Mecha Forger

Chapter 541 Signal

When Song Ci "accidentally" mentioned it, Jennifer's face appeared in front of her again.

Although more than 40 years have passed, Jennifer's image is still so clear.

The powerful genes of the Smith family should have the least effect on Jennifer.

Unlike their facial features which tend to be Caucasian, Jennifer's appearance is more yellow.

She has long and shiny black hair, a small face with a bit of baby fat, slightly round almond eyes, red lips with a smile, and is as delicate as a beautiful oriental doll.

This kind of appearance would definitely be a great thing if it were placed on those eldest ladies in Capital Star.

But it is not a good thing to put it on the divorced child of the second-generation ancestor of a dilapidated mecha family who has accomplished nothing.

Jennifer herself knows this very well, so she has a good habit of hiding herself at home and not going there unless necessary.

However, you can hide it for a while, but you can't hide it forever.

When the mother didn't come home for three days, the family ran out of food and ammunition, and the younger brothers and sisters were screaming from hunger.

No matter how reluctant Jennifer was to go out, she had to go to Alliance First Academy and find a solution with her sister, Maya Smith.

Maya Smith, who can instigate her parents to divorce, is not a good person.

For her, there are only two kinds of people:

What helps her and what doesn't.

Judging from the current situation, his so-called younger brother and younger sister are undoubtedly the latter.

But as she was about to graduate, Maya Smith needed a good reputation.

When she was considering how much she needed to allocate from her savings to get rid of Jennifer, her mentor took the initiative to stand up and lend a helping hand to her.

Knowing that there is no such thing as a free lunch, she also clearly felt that something was wrong with the way her mentor looked at Jennifer. However, instead of refusing, Maya Smith told her mentor Jennifer's optical brain account.

From that day on, the Smith siblings received help from “well-wishers”, and Maya Smith got the opportunity to further her education.

However, Jennifer, who rarely went out, never appeared in front of everyone again.

It wasn't until someone was sweeping the tomb and saw the tombstone with this little girl's photo on it that they realized that this beautiful little girl had passed away early.

Thinking of that period of history, Maya Smith's expression felt unnatural for a moment.

It's not that I feel guilty about Jennifer's death, but I think about what that gloomy man did to Jennifer after she left...

Although Maya Smith lowered her head, Song Ci still felt the unnaturalness in her body at that moment.

It seems that it is necessary for him to inquire about Miss Jennifer Smith, who died young.

Maybe, you will find something different!

It's a pity that he was trapped in this inhospitable place and couldn't carry out his work for a while!

How about asking Marshal Song for a favor?

Song Ci, who was still hesitating, glanced at his brain, but was suddenly stunned.

What attracts Song Ci is not the bright smile of Miss Tang Fan on the screen saver, but the full four-frame Star Network signal.

Full signal?

Even if there is a decoder, it has never been achieved, but it was achieved on this shabby battleship!

The meaning of this made Song Ci couldn't help but have a surge of adrenaline.

Song Ci glanced at Maya Smith, who was still working on her acting skills, quickly clicked on the optical brain, and sent a video request.

When he saw Song Yuanshi's familiar old face appearing in Guang Nao, Song Ci hung up without hesitation.

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