Mecha Hurricane

Chapter 62 Already seen through

Chadway immediately found out Xia Yi's identity when he returned. Of course, it was only what he saw on the surface. His authority was not that high, and because Xia Yi had already enlisted in the army, with the intervention of some people, he helped her get the status of an orphan.

Zhishi's identity has completely entered the S-level permissions. Unless an insider tells her, her hidden identity will not be known at all if she hides it like this.

It's just an orphan with no family background. Chadway is sure that she was deliberately used against him by Nairn. The thought of that abominable Nairn made Chadway gnash his teeth with hatred. This time she suffered such a big loss, so it would be better to punish her openly. Now it's very ugly even in private.

Moreover, the women looked a little surprised when they saw him, and some of the women who were close to him even said why they wanted to abandon them. His popularity among women has declined very quickly, making it almost unbearable.

Looking at the screen monitor next to the table, it was connected to the star network, and the things to be processed kept scrolling on it. In addition to matters to be dealt with within the base, there is more intelligence from the military. The Melasti people are constantly attacking the base, and the main base has requested that more bases be transferred to him.

However, there were many bases that did not have enough manpower, and it was obvious that Melasti's army was present on the way here, so they stayed in place and did not dare to move. Several bases have asked Base 6 to send escorts to pick them up, but he pushed them away many times. If this is a good opportunity, then send them there.

So Chadway smiled sinisterly and asked his adjutant to contact Nairn and ask him to lead a team out to meet Base 18 and escort them over. But within 3 minutes, the adjutant reported to him with a grimace that Base 22 refused the order to respond.

"What! How dare they refuse to come down. My military position is higher than his, and the base is one level higher than them. I have the final say here! Just fine, then they will all be executed for disobeying military orders. !" Chadway slapped the table with a ferocious face and said fiercely.

The adjutant paused and said: "Sir, they are talking about the base security regulations. The security regulations require that the escort cannot completely leave the base and must focus on protecting the safety of the base. They say that there are enemy troops outside now. If they all leave, The base is unprotected. If we follow the base security regulations, they really don't have to go out. After all, we are a escort, not a team."

Chadway then remembered that he had used this regulation as an excuse to not send anyone out to assist these bases. You even gave me this set, you really don’t have any military knowledge at all!

After Captain Nairn refused the order, Xia Yi tilted his head and looked at the captain for a long time, and asked curiously: "Captain, is this a mission that does not count military merit, or does it count as military merit?"

There is a military room, but the captain who always uses the table at the end of the dining area as his office is obviously drunk, and his face is a little red. He said: "What kind of military merit is this? It can only be regarded as a mission. Of course, if you encounter something special, For example, the Melasti people can achieve military success in this way."

"Then let me go." After hearing this, Xia Yi tilted his head and thought for a while before speaking.

The captain looked at her strangely, "How much do you want to make meritorious deeds!"

"I want it very much, because I want to go to the front line." Xia Yi said seriously. Although she was still holding a milk popsicle in her hand, it did not affect her determination to express herself at all.

"The man you like is on the front line?" Captain Nairn felt that Xia Yi was really infatuated. Is it necessary to do it for a man?

Xia Yi chuckled, "Yes, on the most important battlefield. I just saw news about him a few days ago, and he seems to be even more powerful."

In the military report just three days ago, Melasti's Colonel Xiu Varode led his team and annihilated an entire battalion of the Nada Army. The Nada Army has listed him as the number one target to kill. Unfortunately, his offensive has not slowed down at all and is attacking Colonial Star No. 77.

It is a very important colonial star that controls the economy and politics of the 12 surrounding galaxies. If they are allowed to capture it, the 12 colonial stars under its influence will have to break away from the Nada federal government in a short period of time, and the losses will be huge.

A large number of battleships and mechas have been transferred there, and it has become the most important battlefield. The Melasti people want to seize this place, and the Nada Federation is not willing to give it away in vain.

"But there are not many Melas Emperors here. There is no need for you to transfer there after promotion. You can simply find a way to find a connection and transfer directly. For example, if the escort voluntarily goes to the front line to die, the military department will be very happy with this kind of thing. It's just right. You can get a young soldier to fill your gap." Nairn said in confusion. The things young people think today are too complicated for an old man like him to understand.

"No, I don't want to stand in front of him like this. And with my current status, I must be squeezing in the back to watch the fun. I can't stand directly in front of him. The chance of forcing him to do so is too small, or It's more convenient to have a higher official position." Xia Yi shook her head, it's not like she hadn't thought about this and asked Edi to transfer her to the front line.

But people despise themselves very much, saying that using useless things will only affect the war, so they just stay in the guard team and guard the mines. That's why she wanted to work hard to earn military merit, so that she could slowly get closer and closer to Xiu Varode.

Seeing how determined she was, Nairn reminded her, "Chadway just wants to kill you. The tasks should be very dangerous."

