Mecha Star Wars

Chapter 841 841 Zeng Peiyong’s methods

Although the continent of this planet has only one plate, it is also divided into north, south, west and east.

Lin Fan and Antonio have obtained a lot of useful information from Zhang Qiang and Lan Bingru's casual chats in the past few days.

Among them, the Winter Palace base in the northernmost part of the continent attracted their attention.

It is close to the poles. Because of the harsh environment and the freezing temperature all year round, it is difficult for people, animals, and mutants to survive.

If it were just that, it would be good news.

But there are also mutants that survived on the ice field. Although they are not as ubiquitous as those in ordinary areas, they are much stronger than ordinary mutants.

Originally, some people thought that the Winter Palace was a good place and wanted to take refuge there. As a result, they were killed by the high ice resistance monsters on the road after they overcame the cold.

The monsters over there seemed to have formed a high-level defense circle, isolating the Winter Palace into an isolated island. People outside can't get in, and people inside can't get out either.

If it weren't for the short interval when the signal transmission tower in the north was repaired by monsters, the outside world would even begin to speculate whether there were still living people in the Winter Palace.

However, the signal tower was also built in the north, and the monsters were much harder to fight than those in the warm plains. If you want to clear the monsters and establish contact with the East Palace, you have to form many teams and spend a lot of money to go to the cold land, just to get that little bit of seemingly useless information, which is not worth the loss.

Over time, the monster clearing mission cycle of the Winter Palace signal tower has become longer, and the news coming from there has become less and less.

The Winter Palace has become the most mysterious base on the continent. I only know that the people in the Winter Palace are tough guys.

If they are really from the East Palace, then they are like chickens in the plains.

Zeng Peiyong, including Zhang and Lan, who had never heard of the two people before, now have a feeling that it is so clear.

"Does the Winter Palace have external channels?" Zeng Peiyong is worthy of being the team leader, and asked the important question at the first time.

"No." Antonio smiled and answered.

What he wants is a background isolated from the world, otherwise how can he play freely?

"Then two are...oh, I see." Zeng Peiyong didn't know what he was thinking in his mind, and he answered himself, "Then why did you two come out..."

"Just take a look."

This sentence is true, but Zeng and Zhang can't help but think of a lot of nonsense.

After learning that the two were going to send Lan Bingru south to the Penang base, Zeng Peiyong also had the same idea as Zhang Qiang, wanting the two to stay in Lincheng.

But his vision is bigger, and he wants Lincheng to be stronger.

Antonio didn't agree or refuse, but just said to wait and see, after all, they arrived yesterday evening.

Zeng Peiyong was tactful and didn't bother them too much. Before leaving, he asked people to find the men and women they drove away, and generously said that today's consumption would be on his account.

"Brother Yong," after leaving Tianwaitian, his subordinates finally couldn't help asking, "Do we believe what they say? It's just empty words."

"Then how do you want to prove it? Go up and give yourself a head?" Zeng Peiyong sat steadily in the back of the car and ordered to go to the office building.

The subordinate choked, that's definitely not okay.

"Did you see Zhang Qiang's look?" Zeng Peiyong looked rough, making it easy for people to overlook his delicate side, "That guy is the smartest, if he wasn't really scared, how could he do this. He was obviously scared to death when he saw me, but he still insisted on walking past me to Antonio's side..."

"That villain..." The subordinate said, "Indeed, that means he really thinks that man is more threatening than you."

"Yeah." Zeng Peiyong crossed his hands, "If the two of them really came from the Winter Palace, of course we should make friends with them before anyone else. A strong friend is always better than a strong enemy."

"So you are so anxious to meet them, just to confirm whether they are hostile to us under Zhang Qiang's instigation? If so, turn it around as soon as possible?"

"Half and half," Zeng Peiyong sighed, "It is indeed to confirm the death of my old friend. Let's see what they are up to and whether they can help Lincheng."

"But now it seems that we can't confirm anything." The subordinate said, "The Winter Palace can't be contacted at all, and it's impossible to confirm the identity."

"Well," Zeng Peiyong nodded, "Let's just make friends, don't worry about the confirmation."

The subordinate looked at the office building close at hand.

