Mecha Forger

Chapter 81 Awesome

That's it, forget it!

It’s not unacceptable to us that someone who studies mecha casting can draw a design drawing or something like that.

But young lady, you can’t just jump into the mecha and control the mecha in a standard mecha driving style 32 just because of one or two questioning voices in the live broadcast room!

How do the majority of mecha pilot students deal with this?

There might even be a teacher among the 100,000 spectators.

Seeing this scene, the teacher will have something to say.

"As students of the mecha piloting department, you are not as good as someone who learns casting in the thirty-two basic mecha piloting styles..."

When I think about it, I suddenly feel like I don’t want to go to school anymore!

The scariest thing in the world is not that others are better than you. It’s about people who are better than you and work harder than you.

Young lady, shouldn’t we rely on our looks to make a living?

Why do you have to show off your professional skills?

Just show off!

If you bring trouble to one mecha casting department, it will be over. Why bring trouble to their mecha design major and mecha driving department!

Being a student party is so difficult for them!

snort! Never watch your live broadcast again!

However, when they heard that today's Assassin mecha was just the beginning of this series, and the remaining three mechas would be explained tomorrow, they actually began to secretly look forward to it and tried to customize this series of mechas.

What the hell is this?

It must be that the current mecha styles are too low, so they had to give in to the looks of this series of mechas.

definitely is!

Who made this a world where faces are judged!

The same goes for mechas!

By the way, how long has it been since Zhang's mecha launched a new mecha?

Two years or three years?

If Zhao didn't launch a new mecha, why would they be so entangled!

snort! It's all Zhao's fault!

In this way, a movement caused by live broadcast began with great fanfare.

The first to suffer were the students majoring in mecha design and mecha driving.

The teachers took the video edited from Tang Fan’s live broadcast, knocked on the blackboard and told the students, “If a layman can do it, you must do it for me too.

Not only do it, but do it well!”

The aggrieved students finally made it to the end of school and immediately besieged Zhang's Mecha website.

"A first-year senior student can make a mecha, why can't you!"

"There haven't been new mechas launched in several years. Is it society's regression or Zhao's laziness?"

“Can’t people’s hard-earned money be used to buy a mecha of their choice?”

At this time, the video released by Tang Fan and the focus of several folk master paintings were also pushed to forums, Zhang's mecha website and other places.

"The heir to Zhang's mecha actually did such a thing!"

"Zhang's mecha is unable to follow up and can only resort to plagiarism!"

"Is it personal misconduct, or is there a problem with family education? --Talk about the plagiarism case of Zhang's mecha heir"

Before Tang Fan started his live broadcast, Zhang's Mecha, Olivia Smith and Tang Fan had already become popular in the league.

For Tang Fan, it is unclear whether it is good or bad, but for Zhang's mecha and Olivia, it is nothing more than a sudden disaster.

Zhang's mecha crisis has been publicized, but it is an indelible fact that there has been no innovation for more than two years.

The kind that won’t turn white no matter how you wash it!

Zhang's mecha also contacted Tang Fan and offered to purchase the copyright of this series of mecha and gave him a hefty reward.

It's a pity that Tang Fan, who loves money as much as his life, actually resisted the temptation of money this time and flatly refused.

This shocked many people, including Zhao Fan and Brad.

Of course, many people looked at Tang Fan favorably because of this.

Zhang's mecha was forced to have no choice but to follow the truth, so it could only ask the design department to work overtime and hurriedly launch the so-called "new model".

Looking at the completely different configuration, which clearly copied the design of the ancient martial arts mecha, everyone was really confused.

Originally, everyone just complained about it, but who knew that the Alliance Capital Star Court actually received a lawsuit request.

Tang Fan sued Zhang's mecha design for infringement!

You know, Zhang's mecha basically monopolizes the alliance's mecha industry.

Tang Fan, on the other hand, is just a small Internet celebrity who has just gained some popularity through a few live broadcasts.

Many people say that Tang Bao is an iron man, and some people speculate on conspiracy theories about who is standing behind Tang Bao...

Tang Fan didn't know any of this.

Of course, even if he knew, he wouldn't care.

Tang Gang forced him to go to the Blue Ocean Mecha Academy, which has already shown that his position is consistent with that of the Blue Ocean Mecha Academy on many issues.

Then, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, who are on the opposite side of the Blue Ocean Mecha Academy, and Olivia, who looks somewhat similar to him, can only be enemies rather than friends.

While he still had the protection of the Blue Ocean Mecha Academy, and while he was on the side of justice, he would give it a try first.

It is probably impossible to shake the behemoth Zhang's mecha. It would be great if the Smiths can make some blood to contribute to his living expenses and training expenses.

Besides, if Tang Gang is not dead, he will definitely know about such a big commotion.

If we could lure this guy out, he wouldn't have to play the guessing game anymore!

Although he is very talented, it is still very tiring to guess things.

Tang Fan's thoughts were beautiful, but the reality was very cruel.

From the beginning to the end, that girl from Tangshan Steel never appeared.

The Zhang mecha, who received the court summons, actually sent a financial director directly to pay the fine in one go according to the upper limit of fines stipulated by the alliance law!

The words of Chairman Smith’s wife Zhang Iwei were clearly conveyed, “Any problem that money can solve is not a problem!”

That arrogant arrogance is so irritating that it can't do anything to others!

After all, they really have the ability to talk!

But Zhang Aiwei did not expect that Tang Fan would accept the money calmly and then blatantly show the recorded scene to everyone during the live broadcast.

That’s 100,000 online viewers!

The entire alliance was in an uproar. They were surprised by Tang Fan's fearless courage in challenging the wealthy family, and they were also surprised by Zhang Aiwei's arrogance in ignoring the law and spending huge sums of money.

The live broadcast room exploded again!

I thought today's live broadcast would be over like this, but who knew that after letting go of the bomb, this girl could still talk about design and casting calmly.

Moreover, instead of speaking one at a time, three bombs were released at once.

When Tang Fan took out the prototypes of the remaining three ancient martial arts mechas, everyone was stunned.

The one who wields the sword is Colonel Song Ci.

The one who uses the spear, is that Lan Yuan, the dean of the Blue Ocean Mecha Academy?

After the principal used it to make a prototype, there was something even more surprising.

What does Tanggang, who wields a knife, mean?

Wasn't that amazing genius like a shooting star, streaking across the sky and then perishing?

You're actually talking about transforming a familiar person into a mecha!

Why don't you say that you are familiar with the alliance leader, the alliance marshal!

This is definitely hype, absolutely!

But why do they always feel that among the three mechas, the metallic luster of the Swordsman mecha is more obvious and dazzling?

Moreover, during the test, this girl actually chose the swordsman mecha!

Isn't he the subject of Song Ci Colonel Song's scandal?

Are the scandals about this female anchor true or false?

I feel like there is too much information and I can’t get enough of it!

However, this person’s test today seems to be a little bit different!

It's not the thirty-two mecha piloting moves I used last time, but... the first thirty-two moves of the one hundred and twenty-eight basic physical skills.

Little sister, you are going to defy heaven!

The barrage was very lively:

We are both students, why are you so good, little sister?

A moment of silence for the students of the Mecha Piloting Department!

The mecha pilot is dead!

Tomorrow we will have another course, how to pilot a mecha and practice the 128 basic physical skills. Thank you!

The ultimate mecha driving series!

Before you die, give me an assassin mecha!

Before you die, give me a swordsman mecha!

Before you die, give me a gun god mecha!

Before you die, give me a Sword God mecha!

Adults don’t do multiple-choice questions, but I want all four!

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