Mecha Star Wars

Chapter 867 How could he be here?

What a woman's intuition.

What's the difference between this and relying on gambling when encountering problems, and relying on guessing to solve all problems?

Their Noah has been holding the high-tech banner on Tiandu Planet, but now the two pioneers are just relying on intuition...

Although everyone is well aware of this matter, and there really are no clues after all, is it really okay for you to say so righteously that you believe it?

Lin Fan didn't know how to react to his words. He remained speechless for two seconds, then turned around and continued swimming forward.

"Ahem," Cen Fangyuan smiled and rounded him up, "What he said is not completely unreasonable. Your induction of the energy of the World Tree is also an aspect of intuition, and the decline in data is the best proof. ”

"That's right, that's what I said." Antonio agreed without hesitation.

Lin Fan didn't want to deal with anyone and felt a lot of pressure.

"Ignore them," Jin Sichen said. "The survival of Tiandu Star has nothing to do with you. What you are doing now has already helped them a lot. If you can't find them, it's just a return to the original point. Relax, it's okay." of."

"Yes, yes, that's what I mean too." Antonio also reacted and quickly agreed.

Then he saw Xingchen glance at him intently. Although blocked by the mask, he seemed to have seen Lin Fan's eyes.

Woohoo~ I'm disgusted.

Although Jin Sichen's words greatly relieved Lin Fan's psychological burden, from the bottom of her heart, she also wanted to explore the secrets of the Tiandu Star World Tree and its keeper.

What's more, the World Tree also has a recording function. If it can be found, the causes and changes of the end of the world... everything will be revealed.

After a long period of exploration, knocking out dozens of small fish in the process, and killing a few large fish as a last resort, a relatively small range was finally delineated based on the comparison of radiation data fluctuations.

At this time, the two of them had been under the sea for more than twenty hours. They had accumulated a lot of fatigue and the diving depth had reached a dangerous critical value.

If Lin Fan hadn't felt smooth and wanted to work hard, they would have come up long ago.

The process of rising up was very fast. Xingchen and Apollo rushed up without any scruples, pushing to the maximum. There was no need to worry about the monsters that could not be avoided. They cut them one by one, leaving only pieces of blood behind them, causing even greater damage. mess.

A large number of mutated fish sensed the movement of the sea water and quickly surrounded them, but what greeted them was only two columns of white water mist and a new round of fighting...

After escaping from the seawater through the stagnant floating layer on the sea surface, both of them felt unprecedentedly relaxed, as if they had taken off their roller skates after an afternoon at the roller skating rink, and their feet had lost control of gravity, feeling soft and light.

After being frustrated for a long time, the two people soared into the sky and rolled several times on the clouds before following the navigation back to Lincheng Pier.

After the mecha was disarmed, both of their faces turned slightly red. They didn't know whether it was because they were too happy just now or because they stayed in the sea for too long.

The medical staff quickly surrounded the two people and began a simple physical examination. The equipment man also put away the video headset handed over by the two people.

Originally it was still a soft hat and half helmet in Lanxing, but now it has been streamlined into a headset look.

There are two stainless steel-colored metal rings. One side has a curved closed mouth that is pressed behind the ear, and the other side is a black over-ear headset. There is a rotatable transparent eyepiece above it, which can be pulled down to the front of the eyes, and pushed up when not in use. The black eye mask on the lower layer is placed above the metal ring and is integrated.

This was something that Lao P took out to express his merits after the establishment of the Lan League. H saw that the function was indeed good, and Lin Fan didn't really need a soft hat to protect his head, so he adopted it.

The combat uniform has also been newly designed. I have to say that although Lao P is not a good character, his research on materials is indeed much faster.

Party H didn’t say that he was embarrassed and wanted to save face. Use whatever you can, it will benefit yourself anyway, so what if you let Lao P be publicized for a while?

In the open space on the pier in front of the Noah, a group of people were busy.

Wu Yi, as the nurse who was most familiar with Lin Fan, naturally surrounded her. The doctor upstream of her was a fat, silly, curly-haired middle-aged man. Because there is a lot of meat, the whole person always looks happy.

Lin Fan once asked Wu Yi privately, is it okay for doctors to be so fat?

Wu Yi said, naturally it is not good. Most of the doctors on Kelan Planet are busy day and night, and have eating disorders. They seem to be busy non-stop, but there is already an endocrine problem, and there is nothing that can be done about getting fat.

Only then did Lin Fan realize that the fat doctor didn't really eat too much. It might have been caused by hunger and satiation. Understanding means understanding: "But isn't it already less busy on the Noah?"

There are several doctors on board the ship, and there are more than a thousand responsible people, and they are all in excellent physical condition. Throughout the year, the medical department is busy with physical examinations, or minor injuries suffered by the escort crew members during the competition, so they shouldn't be too busy anymore, right?

"Oh, that," Wu Yi immediately knew who she was talking about, "He is in a special situation. He gained weight because he was sick and took medicine in the early years, you know. He is better now, but he is not as good as you were back then. I am so determined, losing weight is always intermittent, and I am middle-aged..."

Wu Yi spread his hands and expressed his helplessness: "For weight loss, let's divide it among people. I also belong to the group of people who are not determined."

Lin Fan thought Wu Yi was cute because of her round figure. She patted her shoulder and comforted her, "I think you are just right. No one stipulates what kind of body shape is the best, right? I think being healthy, comfortable and happy is good. Everyone has skinny skin and a pointed face... Oh~ I'm sorry I can't appreciate it."

She shook her whole body as she spoke, and her expression was very vivid, which made Wu Yi laugh. As expected, she never mentioned losing weight again.

These two people were not the focus. What she really cared about was...

Lin Fan turned her head to look at the people surrounding Antonio. There was a figure who was busy with his back to her.

The other party seemed to have noticed the strong scrutiny. When he turned back to see her, he grinned and called her "sister".

It was still a name that made people feel sick. Among the people Lin Fan knew, only one adult had called her like this - Lu An.

She never thought that this person would appear on the Noah.

When she met him before, he had been hungry for a few days. His condition was not good. He was injured, dehydrated, and his whole body was dirty. So Lin Fan didn't recognize him at first. It was not until I went to the medical department to visit Wu Yi later that I regained my memory by his soul-stirring name.

Who is Lu An?

The first mission Lin Fan took during his time back to the Special Affairs Office after 800, was to rescue the travel blogger in a helicopter.

Feng Chuang was also rescued, the guy who was later linked to the Gro invasion, but no evidence could be found. In the end, only the body was found, and it was not known whether it was him.

After rescuing people, Lin Fan forgot about them, and there were special people to monitor their misconduct.

But after Feng Chuang's incident, the supervision of Lu An was strengthened. Wu Yusen even went to Zhugang to find him.

Lin Fan heard them talk about the potential risks of Lu An, but he only stayed on other people's missions. Unexpectedly, he saw him on the Noah.

Didn't they say that everyone who boarded the ship had to undergo strict review? Why could a popular travel blogger who was questionable come on board? Even if they wanted to shoot a documentary, wouldn't there be professional videographers?

If you have any questions, find Jin Sichen. Lin Fan immediately ran to ask for advice.

"There are a lot of things involved here," Jin Sichen resumed his image as a person who is not easy to mess with on the Noah, snorting sarcastically, "Ha! Those people have dirty hearts."

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