Mecha Forger

Chapter 50 Olivia Smith (Overhaul)

Tang Fan missed Tang Gang and felt confused.

Little did she know that Tang Gang was also paying attention to her.

While lying in the treatment cabin wrapped in gauze and watching the video of his daughter's exams in the past few days, Tang Gang had a complicated expression.

I think back then, when he was taking the exam for the Blue Sea Mecha Academy, he didn't act like his daughter.

If a good exam turns out to be like this, even if you get first place, that's not necessarily a good thing.

Of course the old guys in the school don't like it, but the students' acceptance of the first place probably won't be much better either.

Tang Fan's naughty little guy should be okay, but Brad's silly kid may have to suffer a little.

Tang Gang thought for a while, shared these videos with William, and thanked Duke Rose with difficulty, then exhaled a breath of filthy breath and let himself pass out in the treatment cabin.

Seeing that Tang Gang was so injured and still thinking about that interesting little girl, Duke Rose touched his chin and shook his head.

I don’t quite understand this so-called fatherly love.

There are not so many coincidences in this world.

The little girl from a ninth-level planet was able to reach Blue Sea Star from Sangzi Planet safely only because of her unreliable father.

Forefathers planted trees for future generations to enjoy the shade.

It's just that I hid it from a certain little girl.

Save people to the end, and send Buddha to the West.

Tang Gang had asked him to do something, so what else could he do?

Duke Rose touched his chin, thought for a long time, and suddenly realized:

That little guy who was kind of interesting even drank a growth-delaying potion for several years to the point of dying.

He couldn't handle this matter quietly.

Duke Rose smiled evilly.

Anyway, Tang Gang is from the Expeditionary Force, and the little girl's military training instructor is also from the Expeditionary Force. They are all a family anyway, so we can leave it to Old Man Song to worry about.

Sent two messages.

Then he clapped his hands, hiding his merit and fame.

Duke Qiangwei was busy, and Tang Fan had no time to spare.

"Blue Ocean Mecha Academy School History" and "Blue Ocean Mecha Academy School Rules" are not difficult tasks for Tang Fan, but they have to be memorized, right?

Although not as anxious as Brad and Zhao Fan, it still takes time.

After finally passing the assessment and becoming a member of the Blue Ocean Mecha Academy, the military training notice arrived immediately.

The candidates who had just been immersed in the joy of being admitted to the Blue Ocean Mecha Academy were suddenly enveloped in gloom and mist.

Among the 218 students in this class, the only ones who were not affected were probably Tang Fan and George, two monsters with excellent physical and mental strength.

Monsters are monsters. Others have to memorize school history and rules for three days. When you go to them, they can solve it in an hour or two. They can also highlight key points, circle key words, and analyze it with you.

Monsters are monsters. Compared with their daily training, the content of three months of military training is just more systematic and there is not much difference.

Moreover, one of them, relying on his good cooking skills, would also poison everyone from time to time, such as stewing tomato beef brisket in a pot.

No one stopped her.

After all, Tang Fan's roommate was one of the beneficiaries, Qin Yi from the pharmacy department.

There are six buildings in the student dormitory area, two for women and four for men. The names are simple and crude, from Building 1 to Building 6.

The allocation of dormitories is even more simple and crude, directly based on the standings.

Tang Fan and Qin Yi were naturally assigned together.

Monsters will never make friends with ordinary people.

Fortunately, even in the interstellar age, monsters are rare. People like George and Tang Fan, whose physical and mental strength go hand in hand, are the only ones in a million.

Otherwise, monsters would run rampant and ordinary people would cry to death!

Of course, Blue Ocean Mecha Academy does not deny opportunities to ordinary people.

After all, schools also need to eat.

Even though it has a close relationship with the military and is known as the last opportunity for civilians to receive higher education, the Blue Sea Mecha Academy cannot escape its shackles and has to release some special recruitment quotas every year.