"As long as I can achieve military merit, I don't care about anything else." Xia Yi smiled confidently.

"Okay." Life is her own, and any decision she makes is her business, so the captain agreed. Clark also jumped up excitedly and asked to go with Xia Yi, but was ruthlessly rejected by the captain. This made him, a well-educated young man, finally angry and cursed angrily for a long time.

Chadway was still cursing people in the military room. Except for the screen monitor, he smashed everything else on the table. The reason why he kept this thing without smashing it was not because he wanted to part with it, but because he had to use it to receive the orders from above. Otherwise, if he forgot the mission, he might be the one who would be court-martialed. Even if he wanted to smash such an important thing accidentally, the adjutant would not let him succeed.

Just when he was cursing and rummaging through the screen display, trying to figure out something to trouble them, but he couldn't just let it go, the adjutant received another communication from Nairn.

"Well, okay, I'll report to the lieutenant colonel first." The adjutant responded, disconnected the communication and said to Chadway: "Sir, Captain Nairn said that he can send a person to do the task,"

"Who?" Chadway was not very interested in anyone else now. Instead of the entire base 22 guard dying together, Nairn and the woman who kicked her ass and called Xia Yi must die. Kalic was ignored by him. He fainted when he kicked him, and no one reminded him later, so he didn't know about it. And in order to prevent the news about his visit to the spa from spreading, the ubiquitous monitors were not placed, and there was no way to watch the replay of the incident.

"They sent out light escort mecha soldier Xia Yi," the adjutant said.

"Great! Transfer her over immediately, and then ask her to fetch me from Base 18. If she fails, let her take military punishment!" This really came to mind, and Chadway almost jumped up with excitement. .

The adjutant continued calmly: "Sir, they said that Xia Yi didn't have a mecha knife, so it was too dangerous. They decided to wait until their team saved enough money and bought a mecha knife before coming back."

"Asshole! You're kidding me. Call her over immediately, go to the arsenal and ask her to get a mecha knife, and then arrange for her to go out quickly. There's no excuse even if you think of it! Now the Giant Space Station has been attacked and needs to be transferred. The goods can't be delivered at all. How long have we used military transportation? And we have to save money, don't we just want to find excuses not to go out." Chadway sneered and cursed. He had already seen through Nairn and the others' tricks. If it weren't for a mecha knife, it would be nothing to him.

The adjutant responded and planned to go out to handle the matter. He stopped at the door and asked uncertainly: "Sir, are you going to let her go alone?"

"Why, no!" Lieutenant Colonel Chadway glared at him dissatisfied.

The adjutant really wants to wake up this idiot. Did you send a mecha soldier out? If word spread, not everyone would know that you deliberately sent people to die. But Chadway was so angry that he had nothing to say, so he took the order and went out to do things.

This adjutant was not the one who was beaten by Xia Yi, because the adjutant was guarding the door and was knocked unconscious, causing himself to make a fool of himself. So Chadway, who couldn't find a punching bag, asked him to go to the escort team to clean the machine. Now he temporarily brought a small officer from the logistics department to temporarily serve as his adjutant.

As expected, Chadway hastily agreed to give Xia a mecha knife. Xia Yizhi was so happy that he could get the mecha knife he had wanted for a long time without spending a dime. There will be Devourer No. 2 soon. Devourer No. 1 cannot be retired. It is good to kill mechas but not kill people.

She called Bick up, and the two of them went to the arms depot at Base 6. The adjutant was already standing there waiting. After going through the formalities, the four of them walked into the arms depot at Base 6, accompanied by a staff member from the arms depot.

There are hundreds of people in the escort team of Base 6. The more people there are, the more military supplies will be. As soon as Xia Yi entered, he saw countless weapons. However, she was not interested in any of these. She was only interested in the mecha knife that was about to belong to her. Under the leadership of the arsenal personnel, she came to the door of a room with a laser beam as the door.

Turning off the laser beam at the door, the four people walked in. Inside, there were more than 50 mecha knives placed in a row in a special box.

Because Base 6 had money, they approved the money and went out to buy mecha knives for their own escorts. These things cannot be taken away but used. You have to hand in the knife when you transfer. Like mechas, each knife looks similar but feels different in hand. Therefore, even if the army provides mecha knives, mecha soldiers are still willing to spend money to buy one for their own use.

Anyone who is not a mecha soldier cannot understand this kind of thing about buying weapons out of his own pocket. Many people, including Chadway, the base commander, think that the mecha soldiers are all sick guys.

Xia Yi looked at these dozens of mecha knives and said to Bick, "Uncle, please pick the best one."

"It goes without saying." Piccolo responded with disdain, and walked towards the mecha knives with eager eyes. The arsenal staff and adjutants all felt their hearts skip a beat. This old man would definitely cause the base chief to bleed.

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