Mecha Star Wars

Chapter 132 Pink Girly Style

The departure day is eight days away from New Year's Eve.

After the logistics department's car took a few people to the square station, it merged into the traffic flow quietly and quickly disappeared.

Lin Fan, who was visiting Guang'an for the first time, looked around.

The location where they stood was the square in front of the long-distance bus station.

The door of the station is not that big, and there are three big red signs of "Guang'an Station" on it. You can see through the transparent floor-to-ceiling windows that there are not many people queuing up to buy tickets in the ticket hall.

More people hurriedly gathered in the other direction, swarming into a more magnificent building. There is also a sign for "Guang'an Station" there.

"Is there Guang'an Station over there too?" Lin Fan looked around and saw why there were two Guang'an Stations so close together? Where should they go?

"That's Guang'an Railway Station. We don't take the high-speed rail, so we don't have to go there." Gao Fei always takes the high-speed rail to the flight base and is familiar with it.

"Just take the bus to my house. You have to enter the long-distance bus station next to it." This is how Li Chunhua went home when he went home to visit relatives half a year ago. He led everyone in with familiarity.

"Many cities now have passenger terminals and train stations built together to form a transportation hub to facilitate transfers." Ji Yu thinks this measure is very beneficial to the people, "There should be a bus station next to it. Whether it is locals or foreigners, Traveling is very convenient.”

Lin Fan didn't see the bus stop in the empty square, but she felt that Ji Yu was right.

There is a larger transportation hub in Gaohe, with not only bus stations but also subway stations, where thousands of people shuttle every day.

Convenient transportation is one of the signs of a city's prosperity, and Guang'an has obviously reached such a standard.

Everyone followed Li Chunhua to the window and lined up, two people in front of him and two people in front of him, sandwiching Lin Fan in the middle.

Compared with the passengers rushing home with large and small bags, the group of four traveling lightly, each with a backpack, stood out.

In particular, they have an upright posture, are tall, have a good temperament, and are all handsome. Everyone who saw it wondered whether they were from the military.

It can also be said that people made unreasonable associations. Didn't they see that the woman sandwiched between them was wearing a uniform? Although it is not common, it is obviously the same system as the military uniform.

I have to say that the military uniforms are really nice.

Lin Fan was wearing a thick jacket from the reserve team, and a long coat on the outside to protect him from the wind.

It's navy blue thick cloth, the material is crisp, the fit is slim, and it reaches the calf length. The collar is still a thick black fur collar. There is a row of fine buttons on the front placket, which fully embodies the style of the general.

Lin Fan has lost weight now and looks energetic and good-looking in his clothes. Even though his temperament is obviously different from the others, it is indeed easy for people to relate to him.

After looking at the clothes, many people discovered something strange.

Why did that woman come empty-handed without a backpack?

Lin Fan put his hands in his pockets and moved leisurely and slowly with the flow of people.

This time she came out with only a few things. Driver's license with ID card inserted, house keys, mobile phone, water bottle, towel and toothbrush, two pieces of underwear, and dirty sheets.

Since everyone brought several charging cables and power bank, she just threw hers in the dormitory.

I don’t even have any clothes, so I plan to go to the mall to buy them.

She also doesn't have a backpack or a duffel bag. When I first entered 800, I brought a red advertising bag, so naturally it was impossible to take it again.

These things only account for a little bit of the bed sheets. Except for her mobile phone and driver's license, which were kept in her pocket, everything else was stuffed into Song Ren's backpack and asked him to help keep it.

Li Chunhua asked about the ticket time. There was a shuttle bus to his hometown at 1:30 in the afternoon. If it was later, it would be around 5:00. They bought the ticket without hesitation.

"Just in time to have dinner when I get home." Li Chunhua put the tickets away and said happily.

"Are you sure you can have dinner when you go back?" Gao Fei also collected his ticket and complained.

They had all informed their families in advance about their return home. Only Li Chunhua said he wanted to give his family a surprise, but he refused to say anything.

Gao Fei seriously doubted what time he would be able to have dinner today.

"Okay, I've put away all the tickets. I have plenty of time now. I just want to go shopping and buy clothes for Lin Fan." Song Ren put away his and Lin Fan's tickets together and found that Lin Fan's uniform attracted a lot of attention. , some people even took out their mobile phones to take pictures, urging.

After being reminded by him, others also discovered the situation. Several people gathered around Lin Fan in a tacit understanding, surrounding her in the middle, blocking her slightly.

Opposite the station, across an 8-lane main road, there is a large shopping mall.

Several people followed the instructions and went through the underground passage. They were surprised to find that there were many small shops and even a bus station below.

They quickly entered the mall and began the task of buying new clothes for Lin Fan.

As soon as he entered the women's clothing floor, Li Chunhua happily rushed into the nearest store and looked around.

It was as if he was the one who wanted to buy clothes.

"How about this one?" He picked up a pink down jacket.

Lin Fan sat on the rest bench, speechless.

The down jacket Li Chunhua took was made of fluorescent pink. The color was not only pure, but also extremely bright.

As a result, the dark-skinned Li Chunhua looked darker when he held it in his hand.

Although Lin Fan has fair skin because he rarely spends time outdoors, he can't stand such a bright color.

And, why choose pink? Aren’t the beige, brown, and blue colors next to them all bad?

"Don't you like it? It's okay. If you don't like it, let's look at other stores. There are still many stores." Seeing Lin Fan's tangled expression, Li Chunhua thought she didn't like this brand. He hung up his clothes neatly and ran out at the lead.

"Brother Li..." Gao Fei wanted to call him out, but was pulled over by Li Chunhua, and together they entered a girly women's clothing store.

"...He likes shopping?" Lin Fan felt that Li Chunhua was like a baby swallow falling into his arms when he entered the mall, and asked Song Ren doubtfully.

"...No?" Song Ren was unsure. After all, he and Li Chunhua have only become familiar with each other in the past six months. I never had the opportunity to learn about this before.

"..." Ji Yu often accompanied her mother to the mall to buy clothes, but she had never been as excited as Li Chunhua.

Seeing the helpless Gao Fei, Lin Fan sighed and quickly followed to save him.

I don’t know why, but Li Chunhua seems to particularly prefer girly style and pink colors.

Not only was Lin Fan unable to accept it, but the other three also looked strange.

Lin Fan is already thirty-six, and he is not a child-like person. Is it really appropriate to wear a pink dress with lace and full of lace?

"Why does it have to be pink?" Lin Fan really didn't understand.

"Don't all girls like pink? My wife likes this style. I used to accompany her to buy clothes like this." Li Chunhua said matter-of-factly, "If I had a daughter, I would also like to dress her up in pink. Tender.”

Lin Fan fell on his back and finally knew the reason. I didn't expect that Li Chunhua is really a good man who loves his wife, but this aesthetic is too biased.

She said helplessly: "Who said that all girls like pink? If that's true, then who are we going to sell the clothes in so many other colors in the store to?"

Li Chunhua was stunned and couldn't react for a moment.

He looked around and suddenly realized there were many more clothes in other colors than pink.

Right, who are those colors going to be sold to?

"Li Chunhua, come back and let Lin Fan choose." Song Ren finally spoke up to stop Li Chunhua's escaping behavior.

If this continues, Lin Fan doesn't know when he will be able to buy clothes.

It was almost 11 o'clock, and there was still lunch to be had. Li Chunhua didn't have much time to waste.

Many boys think that girls should like pink, is there any? Well, Li Chunhua is a warm man who loves his wife. Give votes to Nuan Nan.

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