Mecha Star Wars

Chapter 286 Meeting Jin Sichen by chance

When we entered Gaohe, it was the rush hour after get off work.

People who have been working all day are driving their cars at a high speed in the busy traffic.

The mighty and domineering one can only wait obediently at this time.

"When you buy a car in the future, be sure to remember to avoid the morning and evening rush hours." John Woo was probably used to this level of traffic jams, so he didn't feel anxious at all and was able to give Lin Fan leisurely advice.

Lin Fan sat firmly on the safety seat, looking at the endless traffic, hesitating whether he really wanted to buy a car...

The subway is actually quite good. Although there are a lot of people, at least it’s not congested.

"There is no work in the office today. Do you want to go back to the office or stay at my house for a while?" John Woo asked lightly tapping the accelerator.

"Going to your house? Isn't it too much trouble?" Lin Fan felt embarrassed to stay at someone else's house.

She and John Woo had known each other for a long time, but the real contact time was during the few days when he first entered the special agency. He went to 800 to visit her twice, and also went to pick her up, around the year before and after.

Although it feels familiar in my heart, in fact it's really not that familiar yet.

I went to his hometown before because I didn't want to delay his reunion with his family. In fact, Lin Fan is not a troublesome person.

"Okay, just go back to the office." John Woo smiled.

There is no separate break room in his office.

If Lin Fan wants to go back, it means that he has to visit his old friend nearby, and he cannot go to the living area to find a place to rest, and he has to continue sleeping on the sofa.

In fact, it would be more convenient for him to go home with John Woo. At least one person would have a room and both of them could sleep on the bed.

But now that Lin Fan has made up his mind, he has no intention of imposing his ideas on others.

Lin Fan didn't know about John Woo's sacrifice, so he started thinking about Xingchen with a leisurely expression.

"Can I find a place to look at the stars when I get back? I won't feel at ease until I try it once." She is a person with a strong sense of responsibility.

It was just inconvenient before. Now that I have to go back to the institute, why don't I check it as soon as possible?

It's just that due to the size of the stars, a wider space is needed. Otherwise, she can try it directly in her office without asking John Woo.

"Well, I have to ask about this." John Woo pondered for a moment, "I guess it won't work today. Many people in the institute want to see the stars, and there are also researchers who took over your files, so the location is not difficult, and it should be necessary. Wait until these people are gathered together.”

Lin Fan counted silently in his mind.

Director Zhu probably wants to see it, and John Woo is naturally there too. The researchers can't go to work tomorrow, so it's probably not until tomorrow at the earliest.

Okay, just one night.

"It will be embarrassing if I can't transform by then." Lin Fan worriedly held his cheek with his little hand. "I'd probably die of embarrassment."

Thinking that so many people were waiting helplessly but getting nothing in the end, Lin Fan had already started thinking in advance about how to end things politely and without losing embarrassment.

"It's okay. Even if you can't transform for the time being, don't be afraid. Just think that everyone is here to recognize your face and get familiar with each other." John Woo comforted him, "After all, not many people in the institute have seen you."

also. Lin Fan nodded. When the time comes, the new product display will be changed to a meeting with newcomers, which will probably not be too bad.

The two of them chatted all the way, and when they entered the parking lot of the special agency, the lights were already on outside.

John Woo carried large and small bags and sent the things back to Lin Fan's office first. Then he took her to the equipment department and sent her old mobile phone that couldn't be charged for repair. By the way, she left her new phone there to install the device.

The Special Bureau and 800 originally installed dual monitoring equipment on Lin Fan's mobile phone. Now that he has changed his mobile phone, they naturally have to move it over.

After finishing their business, the two of them went to the canteen to find food together.

Probably because he was used to being held these days, Lin Fan unconsciously took John Woo's hand.

John Woo glanced at it without saying a word. This sudden surprise was once in a while...

As soon as I got out of the elevator, I saw an acquaintance.

Jin Sichen is having a very pleasant year.

No tasks, no surprises.

He had stocked up on a bunch of delicious food at home and lay down comfortably for a few days. The TV series was on from morning to night, which was really enjoyable.

Before going to work tomorrow, he felt that he should adapt to his work schedule in advance, so he went out to look for food.

After a delicious meal, I walked leisurely to the elevator, ready to go back and watch the TV series just now.

When he raised his eyes, he saw John Woo coming out with a child in his hands.

"Hey, Wu Te, whose child are you bringing to dinner?" Jin Sichen teased. "He quite has the potential to be a nanny..."

When he came closer, he glanced at the little girl who was being held, and he felt inexplicably familiar. I took a few more glances... Hey, why do I feel like Lin Fan...

Look again at the familiar look in her big, watery eyes...

"...Lin Fan?" An unbelievable answer popped into Jin Sichen's mind, and his brows were furrowed like a knot.

"Hey, Jin Sichen, happy New Year!" Lin Fan smiled and raised his other hand to wave.

