Mecha Forger

Chapter 568

The alloy storage container of T8756 is not big to begin with, and a lot of it was bitten off by bugs. Fortunately, Xiao Dao has a good eye, otherwise, he might not be able to find it.

Looking at the metal piece, which was not much bigger than the front teeth, Ms. Tang Fan, a professional, gave her a headache.

With just this little material, what can be analyzed?

But just because Tang Fan couldn't do anything, it didn't mean that others couldn't do anything.

Zhao Qian, who has been around all kinds of materials since he was a child, bravely stood up and took the thin metal piece from his knife with tweezers.

In full view of everyone, he held the piece of metal between his hands and cleaned it for three full minutes, cleaning it inside and out before sparing it.

Student Zhao Qian vividly demonstrated his rigorous attitude in scientific research.

Of course, this isn't the most surprising.

What’s surprising is that this person only relied on the photos of the T8756 storage device and compared the curvature of the metal piece to analyze the location of the metal piece.

While everyone was stunned, this guy calmly scraped off a tiny bit of powder from the metal piece and put it into an analytical instrument he made.

Three minutes later, this girl actually pulled out the metal formula for this piece of metal.

What's even more frightening is that after some calculations, Tang Fan found that the completeness of this formula was over 93%.

In other words, with this recipe, you can also make the alloy required for T8756 storage.

I heard that it took Zhang's mecha twenty-three years to develop this alloy.

Now, it only took three minutes after it fell into the hands of Zhao Qian that it was deciphered.

For a moment, the way Tang Fan looked at Zhao Qian was wrong.

"Senior Zhao, let's discuss something!"

Zhao Qian, who had been tricked by Tang Fan more than once, took a step back, stared into Tang Fan's eyes, and said cautiously: "You tell me first and listen!"

Tang Fan clicked his tongue, pointed at the analytical instruments on the side, and said in a deep voice: "Can you and your analytical instruments please stay away from my mecha?"

When Zhao Qian heard this, he was confused at first, but when he realized what he said, he couldn't help but laugh.

"Can I take this sentence as your affirmation of my ability?"

Tang Fan thought for a while and said reluctantly: "It's not impossible if you understand it this way."

Tang Fan was talking, but his hands were not idle.

Soon, a complete set of drawings for the T8756 micro remote control was placed in front of everyone, every detail revealed.

Zhao Qian looked at the drawings carefully, and when he looked at Tang Fan again, his eyes showed a little more recognition.

"Little girl, I ask you to stay away from my mecha now, is it still too late?"

Tang Fan curled his lips and raised his eyebrows, "What do you think?"

After saying that, both of them couldn't help laughing.

Now that we have the recipe and the design drawings, will the finished product be far behind?

Soon, a complete set of T8756 micro remote controls was placed in front of everyone.

Song Ci had someone get an animal corpse, and personally buried the T8756 storage device under the heart of the corpse, and placed it on top of Maya Smith's body.

Then, holding the remote control, he stood where Sun Jin once stood and pressed the button without hesitation.

After an inaudible sound, the animal corpse was sent to Ms. Tao Qingxi by Song Ci.

Soon, a report was passed to Song Ci.

Looking at the report in his hand, Song Ci couldn't help but frown.

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