Mecha Star Wars

August summary and thank you list

It’s salary day again.

I originally thought that the single update in the first few months would be more than 200, but the double update in August, multiplied by 2, plus the perfect attendance bonus, wouldn’t it be 600?

As a result, guess what?

When I opened the payslip in the morning, I suspected that I had missed a zero.

Only 180.

Yes, double update in August, 62 chapters, income 180.94. Among them, subscriptions are 101.53, perfect attendance rewards are 20.8, group channels are 53.72, and third parties are 4.89.

The average daily income of 6 yuan is not enough to buy a cup of Mixue Bingcheng. This is only when Xinbaozi’s previous subscriptions are included.

how to say……

In fact, it’s not that difficult to accept your own mediocrity. Hahaha.

Hi! Isn't it just that I can't make money? It's not like I knew it on the first day. Although this time it's extra small, but if I can't make it, I can't make it.

Anyway, whether I continue or not is no longer a question of whether I have more money or less.

Well, more money is of course better.

I have also reflected on the problem of low subscriptions, and there are probably three reasons.

1. The plot is not good.

2. Poor writing.

3. Bad luck.

My luck has not improved since the limited exemption ended, so I won’t go into details.

As for the plot, I have been fighting aliens for the last month. In the middle, Baozi even abused her.

Is it a bad idea? Or do you not like torture?

I remember when I was writing about my daily routine earlier, some Baozi also said that it was too bland and that I needed to take a beating. It seemed like I couldn’t do it all the time last month.

That's the problem with what I wrote.

Well, I actually discovered that I was terrible at writing and playing. There's no sense of immersion like I imagined, blood pumping or anything like that.

But, I've tried my best. It was my first time to write such a big scene, and I was really lacking in ability, and I wanted to give up in the middle. But in the end, I still regarded it as a special challenge, and it was an imperfect but complete ending.

I think if I encounter a similar plot in the future, I should write better.

Regarding the issue of abuse, well... Actually, when I wrote about Lin Fan's injury this time, I basically didn't describe it too much, and it wasn't as detailed as the scene in 800.

Maybe my mind was focused on the battle, or maybe it was because I didn’t feel like I had much description of her injury, and it was covered in a few strokes, so I didn’t feel cruel.

On the contrary, there is someone behind me who I originally wanted to torture, but after you said Lin Fan was being abused, I didn’t dare to do it anymore...

Hahaha, protect yourself.

Okay, anyway, if you don’t subscribe well, it’s because you write poorly, so let’s keep working hard.

But because I have no money, I probably won’t have the urge to update twice in a short time.

But looking back, it seems like a good idea to use this place as a platform to share imaginary stories and daily life with everyone, no matter the money, comments, etc., right?

In fact, after I got stuck frequently last month, I kept thinking about writing other articles. Today I am still thinking about whether I should finish this one. Later, when Lin Fan goes to the universe, he can also start a new article.

But think about it, forget it. This is not my original intention, because external influences can easily change the original idea, which is not good.

New article... I actually have a lot of ideas, but I'm short of money right now and a little lazy. I'll tell you when I get excited and write it out one day. Hey hey hey.

I have finished writing the plot I am playing now.

It was difficult to write before, but after I finished writing, I suddenly felt that there was a big gap in my daily life, and I didn’t know how to write.

So I still need to exercise, it’s not enough. Relax, don't rush, and tell a good story.

The following paragraph is the transition before entering the universe. It also has plot settings and is not superficial. After all, I am the one who hopes to end it as soon as possible and let go of this big burden.

I hope my writing is interesting and that everyone can like it.

Okay, on to the thank you list as usual.

Thanks to book friend 20180418181330608 for the reward. Although the small amount of money did not go into my pocket, I received your thoughts.

I have been asking for a monthly pass this month, because there are so many monthly passes for double updates, and the opportunity is rare and not easy.

Thanks to the following Baozi for your strong support, hehe.

Put heat after card

Watching the Moon at Jinghu Lake


small cream


Book Friends 20180418181330608

Feng Linger

Yile cookies


Book Friends 20180810054936513

Book friend 160717164154511

My fainting time

Book friend 150410135634912

Xisha 8301

Night time


His Highness Xia Li——

And all the treasures who help me make recommendations every day.

How much do you know about falling ashes?


Postman 301

Put heat after card

Watching the Moon at Jinghu Lake

Lamb that grazes all day

Don’t be greedy and delusional, but be bearish


This treasure is an expression. I really can’t type it out. Who can tell me how to type it out?

Little book fan 53638

One bite and one glutinous rice ball

18 cute beans

light summer

Book Friends 20200720133013696


Mizong Xiaohei S

Remember to order sugar-free

Book Friends 20170902230820441

Book Friends 20180418181330608

croak meow

Book Friends 20180810054936513

There are a lot of new ones falling into the trap, hehe, thanks for your hard work, everyone helps me vote every day. It's great to have you here.

I will continue to calm down and work hard to write articles well. Compare your heart.

Chen Xiaokun

Morning of September 4, 2023

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