Mecha Forger

Chapter 544 Dead

Maya Smith stared at the handkerchief in the knife's hand. It didn't matter whether she took it or not.

Looking at Maya Smith's tangled eyes, Xiaodao smiled unkindly.

He could clearly see the look Song Ci gave him before the handover.

Keep an eye on this girl and try to delay as much time as possible. For him, it's a completely small case!

You can't pick out the bones in an egg, but if you find something wrong with a half-aged woman, isn't that easy?

Next, Xiaodao started a game of finding fault with everyone.

Maya Smith never thought that she would have so many flaws.

Every time the knife said something, Maya Smith's face darkened.

From the beginning to the end of talking about the knife, Maya Smith's face turned black.

After the knife finally took a breath, Maya Smith finally regained her composure. When she looked up, she actually saw a black object suddenly appearing next to it, as well as the beautiful pattern on the black object.

The logo of a roaring lion stepping on a ball looks so familiar!

Isn't that the Expeditionary Force's logo?

In other words, the dark guy next to him is a battleship sent by the expeditionary force!

At this moment, Maya Smith finally came to her senses, no longer caring about the drama, and rushed directly to the window of the starship.

Through a thin layer of metal windows, Maya Smith could clearly see that four small battleships with the Expeditionary Force logo on them were surrounding her battleship in an encircling manner.

Song Ci, who was posing with her, was wearing an olive green expeditionary army uniform. The golden epaulettes representing the alliance major generals were shining in the sun. The golden buttons and the row of military medals were even more brilliant and could dazzle. Beautiful eyes.

Feeling Maya Smith's gaze, Song Ci deliberately turned his head and glanced at her.

The gaze was dark and cold, without any warmth, as if he was looking at a corpse.

At this moment, Maya Smith finally had the consciousness to be a prisoner.

She quickly opened her optical brain and clicked a few times quickly.

However, what was waiting for her was a series of busy signals.

Maya Smith looked at her own light brain in disbelief. She was stunned for a long time, and finally put down her hand with a wry smile.

That man never raised useless people.

Why did she think she would be an exception?

She should have thought of it the moment the giant battleship was breached, and the moment Song Ci pulled her out from the crowd.

She would be ruthlessly abandoned by him just like the thousands of chess pieces that failed in their missions.

When she thought of this, Maya Smith felt a dull pain in her heart.

She covered her chest tightly, looked at the majestic lion, and raised a smile.

That smile was fixed on her face, looking particularly ghostly.

How to describe it?

That was probably the smile that felt like finally being relieved!

People are so unlucky that even if they take a mouthful of cold water, their teeth will get clogged!

I finally took a moment to take a sip of water, and before I even had time to put down the knife in my cup, I deeply understood the meaning of this sentence.

Seeing that the mission was about to be completed, the target of the mission fell in front of him. This was the first time for the well-informed Xiao Dao classmate to encounter it.

Xiaodao couldn't help but cursed "bad luck", then calmly turned on his optical brain and reported the matter to Song Ci one by one.

Song Ci listened to Xiao Dao's report with a straight face and hurried back.

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