Mecha Forger

Chapter 83 Origin

"Yes! Principal Lan watched my live broadcast and greatly appreciated my idea of ​​starting a business. He actively helped me develop ideas and recruit resources.

I am now! Everything is ready, but there is no money in hand, it’s difficult! "

Tang Fan was the first person to talk about Lan Yuan's stinginess about everything except money. He was so refreshing and refined.

Song Ci burst into laughter.

But Tang Fan was quite candid and did not avoid his questions. He told him directly and frankly:

Entrepreneurship is real!

Lan Yuan also agreed and expressed his support!

The idea of ​​establishing a company is clear, and the resources are limited. The only thing missing is money!

This is asking for money in a roundabout way!

As expected of a student of Lan Yuan, his stingy and money-hungry nature is really the same as his!

It's a pity that he, Song Ci, is not rich either!

"Instructor Song, although I have enough to eat alone and the whole family is not hungry, I am not rich even though I am earning a dead salary!"

Is this a shirk?

Tang Fan was a little confused about this person's thoughts and didn't know how to speak for a while.

For a moment, the two of them fell into a brief, awkward silence.

Just when Tang Fan was trying to find a topic, Song Ci spoke first.

"Everyone knows Lan Yuan's temper. What can he promise you?

The school’s entrepreneurial fund? Or the mecha company that Blue Ocean Mecha Academy acquired many years ago? "


All at once, all hits!

It seems that Song Ci understands Lan Yuan deeper than he imagined!

Or maybe the two foxes, the old one and the young one, had already communicated behind his back?

Countless thoughts flashed through Tang Fan's mind.

Knowing that many things could not be hidden from Song Ci, Tang Fan simply chose to confess.

"Principal Lan promised to get me some professional qualifications, transfer the copyright of the internal components of the mecha company to me, and also get the copyright of the standard mecha for me. No more, and it will be gone!"

After hearing Tang Fan's answer, Song Ci spat out the salty soda.

He really didn't know whether to call Lan Yuan cunning and cunning, or whether he should call Tang Fan innocent.

"That's it? Do you dare to open a company?"

Tang Fan noticed something was wrong and couldn't help but squint his eyes.

"Instructor Song, do you have any questions?"

Song Ci nodded, "You also know Lan Yuan's temperament. He actually gave you a company for free. Of course there is a certain reason."

Tang Fan suddenly became nervous and made a gesture of listening attentively, "I would like to hear the details!"

Song Ci was very satisfied with Tang Fan's respectful attitude, and said with sincerity: "You can save yourself some trouble!

That company was bought by the Blue Ocean Mecha Academy from Tang Gang for one dollar.

Not only does it not make money, but it also requires a certain amount of taxes every year.

Lan Yuan is leaving this mess on you! "

When Tang Fan heard this, he also burst out in anger.

"Did I hear you right? One dollar? Do you have to pay tax?"

Song Ci nodded and continued: "This matter is a coincidence.

That mecha company in Leluo Planet is called Tang Corporation.

Having said that, I feel like I have some connection with you!

Although the taxes and fees are not high, they are not something you, a poor student, can afford. "

Basil star? Down syndrome?

Tang Fan couldn't help but squint his eyes.

It’s not that I feel there is a connection, but there is indeed a connection.

His unreliable father, I heard, is from Basil Star!

Tang Fan asked calmly: "How could such a good company be sold for just one dollar?"

Song Ci changed his gossipy face and said with a smile, "It's a long story.

The head of the Tang family is a loving couple, their son is smart, and their daughter is cute and naive. They can be considered happy.

Until seventeen years ago, the youngest daughter of the Tang family deliberately hired a tutor in order to prepare for the Blue Sea Mecha Academy. Everything changed.

His little daughter actually fell in love with that tutor.

The Tang family couple was not optimistic about the tutor. After a little obstruction, the tutor left Basil Star and went to Capital Star to develop.

Then, the tutor actually hooked up with Miss Zhang.

After getting married, the first commercial sniping case the Zhang family's son-in-law committed was a commercial sniping case against the Tang family.

This is also the cornerstone of the Zhang family’s transformation from a metal supplier to a mecha manufacturing industry.”

Basil star, Tang family, Zhang family.

After hearing this, Tang Fan's head buzzed and exploded!

"Miss Zhang, should she be called Zhang Aiwei?

And the son of the Tang family should be called Tang Gang, right? "

Song Ci gave a thumbs up and said, "Classmate Tang, you are so smart!"

Tang Fan, who was praised for his intelligence, was a little confused at the moment.

If everything Song Ci said was true, then he would have to reconsider some things.

For example, his life experience.

How many truths does that damn Tang Gang have?

Or, this Instructor Song...

Tang Fan murmured in his heart.

But no matter what, taking over the Tang's mecha has an extra layer of meaning for him.

"Are there any other problems with this company?"

Tang Fan raised the issue that he was most worried about.

Song Ci shook his head, "That's not true!

This company was bought by the Blue Ocean Mecha Academy from Tangshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. for one dollar. At that time, the workers' wages and unemployment benefits were all paid, and the debt had been paid off.

However, everything in this company, from company qualifications to production equipment, dates back more than ten years.

No one knows what it looks like now.

You'd better be mentally prepared. "

Tang Fan breathed a sigh of relief and gained a new understanding of Tangshan Iron and Steel.

A man who has to arrange for workers and pay off debts even if he loses everything deserves his respect, regardless of whether he is his biological father or not.

Tang Fan made up his mind almost immediately.

"I wonder if Instructor Song is free. Can you accompany me to Basil Star?"

Song Ci raised his eyebrows, "Why me?"

Tang Fan pursed his lips and smiled, "The dignified Colonel of the Alliance actually claims that he is not rich. As a student, I have an obligation to show you a way to get rich!"

Of course, his identity as the son of the Alliance Marshal and the Alliance Colonel is also a good shield and amulet.

Song Ci smiled when he heard this and narrowed his eyes into two crescent moons, "I am very satisfied with this explanation.

It’s better to choose a day than to hit it, let’s do it today!

I'll say hello to Lan Yuan and ask Atong to pick you up. Try to go as early as possible and come back early so as not to delay your study. "

As soon as he finished speaking, the doorbell rang in the dormitory.

Song Ci said with a smile: "A Tong should be here, open the door quickly, I will wait for you at Basil Star!"

Emotions, have you already planned them?

"If I don't nod, do you have a plan B?"

Song Ci looked at Tang Fan's serious face and couldn't bear to tell this simple little girl that they not only had Plan B, but also Plan C and Plan D.

After all, mechas are a major military event and cannot be ignored.

"Trust me, knowing the truth won't make you feel any better."

Co-author, do you really have one?

Tang Fan almost spit out his old blood.

Those who plot against others will always plot against them.

But, in the end, it’s hard to calm down!

Hanging up the video call in frustration, Tang Fan walked with heavy steps, sending a message to the four diners and opening the door for Atong.

At this point, even though he knew it was a trap, he still had no choice but to jump in.

I hope the pit is not deep enough to bury myself.

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