Mecha Forger

Chapter 629

When the Tang Gang family received the news, they rushed over in a hurry. After hearing about this incident, they all felt it was ridiculous.

But everyone looked at Song Ci, who was depressed, but couldn't utter a single word of condemnation.

After all, Tang Gang had experienced Tang Meng's incident, so he had "some experience". Even if the person lying in the treatment cabin was his own daughter who had raised him, he could not knock him down.

Looking at the grief-stricken Song Ci beside him, Tang Gang curled his lips and took the initiative to take the lead.

While asking Zhao Jingshu to accept the job of being the head of Tang's Mecha, he was understanding the situation of the child with Ms. Yao. Only after both parties had made things clear, Tang Gang had time to talk to Song Ci, who was blaming himself.

He had a lot of work at hand, and when he finally found time, he had to take care of his daughter in the treatment cabin, but he didn't have much time to untie the pig that had eaten his cabbage.

He just pulled Professor Tao Bixi, who could no longer stand it, and muttered a few words.

The next day, Professor Tao Bixi approached Song Ci and, citing research needs, gave Song Ci a long list of research materials that could not be bought with money.

Seeing that list, Major General Song Ci no longer had time to regret the spring and autumn, and actively devoted himself to the work of collecting rare pharmaceutical materials.

As for Song Ci, how much of the materials collected by Major General Song will be used on his wife...

That’s really hard to say!

However, even if there was only a glimmer of possibility, Song Ci would not know how to do it and would not dare to give up.

When the materials on the materials list came to Professor Tao Bixi one after another through various channels, Tang Gang finally had one less thing on his mind.

For Tang Gang's magical operation, Marshal Song Yuanshi showed 100% support. Even in his busy schedule, he took the time to shoulder most of the important tasks on the shoulders of the two people and gave Tang Gang and Song Ci a long vacation.

Tang Gang is also very knowledgeable.

After everything around Tang Fan was arranged and his body became more stable, Tang Gang consciously returned to work.

After all, the daughter I raised by myself is sick, and there will be a lot of time for leave in the coming days. How can I not be aware of it?

A silent tacit understanding spread between the in-laws Tang Gang and Song Yuanshi.

Everyone accepted the possibility that Tang Fan would never wake up and prepared for a long-term war of resistance.

I never thought that things would turn around.

I never thought that the turnaround would come so quickly.

It was a Thursday morning.

The drizzle enveloped the wild star field, decorating it with a poetic and picturesque atmosphere.

However, no one in the entire Wild Star Territory had the intention to appreciate it, especially the Tang's Mecha branch on planet R28.

The 100th Joint Conference of the Mecha Association will be held here soon.

Because of the outstanding performance of Tang's Mecha over the years, it successfully became the organizer of this conference.

Although Zhao Jingshu was reluctant, she still announced the regrettable news to everyone in Tang's mecha.

In order to maintain confidentiality and ensure that the conference can proceed smoothly, Zhao Jingshu even gave various key departments in the mecha casting a holiday.

At this moment, everyone in the Tang's Mecha was guarding their posts with trepidation, waiting for the members of the Mecha Association to come and give guidance.

The key point is to wait for the arrival of his rival, the head of Zhang's Mecha, and the half-sister of his boss, Miss Olivia Smith.

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