Mecha Forger

Chapter 633

Mr. Li Banxia's earth-shattering words successfully brought everyone back to their senses.


They also have a more important research object-Tang Fan.

Compared with Tang Fan, the unconscious Olivia in front of her was really nothing.

Especially in the wild star field, there is one sky and one underground.

They are obviously half-sisters, but why are they so different!


The words 'half-sisters' flashed through Tao Qingxi's mind, causing her to narrow her eyes. She moved her fingers slightly and pulled out a physical examination report of Tang Fan before she fell into coma, and Olivia's before and after coma. Put together the physical examination report.

The next second, the data comparison chart of the three-point report appeared in front of Tao Qingxi.

Tao Qingxi looked at it item by item, and his eyes became brighter the more he looked at it.

When she raised her eyes from the report and looked at Olivia, something was wrong in her eyes. It has the meaning of a traveler who has been thirsty for three days and three nights and finally finds a little bit of water in the oasis.

Sensing something was wrong with her, Tao Bixi immediately came over.

Tao Qingxi said nothing, only sent the data comparison chart he had just read.

The tacit understanding of the compatriots made Tao Bixi shut her mouth and quietly look at the data comparison chart in her hand.

After a while, Tao Qingxi's symptoms were transmitted to Tao Bixi.

Seeing the two sisters staring at Olivia with burning eyes, as if thinking about the most suitable place to perform the operation, the other pharmacists couldn't sit still, and their eyes invariably turned to Tao Qingxi's optical brain screen, which was not turned off.

Next, every pharmacist who looked at the screen was as crazy as the Tao sisters.

Even Mr. Li Banxia was not spared after reading those data comparison charts. He looked at Olivia with a little more eagerness.

It is the eagerness of a hungry eater who, upon seeing a good steak on the plate, immediately picks up his knife and fork and thinks about where to start.

If Zhao Jingshu hadn't presented it in time, the black object that was stained red by Olivia's blood and had been put into a transparent box again, I really don't know what terrible things these pharmacists would have done.

Half of the pharmacists present had never seen this object that caused Olivia's body data to mutate and become unconscious.

After seeing the box in Zhao Jingshu's hand, Mr. Li Banxia's enthusiasm for Olivia somewhat subsided.

In other words, he channeled part of his enthusiasm for scientific research into the black object that Zhao Jingshu gave him.

That object was neither gold nor jade, with a red light. It was not a plant or a mineral, but a part of a mutated creature.

That is the heart of a mutant creature. It is the most dangerous experimental product on the entire R25 planet and belongs exclusively to Zhao Qian.

Mr. Li Banxia has always disagreed with Zhao Qian's behavior. Unexpectedly, he accidentally created Olivia's special case.

Mr. Li Banxia does not agree with human experiments, but he does not mind helping special patients get rid of their diseases.

I wouldn’t mind accumulating some experience along the way.

In a sense, Zhao Qian's move can be regarded as a mistake, and Mr. Li Banxia is following the trend.

So, Olivia’s evil deeds are punished?

The dignified eldest daughter of Zhang's mecha has just become a lab rat.

It’s so sad and deplorable!

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