"You mean..." Zeng Peiyong's mouth curved, "How could the upper level not know that such a powerful character has come to Lincheng? They must treat him well." "Ha!" His subordinates clapped their hands, "Yes, let them test it. If it is, we will sell it well to the upper level, and the two in the Winter Palace will not be offended. If it is not..." "If it is not," Zeng Peiyong sighed, "I will help my dead ghost buddy get back everything that belongs to him." After experiencing the joy of a rich woman in Tianwaitian, Lin Fan felt that she was not as happy as she thought. Although Yingying Yanyan is good, there is not much to attract her attention except for her beautiful appearance. It may be because of her preconceived relationship that she and Antonio are like the boss, sitting there and letting them brush their performance tools. So no matter how considerate the action is, she has a barrage in her head and can't fit in at all. Antonio has been smiling all the time, hugging left and right, looking like a fish in water, very comfortable. She can't show her full range at all, and she wants to stay away from those strange handsome guys, farther and farther.

She probably won't be able to enjoy the so-called happiness of being together.

What's more, the mixed fragrance made her want to sneeze all the time.

Later, when Antonio saw that she was not used to it, he simply drove everyone away. After encouraging Lan Bingru to sing K for a while, she started playing a game specially prepared by Zhang Qiang.

Let’s face it, the games on this planet are really fun. Lin Fan thought he could bring one set to the Noah, as it would be considered a specialty.

If Zhang Qiang hadn't told them there was a beautiful night scene to take them to see after dark, Lin Fan might have stayed in the box all night, reliving the old dream of an internet-addicted girl.

The night view of Lincheng cannot be said to be very beautiful, but the bright neon lights are flashing, which has a unique flavor, and it can easily make people think of the distant Lanxing.

The sky that looks the same dark is actually not the same universe.

Lin Fan looked up at the stars in the sky and asked Antonio. "Where do you think the Noah is?"

"You can't see it anywhere." Antonio laughed at her stupidity, "But it should be up here. Maybe a bunch of people are surrounding us and watching our video as a live broadcast."

Both of them brought communication equipment, including miniature cameras.

Lin Fan is the second earring on his left ear, and the inconspicuous glass bead embedded in the middle of the small flower is where the camera is.

That earring was a magical weapon specially trained for her by Special Forces. It integrates common video, translator functions and other complex functions. Due to the special refining technique, it is small and unobtrusive and difficult to damage. You can switch between different functions with just a tap, which makes Antonio jealous.

And his camera can only be hidden on a dog tag necklace. It's so big and hanging around his neck, it's not delicate at all...

The communication on this planet has long been interrupted with the satellite because the signal tower was surrounded and destroyed by monsters, but the signal transmission channel of Noah is still there.

So what happened to Lin Fan and Anthony after they landed was clearly visible to the Noah through their cameras. Except for bathing, sleeping, and other relatively private times, the two of them would turn off the camera.

The communication is also always connected, but it is basically a one-way transmission. The Noah does not issue additional instructions at any time, and the two of them can do whatever they want. You can also turn off the mic manually.

Just like now, both of them turned off the microphone, leaving only the camera, lying quietly on the roof of the car, looking up at the stars, and chatting about Lan Xing's past.

Lan Pingru and Zhang Qiang looked at each other from a distance and did not dare to approach, for fear of disturbing the atmosphere of the two big men's romance.

That night, Lin Fan dreamed of Lan Xing.

I dreamed of clear lake water, green woods, the sound of cicadas, and the gentle breeze...

After waking up, I straightened my mood and went downstairs. I found that besides Zhang Qiang, there were also several strangers sitting in the living room who were dressed formally and looked arrogant.

They had been staring at Lin Fan since she appeared, their eyes full of scrutiny and criticism, much more rude than Zeng Peiyong.

Lin Fan ignored them and walked to the kitchen and saw Lan Bingru hiding inside.

"Hey, where is Anton?" She felt a little strange. Could it be that he hadn't gotten up yet?

"Brother An went out early in the morning and hasn't come back yet." Lan Bingru replied.

Lin Fan nodded and sat at the dining table, waiting for breakfast.

"Ms. Lin," a stranger said from the other side of the sofa, "please come over here."

"Call me?" Lin Fan raised his fork and slowly turned his head, "Who are you?"

I received a notice yesterday evening that the upper limit would be waived at 2pm on the 24th.

The last time the product was exempted was not long after it was put on the shelves, at the end of December 2022, when I was in the sun. Three consecutive days brought a huge wave of data. I still remember when I saw more than 2,000 subscriptions a day, I was so happy that I thought I was going to take off. Who knows, it's just a flash in the pan.

That monthly salary was RMB 1,200, and it was the only time I paid taxes.

After those few days, the data continued to plummet, and there were no recommendations anymore.

I have also gone from chasing data every day to now no longer caring.

More than a year has passed, and I don’t dare to expect it to take off. I just hope that there will be another wave of data and my salary will increase, which will give me more motivation to code.

Hehe, I love you.

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