Mecha Forger

Chapter 85 Tang Mn

No one knows what will happen next second.

The Tang family is a family that manufactures Leluo star mechas. For some unknown reason, their descendants have never been very prosperous.

It was the turn of Tang Bingke's generation to be even more miserable.

Only a single seedling of him was left.

For their parents' wishes and for the prosperity of their family, Tang Bingke and his wife Zhuang Yuanyuan struggled for half their lives.

Unfortunately, after working hard day and night, I only got a son and a daughter.

The son was a few years older and named Tang Gang.

The daughter is a few years younger and named Tang Meng.

And then……

Because Zhuang Yuanyuan was injured when she gave birth to her daughter, and there was nothing more to come.

After five generations of the Tang family, there was no longer a single seedling left, and Tang Bingque was very satisfied.

With both children, he became more active in developing his own business and was busy socializing all day long.

His son Tang Gang is the chairman of the student union of Blue Ocean Mecha Academy. While working, he is also involved in the management of Tang's Mecha Manufacturing Company and has no time to spare.

Only the daughter was left, accompanying Zhuang Yuanyuan who was lingering on the sickbed.

Mrs. Zhuang had a daughter at an old age, and her little girl was caring and accompanying her, so she naturally doted on her.

Fortunately, Tang Meng was not spoiled, and instead grew up like other people's children.

The smart Tang Meng is proficient in mecha design, good at classical literature, good at calligraphy, and famous for his guqin skills.

It's just because I like delicious food that I'm a little rounder.

Fortunately, she has a pretty good foundation. She is not a great beauty, but she is still pretty.

The lively and lovely Tang Meng is only 16 years old, and she has become a hot single and unmarried young woman in Leluo Star, attracting countless officials and rich men to flock to her.

However, the little girl Tang Meng was obsessed with studying and turned a blind eye to the pursuit of those young men. She only had eyes for her idol - her brother Tang Gang.

In order to keep up with his brother and successfully enter the Blue Ocean Mecha Academy, Tang Meng begged his brother to find him a tutor.

After much deliberation, Tang Gang arranged for Tang Bingke's secretary, Willie Smith, a top student who graduated from the Alliance's First College, to be with Tang Meng.

The Smith family where Willy Smith's father, Quinn Smith, belongs is also a mecha family.

However, unlike the Tang family, the Smith family is prosperous and is a big family.

Quinn Smith alone has married four wives, and Willy's mother is his fifth wife. The family is huge, with more than 18 brothers and sisters.

This group of people do not have the life of a golden branch, but they have the disease of a golden branch and a jade leaf. They are not diligent in all aspects of their body, do not distinguish between grains and grains, and their eyes are higher than their heads.

When Willy was 3 years old, his honest mother finally saw through Quinn's true nature and divorced him.

After dragging her four children with her and barely surviving for four years, Willy's mother finally found a new partner.

Remarrying is inevitable.

However, the new family cannot accommodate Willy and his three sisters.

The four of them began to depend on each other.

Willy grew up on social welfare benefits and his sister worked part-time to support her family.

Therefore, Willy cherished the opportunity to study and performed exceptionally well.

It is precisely because of this that Willy got the opportunity to intern at Down syndrome before he graduated.

Willie Smith was a talented person, elegant and generous, and acted vigorously and resolutely. He quickly won the love and trust of the Tang family.

The noble and elegant Tang Meng has become Willy's target.

Tang Gang's arrangement was exactly what he wanted.

Willy was like a peacock, constantly showing off his handsomeness and erudition in front of Tang Meng. Besides teaching, he often told Tang Meng some exotic and interesting stories.

Tang Meng, who was locked up by Mrs. Zhuang, could withstand this.

Soon, the "teacher-student love" was staged behind the Tang family's backs.

But the high threshold of the Tang family made it impossible for Willie Smith to cross it.

When Mrs. Zhuang learned that the two were in love, she sent someone to investigate Willie Smith's family background.

Although she likes Willy very much, Willy's family background is really not up to the mark.

The Tang family was a powerful figure in Le Luo Xing. How could his beloved marry such a family?

As the saying goes, it is not right to be of a different family, so Mrs. Zhuang was polite to Willie on the surface, but she resolutely prohibited the two of them from interacting with each other secretly.

Willie "deeply loves" Tang Meng, but Mrs. Zhuang strictly prohibits it, but he still pursues Tang Meng.

When Mrs. Zhuang learned about it, she was furious and asked her son Tang Gang to transfer Willy to the Hematite Star.

But Willy "pretended" Tang Meng in his heart, but he couldn't help but miss him, so he sneaked back to Leluo Star within a few days.

At that time, Willie's third sister, Anna Smith, married to the Capital Star and was doing well.

Knowing that his younger brother was being squeezed out by the Tang family, he found a position for Willy in Capital Star through her husband's relationship.

Willy looked at Tang Meng affectionately and begged: "Xiao Meng, let's go to the capital to conquer the world together? You know I can't let you go! I will definitely succeed."

Looking at the infatuation and expectation on Willy's face, Tang Meng felt pained and entangled.

She was very conflicted.

On the one hand, she didn't want to make her mother sad, but on the other hand, she was full of yearning for love and marriage deep in her heart, and she couldn't bear to let go of the man she loved so much in front of her.

After thinking about it, her reason still prevailed over her emotions, and she only gave him an anonymous credit card and some nutritional supplements, and gave them to Willy: "You should go on your own, I will be here waiting for you to come back."

Willy was disappointed and moved and said: "I sincerely thank you. You can consider these as lent to me!"

After parting, the north and the south looked at each other from a distance, missing each other endlessly.

Tang Meng is looking forward to and waiting for news about Willy!

However, when men have power and money, they learn to forget!

After Willy arrived in Capital Star, he developed rapidly.

As a high-ranking official and well-paid, he was surrounded by crowds and beauties all day long, and Tang Meng became a passing thing.

Just three months later, at a cocktail party, Willy fell in love at first sight with Zhang Aiwei, the young and beautiful daughter of Zhang Duo, a capital star metal merchant, and they vowed to be partners from then on.

When he learned that Willy had married another man, Tang Mangan was heartbroken and fell seriously ill.

After recovering from his illness, Tang Meng announced to his family that he wanted to go out and relax.

Tang Bingke and Zhuang Yuanyuan discussed it, reluctantly agreed, and arranged a trip to the food star for Tang Meng.

Who would have thought that the good girl Tang Meng would have a rare act of rebellion and submit an entry application for Capital Star behind her parents' back and change her ticket to Starship.

At the beginning, Tang Meng would also report to Tang Bingke and his wife that they were safe.

Starting from the fourth day, Tang Bingke and his wife lost news about Tang Meng.

The couple immediately panicked and quickly contacted their eldest son.

With the help of the whole family, Tang Meng's whereabouts was quickly traced.

Tang Gang couldn't care less about the upcoming graduation ceremony, so he used all the power he could use to finally bring back his sister from Capital Star.

However, Tang Meng was not only unconscious at that time, but also pregnant.

The eldest daughter of the Tang family has always lived at the age of sixteen with mixed feelings.

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