Mecha Forger

Chapter 612 Accountability Letter

Regarding Song Ci's abolition of public affairs for personal reasons, everyone has no complaints.

However, when everyone, led by Xiao Dao, watched the scene of some people being disgusted and spreading dog food, and was successfully caught, this little bit of dissatisfaction immediately disappeared.

As singles, they silently swore that as long as Song Ci didn't take Tang Fan everywhere to spread dog food, they could overcome all difficulties and complete the small task of moving without Major General Song.

Even Major General Song Ci and the planet he is on can be towed away by a transport starship.

There are no bumps in the whole process, and it does not affect the romance at all.

Major General Song only needs to write a mission summary afterwards and give it a five-star rating!

The requirements are that simple.

Of course, the accountability letter sent by the league's top management... does not fall within their capabilities.

Everyone pushed and pushed, and in the end, as everyone expected, this arduous task was handed over to Xiaodao's hands.

Xiaodao, who has always liked to test himself on the verge of committing suicide, didn't look much better when faced with the accountability letter in his hand.

His girlfriend is still in a certain laboratory, waiting for him to marry her!

But the conditions offered by the big guy are also very tempting!

Unconditionally arrange a holiday or something for him...

Xiao Dao accepted the accountability letter resignedly and walked towards the destination step by step.

From far away, he saw the silhouettes of two people hugging each other through the window, and felt the strong sour smell of love.

A deep despair suddenly hit his heart.

But thinking about the conditions given by the big guy, and thinking about the girlfriend he hadn't seen for a long time, Xiaodao raised his hand resignedly, knocked on the finely crafted door, and then counted silently in his heart:

1, 2, 3...48, 49...

The door opened, and Song Ci stood in front of him with a frosty face, raised her eyes to look at him, and said coldly: "You... better be fine!"

Xiaodao felt inexplicably that this glance might be the last second of his life...

He swallowed, tried to stay calm under the other party's eyes, and smoothly handed the accountability letter to Song Ci.

Looking at the familiar light blue envelope in front of him, Song Ci pressed his molars, clicked his tongue, reluctantly took the accountability letter, and let go of the knife.

Song Ci's slightly dissatisfied voice reached the ears of the people behind him. The little girl couldn't help but turn around and happened to see the light blue envelope in his hand, and asked curiously: "What is that?"

In the interstellar era, paperlessness has long been achieved, and letters and the like are really uncommon.

Not to mention a little girl like Tang Fan, even Song Ci, if he didn't have a marshal's biological father, he might not be able to see this thing several times in his life.

Song Ci paused when he was about to open the envelope, turned to look at his little girl, and smiled, "Do you want to read it?"

Tang Fan glanced at the knife, which was gradually turning to stone because of Song Ci's questions, and a trace of hesitation flashed on his face, "Is that okay?"

Song Ci glared at Xiaodao who was stunned, turned around and pulled the little girl into his arms, lowered his head and kissed her forehead, and said with a smile: "It's not a confidential document, you can read it if you want, it's okay!"

Seeing that the little girl was still hesitating, Song Ci turned around and glared at the knife. Then he gently took the little girl's hand, slowly opened the mud seal, took out the accountability letter inside, and unfolded it bit by bit.

I got two looks and was forced to eat a mouthful of dog food with my knife. I felt like my whole body was glowing.

He closed the door with tears in his eyes and left the scene as quickly as possible.

He obviously has a girlfriend, so why does he always feel like he is in a fake relationship when compared with Song Ci?

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