Mecha Forger

Chapter 638

Song Aifan spent a whole hour giving a speech on the benefits of making friends.

Unfortunately, her only audience was uninterested.

When the time came, Song Mufan stood up without hesitation, waved to Song Aifan, and walked away gracefully.

Song Aifan was left standing there, too angry to say a word, only feeling a headache.

Song Mufan, who turned around gracefully, also felt a headache.

He wasted an hour trying to comfort his sister, only to listen to her personal speech.

Song Aifan's words were many and dense, with many loopholes, like a few mosquitoes buzzing around her ears.

Several times, he wanted to refute.

However, thinking about the consequences of rebuttal, he silently chose to shut up.

Now, after finally bidding farewell to Song Aifan, Song Mufan was in high spirits, and it would not be a problem to do another three or five experiments.

Because of Song Mufan's dedicated research spirit, at the age of fifteen, he only stayed in the Blue Ocean Mecha Academy laboratory for one year and already had a number of research results.

Among them, several are related to genetic research, where the alliance is weak.

This move immediately caused a sensation in the entire league.

For a time, all the glory came towards Song Mufan, and someone on the Star Network pushed Song Mufan to the level of the leader of the alliance's genetic research.

Song Mufan sneered at this obvious act of flattery and continued to do whatever he was supposed to do without even showing his face.

That calm look is quite similar to Tang Fan's demeanor back then.

Song Aifan, on the other hand, was so excited after hearing these remarks that he specially picked out a few examples of people who were afraid of chaos in the world and sent them legal letters.

Although the evidence was insufficient and the lawsuit was not won, there was significantly less discussion.

After this battle, although no one continued to praise him, Song Mufan still quietly reduced the number of patent applications and published papers, and improved the technical content of his patents and papers.

Those who are not an expert will not be able to see the reason for this kind of change.

And the experts who understand...

Either in the Blue Sea Mecha Academy or in the Expeditionary Force, Song Mufan felt very relieved.

I thought this would avoid those false remarks.

Unexpectedly, there were rumors on the Star Network that Song Mufan had exhausted his talent.

Song Mufan, who couldn't do anything right, rubbed his temples and decided to stay away from Xingwang and do whatever he had to do.



After all, Song Mufan's standards for success are different from others.

His evaluation criteria are not how much wealth is created, whether it promotes productivity, whether it promotes human progress...

In Song Mufan's mind, the only criterion for success is whether he can awaken Tang Fan.

This is his shackles, pursuit, mission, obligation...

Although it was a bit heavy, he couldn't let it go and could only carry the weight forward.

In the same year when Song Mufan was obsessed with experiments and papers, unable to extricate himself, Miss Olivia Smith, an older unmarried young woman and the head of Zhang's Mecha, finally got married.

Upon hearing the news, child Song Mufan's eyes shone with excitement.

In order to congratulate this cheap "aunt" on her wedding, the child Song Mufan specially purchased a large amount of Albizia Julibrissin from all over the alliance to Capital Star.

With the help of Mr. Li Banxia, ​​the Tao sisters, and grandma Ms. Yao, the transplant was successfully transplanted near Olivia's new house.

So for a long time, Olivia and her new husband lived a very harmonious life.

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