...Jin Sichen lowered his eyes and looked at the little man who only reached his thighs, then stiffly turned his head to look at John Woo.

What's going on?

"Alas..." John Woo knew that when meeting an acquaintance, he would inevitably have to explain himself.

Unexpectedly, the first person he met was Jin Sichen, who was most familiar with Lin Fan. "That's right. Don't leave. Help me prepare food."

When Lin Fan was at their home, Wu's mother was always afraid that her child would be full, so she controlled her food intake.

If there weren't a lot of snacks at home that Wu Ma could eat when she wasn't looking, she would have been so hungry that her chest was touching her belly.

Now that we have returned to the special agency, we are still not allowed to eat freely?

Jin Sichen's curiosity forced him to follow the two of them to help get the tray, and served the people to their seats with good service.

Only then did Wu Yusen explain the matter in this way.

"...Anyway, this is what you see now." John Woo shrugged, "We can only wait for her to recover naturally."

"...No wonder." Jin Sichen rubbed his chin, "I just said that the chat in the 623 group was so lively, but Lin Fan didn't say anything. I thought she didn't look at her phone."

It turned out that the phone was broken.

"What are you talking about? So lively?" Xiao Lin Fan raised his head from the bowl.

Jin Sichen took out his mobile phone, opened the group chat, and handed it to her.

"They didn't have a holiday during the Spring Festival this year. They all said they really missed you when you were here last year. Although they didn't @you specifically, they basically talked about you."

Lin Fan moved his hands for a while. There were quite a lot of messages in the group, especially Li Chunhua who talked the most.

"I was talking in the group the night before, but no one paid attention to me. Haha, when they had time, I couldn't see them again..." Lin Fan laughed and returned the phone to Jin Sichen.

Seeing that he had taken back his phone and was staring at her, "What's wrong?"

Jin Sichen was caught off guard and hugged her gently.

Lin Fan stared blankly at John Woo opposite him, not daring to move.

Jin Sichen muffled his whole body on her shoulder and muttered something. Only Lin Fan, who had an amazing ear, heard clearly.

He said: "Okay, okay..."

Lin Fan knew that he was afraid of the human trafficker incident, and he felt guilty in his heart. Tap his shoulders left and right to express comfort.

"So what's next for that guy? Don't tell me you don't know?" Jin Sichen quickly let her go and sat upright, but his face was very cold.

"Following her, we led out a gang and rescued many abducted children and women." John Woo said.

"So, our Lin Fan has also made meritorious service?" Jin Sichen clapped his hands and laughed, "I have to talk to the director and let him remember to apply."

Lin Fan tugged at his sleeve, "I didn't do anything, so what merit have I accomplished?"

"If it weren't for you, would that woman have been caught? Passive meritorious deeds are meritorious deeds!" Jin Sichen reached out and rubbed her little head.

Because of his childhood experiences, he has a heartfelt dislike for children.

Although I am a master of psychology, there are some emotions that can only be alleviated but not completely eliminated. So when he saw children, he always stayed away from them.

He never thought that he would find children cute one day.

"Next time you encounter a difficult situation, remember to take out your work permit and use it. Have you told her the purpose of the work permit?" He first warned Lin Fan, then turned to ask John Woo, and received a positive answer from the other party.

Lin Fan obviously just remembered the special purpose of the work permit, his eyes widened, and his whole body felt as if he had been struck by lightning.

When she heard what John Woo said before, it was obviously very rare, and she even put it in her small shoulder bag, but when she actually encountered the situation, she just didn't think about it at all...

But in her condition at the time, she couldn't straighten her arms, and her left foot stumbled over her right foot when walking. Even if she remembered, she might not be able to take it out and use it smoothly.

And isn’t using a work permit to deal with ordinary people a little too much?

No, that woman is not an ordinary person...

Seeing the changing expressions on Lin Fan's little face, Jin Sichen smiled and couldn't help but ruffle his soft hair again. cute!

As soon as I came back, I met an acquaintance. John Woo is not happy. Xiao Linfan changed again.

(continued from yesterday)

But I’ve already written a few more chapters, so I won’t change them yet.

Moreover, adjusting the rhythm is a process. I will try to make it faster and delete some plots. Please give me some time.

Everyone’s comments are always very gentle, haha, thank you.

If you find something wrong with what I wrote, please remind me and I will do my best to make adjustments. Sometimes I am happy when I write, but I can’t find it. Hahaha.

Finally, thank you all for your tolerance, encouragement and encouragement. I feel very happy to have everyone’s company during this time. bow.

I will continue to work hard and strive to write better plots. make a fist.

(Okay, I finally finished posting. There is a word limit for what a writer says, and I don’t want to waste everyone’s money by posting it in the text. I can’t see the word count on the pad, so I’m going back and forth. I’ve been working on it for a long time, and I’m exhausted.)

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