Mecha Forger

Chapter 645

Song Aifan's three years longer than Song Mufan's were not in vain.

What does it mean to be a hero who knows the current affairs? Song Aifan demonstrated it vividly.

For a ruthless person like Tang Fan who was at the pinnacle of his family status, Song Aifan took the initiative to come over to him as soon as he and his friend Song Mufan finished discussing studies and experiments.

Introducing oneself, taking the initiative to chat, serving tea and water, adding food and dishes, this is called attentiveness.

Song Aifan wanted to fawn over, and Tang Fan wanted to make up for it. The atmosphere between the two was naturally extremely harmonious.

Before the meal was finished, the mother and daughter were as good as sisters.

This wave of operations stunned Song Mufan, and suddenly gave him a new understanding of Song Aifan's limits.

So, when Song Mufan left the restaurant, he gave his sister a look of disdain.

Because of this look, Song Aifan silently swallowed the reminder that came to her lips.

Children standing in the clouds, how can they know what a mouthful of mud tastes like if they don't stumble or something?

How could the arrogant little prince remember her as a good sister if he didn't suffer some losses at the hands of the two old foxes?

Song Aifan clicked her tongue, turned around and held the hand of her mother Tang Fan, and continued to build the relationship between mother and daughter.

Tang Fan was very satisfied with Song Aifan's knowledge and insight.

It is rude to come and go without reciprocating.

Since his daughter is so polite, Tang Fan will not treat her badly.

Open your own laboratory and let Song Aifan choose mechas and so on...

In the entire alliance, except for Tang Fan, there is no one else!

And Song Aifan, who had short hands, had a few delicious meals from Tang Fan... Song Aifan, who had finished her vacation, really felt a bit reluctant to let go of Tang Fan.

Of course, Song Aifan still couldn't bear to part with her cheap brother.

Especially he couldn't bear to part with his cheap brother... the drama was about to take place.

After all, with Song Mufan's IQ, this is likely to be the only Waterloo in his life.

I’m really sorry to miss it!

In order to prevent herself from regretting for the rest of her life, Song Aifan consciously strengthened her relationship with Tang Fan.

While successfully seeing Song Mufan's jokes, the relationship between mother and daughter became stronger.

The only shortcoming is... there are many more and more complex tasks assigned by General Song for no reason.

With a clingy and jealous biological father, what can Song Aifan do?

Of course...accept it!

As a result, the "Love and Killing Game" initiated by Tang Fan and participated by the whole family officially began.

From then on, the family of four started this somewhat special way of getting along.

In the process of cheating each other, each family of four has its own winners and losers.

Of course, the one with the greatest chance of winning is Tang Fan, who has the highest family status, high IQ, emotional intelligence, and ability.

As for the losers?

Unexpectedly, it was not Song Mufan, a child with the lowest status in the family and low emotional intelligence.

He spends most of his time at the training ground, library and laboratory, and has much fewer opportunities to step on minefields...

In addition, since this kid climbed out of Tang Fan's pit, he learned from the painful experience and chose mecha piloting.

With the blessing of IQ and combat power, his chance of winning was maintained at about 70%, which was better than Song Aifan, a sycophant, and Song Ci, who liked to protect Tang Fan from disasters.

Although this way of getting along with each other is somewhat unconventional, compared with the well-behaved but cold and distant way of getting along with each other during the years when Tang Fan was in coma, it is a bit more humane and more acceptable.

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