Mecha Forger

Chapter 643 Nice to meet you

Song Mufan looked at Mr. Li Banxia, ​​then at the closed door. He was stunned for a long time, then closed his mouth and pursed his lips.

Thinking about what he has done over the years, and what Song Aifan has done, the child Song Mufan finally realizes that the gap in family status between the siblings is not just because of gender and Tang Fan...

Child Song Mufan is a smart person. After realizing the key to the problem, he suddenly changed his behavior.

Although he still couldn't go to Tang Fan to gain favor when Song Ci was away. But when Song Ci was around, he was already extremely skilled at reducing the sense of presence.

Bad dad Song Ci expressed his satisfaction with the informed knowledge of Song Mufan's children.

Because of Tang Fan's awakening and Song Mufan's awareness, Song Ci's attitude towards this "accident" softened a bit.

Song Ci didn't think highly of Song Mufan's other aspects, but he did recognize his professional abilities.

However, the recognition of Song Ci is slightly different from others.

His way of approval is to use whatever is useful.

Whenever Tang Fan felt uncomfortable, the first thing Song Ci thought of was his "incompetent" son.

No, as soon as Song Mufan's light brain rang out and Song Ci's face appeared on the screen, Song Mufan knew how to run to Tang Fan's ward without saying a word.

From an itchy scalp to the aftereffects of medicine, anything related to Tang Fan was a top priority for Song Mufan.

Seeing Song Ci's nervousness, Song Mufan finally understood what Mr. Li Banxia said: "Parents are true love, children are accidents"!

However, precisely because of this, the child Song Mufan registered with Tang Fan before Song Aifan, who was busy with official duties.

Tang Fan is indeed a new mother who has been in a coma for sixteen years, but she has also been Tang Gang's daughter for so many years. Although she was not good at dealing with children, she also knew that the relationship between father and son Song Ci and Song Mufan was not quite right.

She was not familiar with Song Mufan, but she knew Song Ci very well.

Although Song Ci did not mention everything in the past sixteen years, nor did he mention the two children, given how much Song Ci valued her, Song Ci would definitely be able to vent her anger on her children after she suddenly fell into coma.

Song Ci frequently calls Song Mufan, which is indeed partly the reason why Song Ci makes such a fuss, but there are also one or two was Tang Fan who did it.


Of course Miss Tang Fan misses her son!

However, sixteen years are not so easy to smooth over.

Tang Fan "met" the child Song Mufan sixteen times, but still could not organize the language.

It wasn't until the child Song Mufan completed Song Ci's summoning task for the seventeenth time and was about to leave, Tang Fan finally mustered up the courage and grabbed the hem of the boy's clothes.

The young man's thin body suddenly froze. He turned his head and stared blankly at the withered fingers, motionless.

It's like... someone cast a immobilizing spell?

With the strength of the child Song Mufan, it was easy to get rid of the hand of a newly awakened woman who had not tried her best.

But the little boy didn't make any move. He just looked at Tang Fan with a blank look in his eyes.

That look in his eyes almost made Tang Fan forget the manuscript he had prepared for three days.

The mother and son were in a stalemate for a minute before Tang Fan broke the deadlock with a low cough.

“You were just born and your sister was only three years old, and I fell into a coma.

I'm sorry for missing your most important sixteen years.

I know that if you miss it, you have missed it, and no matter how you make up for it, it will not help.

But I still want to try. "

Tang Fan paused, then raised his hand that was holding the hem of Song Mu Fan's clothes, and said with a serious face: "My name is Tang Fan, nice to meet you!"

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