Mecha Forger

Chapter 511 This is nothing

Song Ci is not only named Song, but also has a father who is a marshal of the alliance. He is also the youngest major general in the alliance, and his future is limitless.

And Jim Field actually dared to come up with the idea of ​​writing Song poetry.

Ulikummi knew that Jim Field was crazy, but he didn't expect him to be so crazy.

This once again broke through his cognition.

Ulikmumi didn't want to talk, just wanted to be quiet.

However, Jim Field did not give him a chance.

After coughing a few times, the girl spoke again.

"I want Song Ci!"

These four words were spoken with absolute certainty by Jim Field.

Ulikummi wanted to say, “Not everything you want, you can get.”

But when the words came to his lips, he swallowed them back silently.

As a subordinate, his life is still in the hands of others, what can he do?

Not yet. Whatever people say is what it is!

Compared with a small life, principles, limits, etc. are all... shit.

When the wind blows, it's gone.


As soon as the words Ulikummi came out of his mouth, Jim Field's sharp gaze came over.

"What do you think?"

The three of them were so light and flamboyant, but Ulikummi shivered for no reason in this sunny weather.

"Capture Song Ci alive, and let the others live or die."

After hearing his satisfactory answer, Jim Field withdrew his sharp gaze, squinted his eyes, and hummed.

Ulikummi bowed slightly and stepped back out of the room.

It wasn't until he closed the door that Ulikummi breathed a sigh of relief.

He wiped the beads of sweat on his forehead to make himself look less embarrassed, then turned around and ordered people to complete the almost impossible task assigned to him by Jim Field.

What he didn't know was that while he was wiping his sweat, Jim Field behind the door was also wiping his sweat.

In less than an hour, Jim Field had almost reached his limit.

If his pride hadn't allowed it, he would have collapsed on a chair nearby.

With a wry smile, he opened his space button and took out a transparent sealed box from inside.

As soon as it came into contact with the air, the box began to shake.

As time goes by, the amplitude of the jitter becomes larger and larger.

Seeing that it was about to exceed the limit of Jim Field's control, he quickly moved his eyes to the slight convexity on the lid.

It was a miniature magnifying glass. Through it, you could clearly see that there was a group of white bugs squirming inside the box.

Their bodies are plump, with light thorns growing on them, and their two black eyes are only a small size. Below them are eight pairs of less obvious legs, like miniature white caterpillars.

The only thing that is different from caterpillars is that they have no mouth, only a pointed mouthpart as thin as a needle.

With just one prick, they can create a small opening in the human skin, allowing them to penetrate easily.

These uninvited guests mainly feed on mental power, or as a second resort, they feed on energy and nutrients from various parts of the host's body.

Of course, this little thing is not without benefits.

They secrete a special substance that slows down the degeneration of bones and muscles.

To a certain extent, this method of exchanging mental power for physical strength is tantamount to drinking poison to quench thirst.

But for Jim Field, who has a "special source of spiritual power", this is not a problem!

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