Mecha Forger

Chapter 62 Boiled Cabbage

That night, Qin Yi and Tang Fan drank a lot of white porridge before going to bed.

I don't know whether it was because of his stomach full of white porridge, or because he had passed the period of weakness, but Tang Fan felt much better the next day.

I have returned to a state where my body is in great shape and my food tastes delicious.

On the first day of military training, Tang Fan received special approval to enter the school doctor's office. He did not hide it. Everyone's acceptance of Tang Fan's sudden growth far exceeded Tang Fan's imagination.

After all, even if Tang Fan has grown ten centimeters taller, he is still the shortest and thinnest one in the casting department. There is not much difference.

The only difference was probably that Miss Olivia Smith from the art department spent a lot more time looking at him.

Moreover, the look in his eyes was like a poisonous snake spitting out words, which made people feel terrified.

Tang Fan, who had already gained trust from George, probably guessed the reason.

It's just that she has gotten closer to Senior Song Ci. Miss Smith, who regards "if you don't get it, destroy it" as her life creed, may have already held a grudge against herself.

However, this did not have much impact on Tang Fan.

After all, the Blue Sea Mecha Academy was a place so unreliable that even his father thought it was safe and worry-free.

George also said that Blue Ocean Mecha Academy and the Smiths would not deal with each other.

In the Blue Ocean Mecha Academy, it might not be that easy for Miss Smith to do something bad.

But as Song Ci was his instructor, he couldn't deliberately distance himself because of Miss Smith's attitude.

Even the sudden concern from Senior Song Ci made Tang Fan feel uncomfortable.

The handler has short hands.

He could only try his best to feed this wealthy instructor, hoping that the senior would be soft-spoken and let him go at the critical moment.

Although Tang Fan has passed the ten-hour period of weakness, he is still in the month-long recovery period.

Fortunately, he hid part of his strength in the early stages of military training, and now he is trying his best and can just barely keep up.

However, the three meals a day were a bit perfunctory.

Most of the time, Tang Fan would entertain everyone with stewed vegetables, steamed vegetables, braised vegetables, and cold dishes.

Although the taste is not bad, it still feels a bit perfunctory.

It was finally the weekend, and it was a rare half-day holiday. Tang Fan thought of his experience at the school doctor's office that day, and suddenly felt that he had forgotten something.

How did he get back from the school doctor that day?

Why can't he remember anything?

Also, his medical expenses!

Tang Fan patted his head and hurried to implement this issue.

He is stingy, but not stingy, and he will not shirk away from his own duties.

To come back, Tang Fan only needs to submit to the security robot in the dormitory building to view the surveillance video of that day.

Seeing Song Tong pushing the surgical gurney back to her, and remembering Song Tong's words before entering the medical room, Tang Fan felt that he had learned the truth.

He must have fallen into coma. The treatment cabin sounded a beep, and Dr. Song could not wake him up, so he could only push himself back to the dormitory.

In this way, it seems that I owe another favor!

If you have nothing to repay, why not cook?

Tang Fan thought for a while, tapped the optical brain of his long-time diner Song Ci, and sent out this message:

Does Dr. Song have any taboos?

After eating the food for a week, this classmate Tang, who was "impressed" with him, never asked him what his taboos were. Now, he came to ask A Tong what he was taboo about.

At this moment, Song Ci was deeply jealous!

"Why don't you ask me?"

"Then, do Instructor Song and Doctor Song have any taboos?"

"I don't eat coriander! Atong! I don't know either."


Seeing this, Tang Fan is Spartan!

Fortunately, Song Ci consciously sent Song Tong's electronic business card, otherwise Tang Fan would definitely let him try what a coriander feast is.

After happily adding Song Tong's Guangnao account, Tang Fan once again raised the issue of taboos.

Song Tong was stunned when he saw this question.

He was an orphan of the expeditionary force and was adopted by Marshal Song since he was a child.

The marshal treated these orphans very well and never lacked anything in terms of food, clothing, housing and transportation.

They have everything that Song poetry has.

They also have things that Song Ci doesn’t have.

The only difference between them and Song Ci is probably that Song Ci has his mother, Mrs. Jingming, but they only have a robot nanny.

The robot nanny is very good. She will strictly abide by the parenting rules, care about his food, clothing, housing and transportation, and be fair and just to the seventeen children who are in the same situation as him.

Song Tong always felt that he was very happy and satisfied.

But when he saw Tang Fan's words, "Does Doctor Song have any taboos?", the waves in Song Tong's heart almost overwhelmed him.

This was the first time someone asked him so clearly what he wanted and what he didn't want. Rather than what you need, what you should follow.

This is human care, with a warm and family flavor, which is completely different from robots and brings tears to the eyes.

But when Song Tong looked back on the first half of his life, he found that he had been cared for by robots all year round and had forgotten his own preferences.

He typed out the next line with difficulty: "I am not picky about food and have no dietary restrictions."

After a while, Tang Fan actually sent him a menu.

Fish-flavored shredded pork, Mapo tofu, sweet and sour pork, Wenchang chicken, pot-roasted elbow, stir-fried mutton with green onion, Huaiyang lion head, squirrel mandarin fish, Longjing shrimp, braised spring bamboo shoots, Buddha jumping over the wall, roasted raw duck, ham stewed turtle, Braised civet, steamed preserved meat, rock sugar Xianglian... Is there anything you want to eat among these dishes?

Song Tong ran his fingertips over the menu, and suddenly remembered the first time he went to the Marshal's Mansion...

"Do you have boiled cabbage?"

Tang Fan was stunned for a moment when he saw the words "boiled cabbage".

This dish looks simple, but it’s actually not easy to cook.

It is said that before the interstellar era, this dish was once served as a royal meal in the palace.

The boiling water in this dish is not ordinary boiling water, but pure chicken soup.

The chicken soup is now as clear and clear as boiling water, with a rich and mellow aroma, not greasy or greasy, and refreshing.

That cabbage is also particular.

Choose good organic, pollution-free Chinese cabbage, and take the cabbage heart, which should have twelve layers.

Use the freshly boiled soup and pour it over and over again.

At first glance, the finished dish looks like a few cabbage hearts soaked in clear water, with not a single speck of oil in it.

But when you eat it in your mouth, it is fragrant and refreshing, and the soup has a rich flavor.

That dish was placed in front of Song Tong at that time. It was the first dish he had eaten at the Marshal's Mansion and the only dish he remembered.

Tang Fan stared at those six words, as if if he glanced twice more, the six words would disappear.

But after a long time, those six words remained the same.

Although boiling cabbage is time-consuming and laborious, Tang Fan still gritted his teeth and agreed after thinking about Song Tong's hard work in taking care of him.

“Boiling water and cabbage, right!

Can I have some Longjing shrimps, braised spring bamboo shoots, and Jinsha corn? "

The message came back quickly, with only one word - "Okay!"

Tang Fan breathed a sigh of relief and hurried to the resource recycling department to get the ingredients.

Time is tight and the task is heavy.

He is busy!

Whether it's boiled cabbage or Longjing shrimp, they are all dishes that require a lot of effort.

Even if Tang Fan had one afternoon today, he would still be too busy to keep his feet off the ground.

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