Mecha Forger

Chapter 506 Miracle

Seeing that the words in his glasses were getting more and more outrageous, Tang Fan really couldn't stand listening, so he simply put on his headphones and stared at the scene from Ye Xiao attentively.

Although the picture transmitted by Night Owl is not static, due to the signal jammer, it is really no different from the picture.

Most people will become dizzy after staring at this kind of picture for a few seconds. After watching it for three to five minutes, you can fall asleep directly.

Only Tang Fan, who was worried and mentally strong, stared directly at the screen for two hours.

Two hours were enough for Tang Fan to clearly remember every corner of the picture.

She was confident that any change in the picture would not escape her eyes.

Of course, other people think so, too.

Therefore, people who listen to the story listen more carefully.

When Tang Fan made an excited voice, even a simple "Ah", it immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Glasses even gave up his part-time job as a storyteller, ran directly behind her, took off her headphones, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Emotions and Tang Fan's little moves didn't escape his eyes at all. He just saw through it but didn't say it?

However, the excited Tang Fan did not intend to go into details.

She pulled the sleeves of her glasses, pointed at the screen and said loudly: "Just now, just now, this area on the screen shook."

If it shakes or something, if it falls into other people's ears, it may just be regarded as a joke.

But when it comes to glasses, it becomes a big deal.

He waved his hands to his audience friends and said calmly: "I know what will happen next, please listen to the explanation next time."

Tang Fan's hand holding his sleeve froze, and it took a lot of effort to resist the urge to strangle the girl to death.

The glasses were a joke, but the movements of his hands did not stop at all.

He intercepted the image data of the last three minutes and sent it to his optical brain. After a quick modeling analysis, he actually found the shaking frames that Tang Fan said.

“You read that right, the screen did shake a bit.

If it wasn't Night Owl's problem, then Boss and the others would have probably found the signal jammer. "

The affirmation of the glasses not only brought tears to Tang Fan's eyes, but also infected many people behind him.

A large part of them were not even members of the expeditionary force, but at this moment, their hearts were broken for Song Ci's brothers who were members of the expeditionary force.

At this moment, their hearts were so close.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the small screen, expecting a miracle to happen.

They didn't have to wait long.

Before he could be dazzled or fall asleep, the shaking on the screen appeared again, with increasing frequency and amplitude.

No need for glasses to analyze, let alone his explanation, everyone knew what this meant.

three minutes!

Just three minutes!

When the nebula above the Bliss Star in the picture started to move, even though they couldn't find Song Ci and others for a while, everyone still cheered for victory in unison.

Song Ci is just like what is said in the glasses story. Once again, he was in danger and created a miracle!

They witnessed history with their own eyes!

Glasses smiled slightly, turned his head, raised his index finger and put it to his lips.

The next second, everyone immediately became quiet and focused their attention on the small screen again.

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