Mecha Star Wars

Chapter 813 The Tool Man’s Resistance

"You, you, you..." This congressman considers himself a civilized person. Whenever he encounters disagreements with others, he always tries to be reasonable and present the facts... He has never encountered such a rude retort.

For a while, "you" didn't even think of what to say next.

"What are you doing? Are you usually too busy or too full?" Lin Fan continued to argue unceremoniously.

"You have nothing else to study? Have you done your work? Why haven't you been promoted? Are your parents in good health? Do you have any pain here or there? Have you shouldered your responsibility as a son and taken people to the hospital? Do you see? Are you on good terms with your wife? Have you met her needs? Have you resolved all her complaints? Are your children doing well? Are they doing well in studies and relationships? Are you married? Have you given birth to a second child? "

"I, I, I..." The other party blushed.

"You can't figure out so many things yourself, and you still want to get involved in my affairs." Lin Fan rolled his eyes, raised his chin and pointed at the man, saying with disdain, "You want status but no status, and no ability." Ability, why do you come in front of me and point fingers? Why did I save you and let you, a white-eyed wolf, live for so long? "

There were small flags on the table in front of the representatives of various forces. Lin Fan recognized them at a glance as the small Eastern European country that he had saved from destruction.

Although the Lan League now says that it no longer has the concept of a country, many things are not so easy to change. The land grabbing is still tacitly going on. It is not strange to use the national flag to represent power.

Lin Fan didn't say too much, but people in the upper class have probably prided themselves on elegance for a long time. It's rare to see someone speak so directly. Lin Fan choked up because of this part. It felt like if she said a few more words, people would be confused. I'm out of breath.

Lin Fan didn't want to see what happened to him, so he turned away his eyes and suggested coolly. "If you are not feeling well, go home and take care of your children. Don't sit in the toilet without shitting. Seats in the Lanmen League are also very precious and cannot afford to be wasted."

I don't know whether she was startled by Lin Fan's quick words or for other reasons. In the huge conference room, there were only her crisp voice and the heavy breathing of the man who was out of breath.

Some people couldn't see it and opened their mouths to say a few words to calm down. After all, the congressman didn't say anything too extreme. He opened his mouth and was blocked.

"If so, think about it first. Did you feel too full? I wonder now that if I didn't save you, there would be no one to trouble me now."

As soon as these words came out, the whole audience was silent.

Lin Fan was completely careless at this time, like a machine gun, hitting anyone who came up and making her uncomfortable, and no one else could feel comfortable.

Originally, the idea of ​​going to space was enough to upset her.

We talk about space exploration and being a pioneer, but who doesn’t know the risks involved?

In the distant stars, how many people can guarantee their safety, and how many people can come back across time? Can you still come back? Lin Fan would not dare to take this guarantee even if he had the escort of stars.

This trip can be said to be an adventure with a narrow escape from death, and there is no return. It is not exaggerating to say that it is an interstellar death squad.

Lin Fan didn't have such great ambitions, she just wanted to live comfortably on Lanxing. Work when you have work, lie down when there is no work, fight for your life if necessary, beat up little monsters and so on.

She thought that her life would be like this. But she was still sent, to an unknown place, for an unknown period of time... and there was no way she could refuse.

There was a kind of nameless anger in my heart that had nowhere to express, but these people hit it up with no good intentions.

She originally thought that the purpose of coming to Lanmen League was to mobilize her before departure, to say a lot of high-sounding words, to appease and persuade her reluctance from all aspects, to impress her passivity bit by bit, and to make her emotionally emotional. No longer resist, accept your fate or accept the assignment helplessly.

Who knows?

The group of people chatted among themselves, but no one cared about her safety. No one asked her what she thought. It was as if she was just a screw without emotions, and she could be screwed wherever needed.

Her mood, thoughts, and wishes didn't seem to matter.

Of course, this is the meaning of ugly women. If she wants to implement the interstellar plan, she has to go...but it shouldn't be like this...

And now, he pretends to be pretentious and asks her in a high-sounding way what she thinks about using her vagina to create a test/tube baby? !

Damn it!

Thinking that her star is already so powerful, she can be considered one of the best on Lan Star, right? Now we don't have to suffer from the calculations of this group of people with fat heads and empty mouths.

Thinking about the face that he used to ask for help in the first place, now that he is out of trouble, he has transformed into another person. He has no memory of how he saved his life!

What about freedom and democracy? !

Fuck her grandma!

He treated her like this and kept saying that he would treat her children well? !

Leave that nonsense alone!

Lin Fan glared fiercely in a circle, and even Cen Fangyuan couldn't escape. He smiled guiltily, lowered his head and remained silent.

Things were unexpected. Unexpectedly, the person who was the easiest to deal with in the original plan suddenly turned out to be a thorn in the side, leaving everyone wondering how to speak.

Even if the mountains and rivers don't change, Lin Fan can't. There are two mecha men present.

Ovi used his eyes to signal the representative of another small force to speak.

The man glanced at Lin Fan fearfully, and saw that she lowered her eyes and no longer looked at the crowd. He felt more relaxed, cleared his throat, and attacked Song Ren.

"What do Mr. Song think of your part?"

"Song what Song?!" Before Song Ren could say anything, Lin Fan got angry again, "After I asked him, I asked him, do you think we H country people are easy to bully?!"

"No, no, no, no!" The man waved his hands repeatedly, "I asked the wrong question, I asked the wrong question. I wanted to ask Mr. Madden, but I asked the wrong question."

Antonio, whose surname is Madden, was smiling as he watched Lin Fan show off his power, but he didn't expect that he would be called upon.

Ove's face was worried, but the matter was already at this point, and there was no point in trying to stop him, so he simply kept silent.

"Ask me what?" Antonio asked innocently.

"Ask..." The man hesitated.

If Lin Fan doesn't cooperate, the forced test/management plan cannot be brought forward. All that's left is...

"Concerning the reproduction plan, what do you think of the genetic optimization plan we selected?" He saw Lin Fan lowering his eyes again. Antonio was still smiling, and he breathed a sigh of relief, and continued, "This time we have also brought the candidates. Why don’t you take a look at the venue, maybe there’s someone you like?”

He waved his hand and sat back. The pretty girls who had been afraid to say anything hesitated and stood up.

"These are all," the man saw that he was not blocked, and spoke more smoothly. "You can see if there are any that suit your liking. Any few will do. If you don't find anything that suits your needs, you can tell us your ideal type, and we will make some adjustments based on the conditions. Screening. We have unanimously agreed that because of the special nature of mecha people, the more children the better, so you don’t have to care about worldly opinions, you are all contributing to Lanxing..."

"Why do I feel like I've turned into a bitch?" Antonio said with a weird smile as he playfully glanced around at all kinds of beauties.

"Hey~ They are all contributing to the future of Lanxing. Besides," the man saw that Antonio was not angry, and put on a smile that all men understand, "Hugging left and right is still legal... a man's happiness But that’s it…”

"You call this making a contribution to Lanxing?" Before Antonio could say anything, Lin Fan said again in a deep voice, "Then what do we call it when so many people died when we worked hard and shed blood before?"

This section should actually be written in a more profound way, rather than being superficial. But because this plot is quite sensitive, I was afraid that if I wrote it, I would be sensitive to it, and it would be easy to shut it down, and I would have to delete it and change it later. So after much deliberation, I decided to write more superficially and just show the conflict.

The rhetoric also doesn't fit the scene. The reason is that I don't dare to get to the core directly for fear of being judged, so I deliberately write it in a very shallow way. Guys, please understand, this is the situation.

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