighting?

Waiting online, it’s quite urgent!

The analysis ability of the glasses is only slightly higher than that of Song Ci, but he was just a little distracted. Song Ci on the screen has already commanded Lieyan, set up the light energy cannon, and aimed at the first turret he calculated. A heavy blow.

As soon as the white light burst out of the bore of the light cannon on the mecha's shoulder, Song Ci rolled around like a maniac and stepped aside.

The next second, the place where Song Ci had just been was greeted by five shells at the same time.

Song Ci clicked his tongue and muttered: "You really think highly of me. There are only five turrets in total, and not a single shot was missed."

His voice was not loud, but through the mecha's loudspeaker, it was clearly transmitted to everyone present and Tang Fan and the glasses ears in front of the screen.

Although it was a cruel battlefield, everyone couldn't help but laugh.

Song Ci clicked his tongue and no longer put himself in danger, but sent the positions of the two forts he had just calculated to Xiao Dao and Monkey respectively.

With Song Ci's lessons learned, both of them acted extremely cautiously.

They set up the light cannon together and counted one, two, three before they pulled the trigger together.

Just when the other forts were in a dilemma, not knowing who to attack better, the two men had already imitated Song Ci and rolled away... far away.

Half of the six forts were immediately gone, and the enemy's firepower immediately weakened a lot. Song Ci and others were obviously able to handle them with ease.

This made Tang Fan feel his heart in his throat and drop a little.

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