But the Blue Ocean Mecha Academy is the Blue Ocean Mecha Academy after all. If you want to get his special recruitment quota, you must meet one of the following conditions:

Special recommendation from Blue Ocean Mecha Academy Bauhinia Medal winner (only once in a lifetime).

Recommended by two or more outstanding alumni representatives of Blue Ocean Mecha Academy (one recommendation quota every ten years, invalid after expiration).

Joint recommendation from two or more serving generals or ministerial officials (one recommendation quota per ten years, invalidated upon expiration or resignation).

Then, more!

Since the establishment of Blue Ocean Mecha Academy, there have been a total of fifty-three Bauhinia Medal winners (17 of them have passed away and eight medals have been recovered), and a total of seventy-six outstanding alumni have been selected (of which thirty Two have passed away), the alliance has a total of ten serving generals and a total of twenty-five ministerial officials.

In other words, if all the recommendations are gathered together, there will be no more than sixty-seven.

Moreover, even if you get this rare and precious quota, it does not mean that you can sit back and relax.

The small task of reciting the full text of "Blue Ocean Mecha Academy School History" and dictating the "Blue Ocean Mecha Academy School Rules". The three-month military training for new students is still a hurdle that they cannot avoid.

The only advantage is probably that they can learn the school rules and history of Blue Ocean Mecha Academy first.

Therefore, it is not so difficult to understand when there are so many new faces that we have never seen before on the testing ground for school rules and regulations.

Tang Fan had always disdained to associate with such people who came in through the back door.

But when his eyes swept over the most high-profile girl in the team, Tang Fan's eyes paused slightly.

She was a very beautiful girl, with long brown and black hair with a slight curvature, which made her face look particularly small.

The eyebrows were carefully trimmed, and the eyebrow pencil was lightly swept across the tail to outline a perfect arc.

The exquisite eye makeup makes those red and phoenix eyes particularly attractive.

The tall bridge of the nose is slightly reflective, and there are faint traces on the wings of the nose. Rather, he wants to use the light and shadow effect to make his facial features more three-dimensional.

The red lips are slightly puckered, maybe it's the legendary lip-biting makeup?

In order to look more mature, this girl really took great pains!

Tang Fan couldn't help but shudder as he thought about what kind of virtue that makeup would look like on his face.

It would be difficult for anyone to stay calm when they see a face that is 70% or 80% similar to their own.

But no matter how similar he is, that person will never be him.

Tang Fan quickly opened the optical brain and output a line of words: Who is that woman with heavy make-up and self-satisfaction?

Huo Qi, who was leaning against the wall and looking carefree, opened his mouth when he saw the confusing message on his computer.

He did not expect that Tang Fan would take the initiative to get involved with him, the crux of the logistics department, after becoming the first in the mecha casting department.

"If I hadn't known that you were also a woman, I would have thought you had fallen in love with her just because of the way you looked at her!

Brother, let me advise you, Miss Olivia Smith already has a sweetheart, and she won’t fall in love with you, so just give up! "

Tang Fan looked at Huo Qi's nonsense and said nothing.

His focus is only one thing - Miss Olivia Smith!

The young lady who looks very similar to me is actually named Smith.

What a coincidence!

Since she is a proud young lady, Mr. George, who has made it his mission to become a commander, should know something about her!

"Do you know Miss Olivia Smith?"

Less than a minute after Tang Fan's message was sent, George's reply came over.

"Stay away!"

Tang Fan knocked his head and curled his lips.

It seems that Miss Olivia Smith's popularity is a bit poor!

In fact, almost everyone who knew this young lady avoided her and wanted to stay as far away from her as possible, forming a small vacuum zone directly around this young lady.

Only Zhao Junjie, who was struggling to persuade his sister to leave the Blue Ocean Mecha Academy, smiled sincerely the moment he saw Olivia Smith.

It wasn't because of how much he loved Olivia Smith, but because of his strength, the opportunity to convince Zhao Jingshu to leave the Blue Ocean Mecha Academy finally came.

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