Mecha Forger

Chapter 525 Decoder

Seeing the usually steady Tang Fan showing a rare childish look, Song Ci also had a smile on his lips.

But Zhao Qian's expression on the side was a little complicated.

He was born in the league and grew up in the league, but during the most creative stage of his life, he left the league and came to this place where nothing matters.

They even abducted a large number of mecha casters who could contribute to the alliance, without considering whether the alliance's mecha casting would cause generational problems.

All he wants is immortality.

Now, the dream of immortality has been shattered. Thinking about what Xiaodao and the others said, the alliance no longer has Zhao's mecha, Zhao Qian's expression when he looked at the decoder was a little complicated.

There is hesitation, and there is also a timidity about being close to home; there is nostalgia for the past, and there are also unspeakable regrets...

Tang Fan didn't notice it, but Song Ci, who was looking around, saw it.

He sighed and stretched out his hand to pull Tang Fan's hair, "With a one-second signal for about ten seconds, I can't even send text messages!

Are you happy too soon? "

Song Ci's words successfully angered Tang Fan.

She glared at Song Ci fiercely, and inadvertently caught Zhao Qian's expression from the corner of her eyes, and then she understood Song Ci's intention.

But understanding is one thing, not forgiving is another.

Although Tang Fan suppressed the smile on his face, his soft and boneless fingers slowly climbed up Song Ci's arm, gently pinched a layer of oily skin and made a 360° rotation.

No matter how strong your physical strength is, you are still afraid of this move.

Song Ci hissed, and tears burst from his eyes uncontrollably.

Tang Fan reluctantly let him go and muttered: "You just poured cold water on Ms. Tao and ruined my fun again.

Deserve it!”

Song Ci immediately put on an expression that dared not speak out, and said pitifully: "You two are everyone's savior now, how dare I offend you two!

I'm just...telling the truth. "

Tang Fan put his little hands on his waist and stamped his little feet on the ground. His eyes were as wide as bells, "You mean that Ms. Tao and I are being unreasonable!"

Song Ci glanced at the decoder, then at Tang Fan, and said with a sad face: "What's the matter!

It’s me who shouldn’t be telling the truth!”

Tang Fan snorted coldly and let him go for the time being.

The "performance" of the two singing in harmony successfully made Zhao Qian's expression relax a bit.

Seeing this, Song Ci immediately rushed to Zhao Qian's side and said pitifully: "Mr. Zhao, for the sake of both of us being men, can you help me take a look at this thing?"

Zhao Qian hesitated for a moment, then sat down where he was, picked up Tang Fan's homemade decoder, and started playing with it.

Tang Fan folded his hands on his chest and watched all of this quietly without saying a word.

For Zhao Qian, a long-known senior, Tang Fan, who has always been pragmatic, did not have high expectations, but held a skeptical attitude.

Now, Tang Fan cherishes the opportunity to observe Zhao Qian up close.

This senior is like a mule or a horse, and he will be pulled out for a ride soon.

Tang Fan expressed that he was very excited about this.

If this senior really has those two skills, she wouldn't mind having one more "living dead" in her Tang's mecha.

Of course, if this senior has a false reputation...

Tang Fan believes that there will always be one suitable for him in the alliance's large and small prisons.

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