Mecha Forger

Chapter 72 Attack

This four-on-one private training course lasted for seven days, but Tang Fan felt as if a full seven years had passed.

Many muscles in the body became very sore, almost to the point where it was uncomfortable to move.

Just when Tang Fan thought he would die on the planet Orlando, an unexpected video request interrupted the "experiment."

Song Ci changed his smiling face to greet others, answered the other party's video call request with a serious face, and performed a military salute in a formal manner.

"Colonel Song Ci (Major Song Tong) of the Expeditionary Force is reporting to you!"




No one else heard a word of these four simple sentences, but they could feel the serious and tense atmosphere between Song Ci and A Tong.

Afterwards, Song Ci stopped Tang Fan and Gao Shaogu and stopped the experiment.

After Atong invited Li Banxia to the starship, he quickly cleaned up the camp and cleaned up all traces.

It was only then that everyone sat neatly in the small starship they came from and returned home.

However, after walking for more than ten minutes, Tang Fan, Gao Shaogu, and Mr. Li Banxia were thrown into the waterway by Song Ci and A Tong.

Although the starship only takes forty minutes, it is not far from the Blue Sea Mecha Academy. You can reach it by driving the mecha for a while.

However, this kind of behavior is simply outrageous!

If Atong hadn't given Tang Fan a healing potion that made all his joint pain disappear, and all the minor muscle strains in his hands and legs healed, Tang Fan might have been able to give a national insult and greet the ten members of the Song family. Eight generations of ancestors.

On the contrary, Gao Shaogu and Mr. Li Banxia were extremely calm even after being kicked off the starship, as if they had experienced it countless times.

The old man even took the time to send a message to Tang Fan to explain.

"The expeditionary force does not have a real vacation. It is not uncommon for them to be recalled immediately upon notification from their superiors. Little girl, just get used to it!"

Even Gao Shaogu sent suggestions.

"Don't take it to heart. Watch the news when you get back and you will be mentally balanced."

Tang Fan: "..."

Following Gao Shaogu's mecha, he finally drove Tianshu and returned to the Blue Ocean Mecha Academy after all the hard work. Tang Fan actually went to watch the news.

No need to search, the headlines popped up on the front page:

At around 9:30 a.m., a group of star thieves broke into Jiuguo, a century-old restaurant in Food Star. They drove the diners into the warehouse and took them hostage. They planted explosives around them and demanded that the alliance release hundreds of stars imprisoned in Crime Star. Steal.

The expeditionary force has surrounded Jiuguo and urgently recalled Colonel Song Ci, who was on vacation, to take charge of the matter and try to rescue the besieged civilians and students...

As the most serious attack in the alliance in recent years, it is logical to select Song Ci and Atong nearby.

Compared with hundreds of diners, Tang Fan felt that his portion was not enough!

What else can I do? I can only forget it!

wrong! The sloppy figure that flashed by in the video looked like his long-lost, unreliable father!

Tang Fan turned back and took another look, immediately confirming and confirming that the missing person in their family was at the scene of the incident.

Tang Gang, when everyone is looking for you all over the world, you are actually in Food Star Xiaoyao?

Tang Fan was so angry that he opened his brain and immediately ordered a starship ticket to the food planet.

Unfortunately, due to this attack, the ports of Food Planet were completely blocked.

Don’t even think about ferry tickets.

You can guess with your toes that as soon as the attack is over and the port is opened, Tang Gang has already slipped away before Tang Fan sets foot on the food planet.

Tang Fan, who had missed his biological father, was so angry that he almost ran away.

But when I heard that Teacher Zhao Jingshu and Zhao who were on vacation were also on Food Planet, Tang Fan actually calmed down.

Then, the high-level instructor who was a girl control went berserk!

His lovely sister is just a weak woman who has no strength and only knows how to design mechas!

What if you happen to be greedy and go to Jiuguo to eat pickled fish?

The star thief who killed a thousand swords is completely unstoppable!

The irritable high-level instructor immediately drove the mecha to the food planet, and he did not forget to contact Song Ci to give him the green light along the way and let him enter the food planet.

Gao Shaogu entered and exited three times, killing the Star Thieves until they fell on their backs.

Song Ci cleaned up the mess with a smile and handed out a medal for senior instructors - the citizen award for bravery in a righteous cause.

Then, he told Gao Shaogu with a smile that when the attack broke out, his cousin chased the back of a man and left the food planet.

Gao Shaogu's mentality collapsed!

He had reason to believe that Song Ci did this on purpose.

However, this girl Song Ci still said something plausibly. The battlefield situation was changing rapidly, but this girl's mecha driving skills were not inferior to his own, and she also had a large group of brothers under her command.

Gao Shaogu went out angrily and came back tired and groaning. Gao Shaogu was not feeling well!

After finding out the reason for Gao Shaogu's bad mood, Tang Fan breathed a sigh of relief.

Although her unreliable father has disappeared again, at least his limbs are sound, his body and mind are healthy, and he has a beautiful woman following him.

What a magical day!

Tang Fan snorted coldly and ducked into the training room.

This time, he did not use his Tianshu, but rented the cheapest and most popular white-level mecha A1 from the training room.

As a first-generation mecha, the A1 is the simplest to operate and is known as a fool's machine.

Of course, the price-performance ratio has also reached the highest level, and the penetration rate has reached a terrifying 30%, far exceeding other mechas.

Among the mechas that Tang Fan had repaired on the Hematite Star back then, this one was the most numerous.

It can be said that Tang Fan understood this mecha from head to toe, inside and out.

Of course, this is from the perspective of a mecha caster.

But from the perspective of a mecha pilot, Tang Fan is definitely a rookie in the A1 driving world.

But Tang Fan is still Tang Fan. She is a woman who has driven Tianshu, practiced the standard tutorial on mecha driving of the Expeditionary Force, and passed all the basic tutorials to advanced tutorials.

From simple movements of hands and feet, to walking, to running and jumping; from subtle operations to the thirty-two basic movements of mechas, to advanced tutorials, it only took Tang Fan one day.

Whether it is accuracy or speed, it far exceeds the people operating this mecha from the Blue Ocean Mecha Academy.

The next day, Tang Fan changed into another mecha.

This time, it is also a white-level mecha, with a popularity rate of A2 three percentage points behind A1.

One mecha a day, Tang Fan, who finally cleared the white-level mecha, finally welcomed the start of school.

After school started, Tang Fan was isolated from the training room.

First, he was surrounded by four diners and couldn't spare time.

Secondly, after renting a training room for a vacation and renting a round of white-level mechas, Tang Fan's wallet was empty.

In addition to the credits on the card and the points assigned by the school, they are all gone.

You know, classmate Tang Fan fed Song Ci and A Tong and gained a lot of points.

Now, it’s all gone!

However, Tang Fan has no regrets.

He didn’t regret it if he didn’t join. He also told his four diners about the various benefits of this method and persuaded them to enter the training room.

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